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Chapter 790 The Last Day

 Tearing away the resistance of the air, Dao Gang appeared in front of Weishan with an indomitable attitude.


The golden sword that was chopped off was directly cut open by the evil blade and turned into powder.

They have the same moves, but there is a world of difference between the two.

Weishan's eyes almost bulged out. How could this happen? His moves were as if they were made of paper, and Liu Wuxie could easily decipher them.

The body quickly retreated, trying to avoid the knife.

The sword energy was like gangrene attached to the bone, firmly locking onto his body.

Even though I tried my best, I couldn't escape the evil blade's pursuit.


As the word "death" fell to the ground, the sword energy suddenly surged, covering the sky and the sun, blocking all retreat routes in Weishan.


The body suddenly exploded and turned into countless flesh and blood.

The laws in the body turned into spiritual liquid and flowed in the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron. As for the physical body, it had already been calcined by the demonic flames.

After killing Weishan, Liu Wuxie got a No. 7 again.

There are five No. 7s in total, and Liu Wuxie already has four.

The ten elders in the void shook their heads and smiled bitterly. No one expected that a monster like Liu Wuxie would appear in this year's assessment.

In the small Galaxy Realm, he has gained so many points that even if he rushes to the Star Valley now, it will be enough for him to advance.

Pour out Weishan's tokens, there are as many as thirty in them, and each token ends with seven.

It seems that Weishan specially selected disciples who were related to him to save time.

It doesn't make much sense to rob a disciple who is not related to you. Even if you rob it, you only get one point.

Including the token on Weishan, Liu Wuxie made a preliminary calculation and found that it was almost two thousand points.

Giving a token to Zhao Chao, but getting one hundred points, this is a suitable deal.

Along the mountain road, Liu Wuxie continued to climb. Occasionally he encountered some blind people on the way, so he killed them all.

There are more and more tokens on my body.

Like a snowball, because of the people they killed, they plundered the tokens from other people, and finally fulfilled Liu Wuxie's wish.

On the sixth day, Liu Wuxie finally turned back and headed towards the Star River Valley.

His points are close to around 2,500, so there is no need to grab any more.

After a night's rest, we set off back on the morning of the sixth day.

The speed is not fast, just get to Star Valley on the morning of the eighth day.

Returning to the plains, I found many figures wandering around the plains, looking for suitable opponents.

More than 25,000 disciples, more than 2,000 died in just six days, and more than half of them had their tokens taken away.

There are still some people who neither grabbed the token nor lost the token.

Liu Wuxie was spotted as soon as he set foot on the plain, and someone quickly approached him.

Just as he guessed, the battle in the last two days will enter a fierce stage.

No matter who the opponent is, even if it is his friend, he will attack without hesitation.

"What a hassle!"

Liu Wuxie was unwilling to continue killing people, so the assessment elders of Tianlingxian Mansion had been paying close attention to it, and it was too shocking to do him any good.

The body swayed and flew towards the dense forest.

Seeing Liu Wuxie trying to escape, the three young men who were closer quickly chased after him.

There is no connection between the numbers between each other. It seems that they have jumped over the wall in a hurry.

In only half a breath, Liu Wuxie entered the dense forest and left the three people behind him far away.

"I'm so angry that I was escaped by this kid!"

Their spiritual consciousness is limited, and there are trees everywhere in the dense forest. As long as Liu Wuxie hides, they can't even hope to find him.

When they were far away, Liu Wuxie walked out from behind a big tree and continued on the road.

Little did he know that behind another big tree ten meters away from him, there was also a person hiding.

Sneak attacks are happening every day.

Especially on the way back to Star Valley, it will definitely not be peaceful.

Before he could get close, a sharp sword energy fell from the sky.

He was extremely cunning, and without giving Liu Wuxie time to think, the sword energy was already approaching.

too fast!

The opponent obviously intended to kill with one blow. In this way, he had successfully killed several people.

Liu Wuxie had been on guard for a long time. The moment the sword energy fell, his body shot up.

He punched the air, creating a terrifying ripple.


The sword energy was directly destroyed by Liu Wuxie's punch. With his physical body alone, Liu Wuxie could kill Huaying Peak.

The sword energy raged wildly, and after being shattered, ripples formed and surged in all directions.

The man hiding behind the big tree jumped into the air and struck Liu Wuxie with his second sword.

If one hit fails, keep attacking.

"You deserve to die!"

Liu Wuxie was really angry. The other person was wearing clothes No. 140 and was of no use to him. It didn't mean that he didn't want to kill him at this moment.

The evil blade was launched, and a circular vortex appeared in the void.

The incoming sword energy was all absorbed by the vortex, and Liu Wuxie was comprehending the power of yin and yang.

Qu Su's eyes shrank, and the moment he sensed the exchange of yin and yang power, his body trembled slightly.

Liu Wuxie actually understood the two qi of yin and yang, how is this possible?

The power of yin and yang are the two most difficult elements to understand among all Taoism.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are common elemental powers that almost everyone can understand.

Techniques such as poison, yin and yang, etc. are extremely difficult to master.

The young man's long sword seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move, sinking deeper and deeper.

He was completely assimilated by the whirlpool in front of Liu Wuxie.

This result made the young man's face change with horror. He wanted to withdraw his sword, but it was already too late.


Liu Wuxie showed no mercy, and the Yin and Yang Qi suddenly exerted force, forming a huge millstone and swallowing the young man directly.


The physical body was torn into pieces, crushed directly by the yin and yang millstone, and turned into countless blood.

The real great yin and yang magic can cut space and reverse time and space, but Liu Wuxie has only scratched the surface of it.

There was only one storage ring left, which fell in front of Liu Wuxie. After picking it up, he continued on his way.

"This journey will definitely not be peaceful, and there will be more assassinations like this."

Liu Wuxie said secretly.

Brace yourselves, the road ahead is not going to be easy.

Unless traveling together, most people would not dare to make a sneak attack.

It is very dangerous to go on the road alone.

With the evil blade in his hand at all times, he spent the whole day fighting, and Liu Wuxie killed them all.

"Xiao Huo, clear the way for me!"

One of the assassinations, which turned out to be the first level of Zhenxuan, injured Liu Wuxie and left a wound on his left arm.

In the end, he used the Earth-Binding Lock and successfully killed him. Liu Wuxie almost won a tragic victory.

He almost died on the road at the first level of Zhenxuan. If he was at the second level of Zhenxuan, he might not have such good luck.

In desperation, Liu Wuxie released the small fire and let it clear the way ahead.

Because of its small size, it will not attract other people's attention.

Once there is danger, immediately warn Liu Wuxie.

Until the evening, when there was no more danger, Liu Wuxie found a big tree and climbed up it, planning to rest for the night and continue on the road tomorrow.

There is only one day left, and the trial will enter its final madness.

He took out a few spiritual fruits and threw them into Xiao Huo's hand.

Without it, you might have encountered several dangers along the way.

It is a timely reminder from small fires to avoid them in advance.

After killing so many people, all their storage rings fell into Liu Wuxie's hands. There were countless spiritual fruits in them, enough for Xiaohuo to eat for a while.

If it had been any other mysterious beast, eating it this way, its body would have been bursting.

The strange thing is that no matter how many spiritual fruits Xiaohuo eats, there is no change in his body.

Apart from the bulging belly, I couldn't see any physical discomfort at all.

Every time after eating, he rolled into Liu Wuxie's arms and fell asleep.

Along the way, Liu Wuxie also ate a lot of spiritual fruits, which made her physical body purer and her true energy purer.

Rank 10 elixirs are like jelly beans, you have to eat a few of them every day.

These proud men of heaven, whether they are sects or families, have high hopes for them and give them enough rewards, hoping that they will gain a firm foothold in Tianlingxian Mansion.

Everyone has very rich resources, and Liu Wuxie won't have to worry about resources for a while.

After merging the law, the resources needed were extremely terrifying. Having plundered so much, they could support him for about half a year at most.

Under the bombardment of a large number of tenth-grade elixirs, Liu Wuxie felt that his physical body was becoming more and more powerful.

It has reached the fifth or sixth level of Xuanxuan. This phenomenon is extremely rare.

After a night's rest, the seventh day arrived as promised.

The most critical day has come.

If I can't get more points today, I will bid farewell to the Tianlingxian Mansion assessment.

Liu Wuxie opened her eyes, and golden cold light burst out from the depths of her eyes. The leaves and branches in front of her exploded one after another.

Just one look is enough to kill some low-level infant transformation realms.

"Xiaohuo, it's rolling!"

Liu Wuxie kicked Xiao Huo in the stomach and slept for a whole night, the sound of snoring was very scary.

The little fire rolled down the branch and rolled on the ground, shaking its head.

After eating several spiritual fruits, my body grew bigger and it was no longer suitable to sleep in Liu Wuxie's arms.

After standing up, he raised his front paws as if to protest that he hadn't woken up yet.

"Let's get on the road as soon as possible. The further we get to the back, the harder this road will be."

It was getting slightly brighter, so one person and one animal set out on the road.

In addition to them, there were many people rushing towards the Star Valley one after another.

Try to enter Star Valley first before they ambush you.

As long as you enter the Star Valley and are not allowed to fight, no matter how strong you are, it will not help.

Holding the evil blade in his hand, his energy and spirit reached its optimal state, and he used the Ghost Eye Technique.

Although it cannot penetrate beyond ten meters, the ghost eye technique can predict some dangers in advance.

Passing through a mountain peak, it's about half a day's journey from the Star Valley.

Xiaohuo climbed up a big rock with difficulty, sat on it, raised his paws, and wanted to take a rest.

Liu Wuxie glanced around. Except for a few trees in the distance, the surrounding area was flat and there was no danger.

After throwing a spiritual fruit to it, Liu Wuxie sat down.

Even though he was not fighting, the continuous high-intensity tension on his nerves was extremely depleting of his soul power.

Just as he was about to sit down, the little fire jumped up with a loud sound, and a small snake with a triangular head emerged from the crack in the stone.

He opened his little cherry mouth and bit into Xiao Huo's body.

Extremely fast!

Xiao Huo is indeed a mythical beast, with extremely fast reflexes. In one burst, he jumped up from the stone and landed on Liu Wuxie's shoulder.

The evil blade suddenly cut off, and the small triangular snake was killed with one knife, and the blood dyed the stone red.

"Who is it, get out of here!"

Liu Wuxie was very angry, and with the help of a small fire, he sat down on the stone first. If it were him, he would probably get there.


This chapter has been completed!
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