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Chapter 950: Refining Two Great Treasures

 After Dongjing Xuanye entered the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron, he may have realized the crisis and released an even more terrifying ice energy.

"Scorched gold flowing stone, come out together."

Time is running out, Liu Wuxie plans to refine the two treasures together.

Jiaojinliushi belongs to fire, while Dongjing Xuanye is something like cold and cold. The two are in harmony with each other.

It is more convenient to refine it this way.

If time allowed, Liu Wuxie would never do this.

When refining together, many things cannot be fully absorbed and are wasted.

Time waits for no one, Xiao Huo is in danger, and he must use all his time to break through in his cultivation.

The burnt gold flowing stone entered the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron, creating another scene.

One side is filled with flames, and the other side is filled with frost. It can be said to be two extremes.

Demonic flames gush out from the depths and merge with the burnt gold flowstone. The rocks on the surface continue to melt and turn into pure flame power.

It looks like a flame, but it actually contains a hint of heat, like light, but it's not.

The demonic flames could not wrap the Winter Crystal Mysterious Leaf, so Liu Wuxie used his Taihuang Qi to wrap it up and quickly decompose it.

The terrifying law of ice surged out from it, forming ice beads that floated above the Sky-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Time passed minute by minute, and the little fire kept running.

Not daring to stop for a moment, the four men in black pursued him relentlessly.

The news about Qilin's appearance gradually spread, and many people have joined the team to kill Xiao Huo.

During this period, Xiaohuo was intercepted by several people and had to fight for half his life before he successfully got rid of them.

There are more and more scars on the body, leaving a lot of blood stains along the way.

Xiao Huo looked terrible, and the golden lines under his fur flickered in and out, repairing the wounds on his body.

The energy of the Jiaojinliushi and Dongjingxuanye was so powerful that Liu Wuxie spent five days refining it and still could not deprive it of them all.

",Speed ​​up the absorption and refining!"

Liu Wuxie screamed loudly and pushed with all his strength, decomposing the suffocating Taihuang Qi and wrapping the winter crystal leaves layer by layer.

Like a devouring giant beast, it swallowed up all the ice beads in the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

After these ice beads entered the Taihuang world, it caused snowflakes to fall throughout the Taihuang world.

A strange scene appeared, absorbing the essence of the Heavenly Tree, and refining the Spring Flowers and Autumn Fruits.

Now that he has absorbed the energy of the Burnt Gold Flowing Stone and obtained the Law of Winter Crystal Mysterious Leaf, four seasons have appeared in Taihuang World.

This discovery surprised Liu Wuxie.

In the wild world, currently, there is no night and day, and the stars have not yet been fully formed.

In addition to the power of the five elements, there are only the elements of yin and yang and light.

It means that the wild world is developing towards a more complete world and gradually forming its own system.

The four seasons are constantly changing. It was spring just now, soon turned into summer, then turned into autumn, and then came winter.

The heaven, earth and universe have their own trajectory, and the four seasons are just one of them.

"Buzz buzz..."

With the complete power of the four seasons, the Taihuang world hummed and continued to expand, and the true energy stored in it grew at a rapid rate.

"What's going on? It seems like I've been promoted again."

The laws of the surrounding space continue to collapse, and whether it is the power of the five elements or the power of the four seasons, they all pour into the world of Taihuang.

Every promotion will bring unexpected results.

The power of devouring does not seem to be that powerful. Before, it only absorbed the refining spiritual energy, but now it can absorb the laws of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the speed of absorption was so terrifying that the area around Liu Wuxie became empty, as if it was a dead zone.

All the laws in the void disappeared, and we entered the wild world.

"Prepare to break through!"

Promotion is definitely a good thing for Liu Wuxie.

After the Winter Crystal Xuan Ye dissolved, tens of thousands of ice beads were formed, all exploding in the Taihuang world, forming a winter law that rushed into Liu Wuxie's veins.

His whole body felt chilly, and the eighth level portal of Zhenxuan slowly emerged.

In just one month, Liu Wuxie went from the fifth level of Zhenxuan to the eighth level of Zhenxuan.

This breakthrough speed is simply incredible.


The terrifying Taihuang Zhenqi attacks the eighth level portal.


The door remained motionless, and the force returned from the shock formed a storm, rushing towards Liu Wuxie's limbs and bones.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Liu Wuxie's face turned pale.

"What's going on? The eighth level portal seems to be several times more powerful than before."

Liu Wuxie frowned and said.

Little did he know that every time he was promoted, it would be more and more difficult to break through in the future.

The benefits are also obvious. With continuous breakthroughs, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy and laws is also constantly expanding.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are getting stronger and stronger, and the disadvantages are becoming more and more difficult to overcome.

Take a deep breath, mobilize Taihuang Zhenqi, and continue to attack.

A golden divine dragon formed, passed through Liu Wuxie's meridians, and entered the eighth level portal.

"Open it for me!"

Mobilize the law and guard your whole body to avoid backlash.


It was like the earth was shattering, a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the body, and the physical body suffered a strong impact.

Another mouthful of blood spurted out, but this time there was a huge gain.

There is a crack in the eighth level portal and it can be opened at any time.

"Come again!"

Without hesitation, you must work hard. Once you miss this opportunity, you don't know when you will be able to open it.

Taihuang Zhenqi made a thunderous sound, like a bolt of lightning, passing through Liu Wuxie's body.


The moment the lightning struck, Liu Wuxie's whole body was numb and the pain was so painful that she almost fainted.

The eighth level portal turned into countless fragments, and the words and laws inside merged into the wild world.

A terrifying momentum shot out from inside Liu Wuxie's body, flying away all the surrounding ice, forming a series of ice arrows that shot towards the stone wall.

All the millions of high-grade products melted and turned into a terrifying river of spiritual fluid, rushing into the wild world.

It took several days to finally successfully break through to the eighth level of Zhenxuan.

Still devouring, the surrounding space continues to collapse, and the scorched gold flowstone releases terrifying flaming liquid.

"Continue to break through!"

Dong Jingxuan Ye helped Liu Wuxie break through to the eighth level of Zhenxuan, and the energy of Jiaojinliushi was still ready to move.

There was no time to think, and the liquid formed by the burnt gold flowstone flowed in the veins like hot magma.

The nine major gates of Zhenxuan are like a huge portal with ancient and desolate patterns carved on it.

It makes people shudder at the first glance.

"What's going on? The portal on the ninth level is twice as tall as the one on the eighth level."

Liu Wuxie looked horrified.

The eighth level of impact almost caused death due to backlash, and the difficulty of the ninth level more than doubled.

At this point, Liu Wuxie had no room to retreat and could only attack forcefully.

Only by opening the ninth level portal can one truly reach the pinnacle of Zhenxuan and comprehend the laws of Lingxuan.

After breaking through the eighth level of Zhenxuan, the true energy becomes even more powerful and profound.

Taihuang Zhenqi, like a Milky Way, slowly flows through Liu Wuxie's body.

It seems slow, but the power it explodes is enough to destroy the sky and the earth.

What kind of power was that? Liu Wuxie believed that if he broke through to the ninth level of Zhenxuan, even the first level of Earth Xuan would dare to give it a try.

It was just a matter of giving it a try. When his cultivation reached the advanced stage, Liu Wuxie found that it was getting more and more difficult to challenge the level.

In the secular world, crossing major realms is very simple.

After arriving in the Southern Territory, it is already amazing to be able to cross a huge realm.

Once you get to Zhongshenzhou, it becomes even more difficult.

Because in the later stages of cultivation, the gap will continue to shrink. Many people of the same level will fight for three days and three nights, and the winner may not be determined.

What he relies on is not his fighting talent, but his understanding of Taoism.

Galaxy appeared in front of the ninth level portal and suddenly exerted force.

It gathers the power of the five elements, plus the power of the four seasons, intertwined together, like water, constantly scouring.

The road has no edge!

The impact of a giant hammer can indeed cause a violent scene, but the force of the rebound is enough to seriously injure Liu Wuxie.

The attack on the eighth level of Zhenxuan just now has already caused an impact to the physical body and it cannot withstand the torment.

The water flow is different. It seems slow, but it can drip through rocks.

Under hard stone for many years, who would have thought that a drop of water could penetrate it.

This is the road without edge, sharpness may not necessarily mean the most powerful.

Huge waves hit the sky again and again, but the mysterious nine-layered portal remains unbreakable.

At this moment, the team besieging Xiao Huo already numbered in the thousands.

The mythical beast is one of a kind.

Kunpeng appeared in the Southern Region, and Tianbao Sect had one, but its bloodline was extremely thin.

Although the bloodline of the divine beast in Xiao Huo's body is not as good as that of the ancient times, it is comparable to the divine dragon clan.

Even the Qinglong that Liu Wuxie met could not compare with Xiao Huo.

It was useless for Liu Wuxie to be anxious, the waves were still crashing.

A thousand times!

Ten thousand times!

One hundred thousand times!

A million times!

Ten million times!

The Milky Way transformed by Taihuang Zhenqi impacted ten million times, and the Zhenxuan ninth level portal finally became loose.

A full six days have passed, and there are only the last three days left until January.

No longer able to break through the realm, Liu Wuxie had no choice but to give up.

The marks left on Xiao Huo's body reminded Liu Wuxie that Xiao Huo was in danger and was already making his final struggle.

Judging from his breath, Xiao Huo is not in danger for the time being, he is just injured.

Only then did Liu Wuxie feel confident and bold to attack the realm.


There was a clicking sound from the Zhenxuan ninth-level portal, and turtle patterns appeared on it, spreading continuously towards the surroundings.


The waves, which were gentle just now, suddenly became extremely violent, like a roaring wind, rushing towards the ancient portal.


A huge crack appeared on the ninth level portal of Zhenxuan, and a terrifying aura gushed out from the depths.

At this moment, Liu Wuxie seemed to have touched the great avenue of heaven and earth.

The several Taoist techniques that I have comprehended have all been sublimated at this moment.

Including the space technique, which had made no progress recently, suddenly became enlightened.

Every time you break through the cultivation level, you will not only increase the law and true energy, but also increase the soul power and wisdom.


Putting all his power together, Liu Wuxie let out a sharp roar.

Galaxy Pilian transformed into a giant hammer and smashed it into the cracked gap.


The ancient portal exploded completely and turned into a mass of fragments, falling into the wild world.

The moment he opened it, Liu Wuxie's aura suddenly climbed up, reaching the peak of the ninth level of Zhenxuan. He was only one step away from the half-step of Lingxuan.



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