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Chapter 10 Young Master Gu's Confusing Behavior

After the friends in the group have finished helping, she will finish the work.

Nan Qing took her cell phone to send a message.

The eldest lady: "Thank you for your trouble."

Auntie: "Thank you. We all grew up playing together. No need to thank you for this small favor."

The richest man in Kyoto: "It's too much to say thank you. Nanqing, where will you hold a banquet for your birthday next month?"

Nan Qing thought for a moment and realized, yes, the original owner's birthday is coming soon.

The most handsome man in Kyoto: "My birthday was held at sea last time. Nanqing, will your birthday be at home or in a hotel?"

People in this circle have someone's birthday almost every month, and they are used to attending their friends' birthday parties every month.

The children went to the banquet seriously to have fun, while the adults took this opportunity to discuss business.

The eldest lady: "I haven't decided yet, but it will definitely be interesting. I will send you an invitation in a few days. Remember to bring a gift with you, otherwise you will be turned away!"

In the eyes of many people, Nanqing is cold and delicate, but in fact, those who are familiar with her know that she has a lively personality.

The richest man in Kyoto: "There must be gifts, but they may not be expensive. My grandpa deducted my card again..."

Auntie: "......"

Your uncle: "......"

This young master, who is said to be the richest in Kyoto, is rich, but in fact he is suspended from his home every three days, making him miserable.

Nan Qing stopped reading the chat messages. She was sitting on the sofa holding a pillow. Her cell phone was ringing at the moment. It was a call from the principal. She didn't need to think about it to know what the principal was calling for.

Nan Qing was stunned for a few dozen seconds before answering the phone. He answered the phone without saying a word.

The principal over there was already a little frightened.

The old principal was promoted. He had only been in office for more than a year. During this year, he acted cautiously. He never thought that one day he would encounter such a thing.

He had seen clearly what happened on this forum just now. It was not only the victim, Miss Nanqing, but also many rich second-generation students at school who were involved.

If he can't handle this matter well, he will be the principal's chair.

"Ms. Nan, I'm sorry. It's because I didn't manage the school forum posts strictly enough that such mistakes occurred. In ten minutes, the school will severely punish the student who took the lead. And... Nan

Do you have any instructions, madam?"

The girl sat cross-legged, holding a soft pillow in her hand. She smiled and said lightly: "The previous principal had a lot of cooperation with my father in building the campus during his tenure. My father acted in a low-key manner, but is the school going to issue one?"

How about an announcement?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

After saying a few words, Nan Qing hung up the phone.

These trivial matters are better to be solved quickly. She doesn't like to waste time on such things. If she has time, it is better to do tasks or enjoy a healthy life.

Ten minutes later, the school's official Weibo and forum directly announced the punishment for some students.

The word "make a mistake" means taking the lead in causing trouble and slandering the reputation of others. Everyone will know what this is about at a glance.

Some students will be given major demerits, while others will be expelled directly. Students with bad conduct will not be accepted by the school.

Some posts that fanned rumors and spread rumors were handed over directly to the public security organs. The Internet is not a lawless place, and everyone must be responsible for their own words and deeds.

There were all kinds of rumors in the morning, a series of slaps in the face at noon that shocked people to the point where they couldn't close their mouths, and in the afternoon it was the school's tough and strict handling attitude. The turn of the day made people stunned.

It wasn't over yet, the school also issued a thank you letter that night.

Thanks to Mr. Nan Tianhao for donating several libraries and single-family apartment dormitories to the construction of the school.

This happened several years ago, why are you so grateful all of a sudden?

There are always people who are curious and can't help but ask who this Mr. Nan Tianhao is.

In the evening, the forum exploded again!

[Mr. Nan who donated the library apartment dormitory is actually a real estate tycoon!]

[Shocking: Nan Tianhao is Nan Qing’s father! 】

【Real lady!】

The forum is full of posts like this, and each post has tens of thousands of comments. You can imagine how enthusiastic everyone is about eating melons.

With this reversal, who dares to say that she is a peripheral woman?

What's wrong with people living in a single-family apartment? Her family paid for it.

Does it mean that a girl has a dirty status when she goes out in the evening and is picked up by a luxury car? Shouldn't this girl be allowed to have money herself? Doesn't the family already have money?

The post in the morning was full of sourness and jealousy. In real life, there are always some people who hate the rich.

These things have been discussed on the forum for less than half a month. Later, every time Nan Qing made a move, he would be posted on the forum for discussion. The voices in the discussion were all lamenting the life of a celebrity, and no one dared to make a disrespectful comment. Of course, this is something to talk about later.

Gu Mulin also joined the group in the circle, and he saw everything that happened today.

To be honest, I feel that Nan Qing's behavior today is very mature and she is not the disorganized and arrogant young lady in my memory.

"Nan Qing, how many things do you still have that I don't know?"

Didi, the assistant sent a message: "Young Master Gu, do you still need to control posts on the forum?"

"No need." Gu Mulin replied with three words.

"Okay, Mr. Gu."

The assistant put away the phone and became a little uneasy.

In the morning, Mr. Gu suddenly sent him a message, asking him to control the comments posted on the school forum? He also searched for the source of the forum rumors, found out those IDs, and compiled a list of the real student names behind the IDs...


The hackers who were used by my subordinates to maintain the platform they developed were actually used to do such childish things today?

You must know that when the school received the list he sent, the assistant obviously felt the pressure from the principal.

Gu Mulin took care of this matter, but it didn't put the principal under huge pressure.

The matter calmed down smoothly, but the assistant couldn't calm down in his heart. Young Master Gu's behavior today was too confusing.


When Nan Qing didn't receive tasks from Er Er, he just lived his life well. As a college student, he occasionally had courses.

Nan Qing got up early in the morning, packed up, and went out wearing a long blue dress.

After the forum incident, Nan Qing attracted much attention wherever he went.

When we arrived at the large classroom, the seats at the back were already occupied by classmates. No one liked sitting in the front, because sitting in the front would easily lead to the professor asking them to answer questions.

Nan Qing glanced at the classroom and sat in the second row with a book.

Many classmates came one after another. Everyone sat back and did not dare to approach Nan Qing.

Just when class was about to begin, several girls came in a hurry.

Su Huihui ran into the classroom with her book in her arms. She immediately saw Nan Qing sitting in the second row. Nan Qing stood out among the crowd.

Su Huihui pinched her phone and walked over. She sat down next to Nan Qing.


The author has something to say:

Good news: This book has been signed and put on the shelves. You can search for the book on Tomato. Suisui needs everyone’s help. Help tell other readers that Er Er has opened the book and can search for it. Can you go to Xiaoli to update the review?

District publicity ~ [Don’t worry, I am Chitose, I wrote about Er Er and Nan Qing as foreshadowing in Xiao Li’s book]

This chapter has been completed!
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