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Chapter 1033 She Looks Beautiful Without Glasses

When Chu Yu returned home, the house was empty. He was used to being so deserted.

Just then the phone rang, it was his mother calling.


"Chu Yu, I just learned that you are going to another province to participate in a competition next week. Please pay attention to your safety and follow the teacher who is leading the team closely." A woman's gentle voice came from over there.

Chu Yuan looked relaxed and sat on the sofa, saying, "Well, Mom, when will you and Dad come back?"

"There is a problem with the branch here, but it shouldn't be serious. Lao Chu didn't say when he would go back. He leaves early and comes back late every day. I have to accompany him to make him feel at ease. Chu Yu, I also have my aunt come to visit on weekends.

Let me cook for you and just study hard."

She was very relieved that her son was alone at home, because it had always been like this since he was a child. Chu Yu was obedient, smart and worry-free, and never made them worry.

"No, I like to be alone at home."

"Auntie will come over to cook a meal and won't disturb you."


Chu Yu still refused, and Chu's mother stopped talking.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yu went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It was too hot in the summer and she felt a little sticky after going out.

Chu Yuan was sitting in the study studying test papers. He usually didn't have any hobbies, so the most he did was read books and study questions.

Chu Yu felt that he was not the type of person who was very smart and talented. He did well in the exam because he usually read books and took too many questions.

Jiang Xiaonan's grades are so good, what does she usually do at home, is she the same as him?

Chu Yu thought for a moment, and suddenly he realized that he was thinking about what Jiang Xiaonan was doing.

Chu Yu took off the silver-rimmed glasses from his face, closed his eyes, and let himself be quiet.

On the small balcony by the window, Nan Qing was painting on the balcony with an easel. There were acrylic paints on the side. She was painting the sunset in the sky outside.

On the other side of the table were several bottles of beer of various flavors, and Nan Qinghua picked them up and took a sip after a while.

A little boy in a shirt wearing suspenders is sitting on a rocking chair, holding a lollipop in his mouth and looking at the sunset.

"Er Er, what do you think of my painting?"

"It's good. You can go to the Academy of Fine Arts."

However, this painting ability belongs to Nan Qing, not to the original owner Jiang Xiaonan.

If Nan Qing really goes to the Academy of Fine Arts, her character points will be completely gone!

Nan Qing: "Drink while painting. The more you drink, the more flavorful the wine becomes. It is full of artistic flavor."

Er Er: "Do you want to eat some candy?"

"No, only children eat sweets."

"...You are the only one who has the mouth." Er Er vowed that he would never treat her to candy again: "Nan Qing, your favorability as a male has increased again."

"Well, it's good that he has been promoted. He should be vaguely thinking of me now. This is a good sign."

In adolescence, when people of the opposite sex talk together, they will be touched. Especially for people like Chu Yu who have almost no contact with the opposite sex. To conquer him, you don’t need to give too much stimulation in the early stage. You only need to take it step by step to make him feel a little bit better.


Er Er: "I want to remind you that Chu Yu showed a sense of paranoia in the original plot. He tutored the heroine of the world, wholeheartedly helped the heroine of the world, and was even willing to sacrifice himself for the heroine of the world. Finally, he moved in.

In the hospital, it can actually be seen through these phenomena that he is somewhat paranoid."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm just telling you, don't treat him as an ordinary student or ordinary teenager. He is at risk of becoming dark inside."

Darkening does not necessarily mean becoming bad, but it definitely does not mean having a bright and pure heart.

Nan Qing dipped her paint on the drawing paper. The sunset glow in the sky was like burning clouds, and the paint she dipped on became redder and redder.

Nan Qing chuckled and said, "I just like things that are a little bit bad, it's exciting."

Er Er laughed when he heard it: "I thought of a very vulgar saying, if men are not bad, women will not love them."

"Actually, this is true, but the prerequisite is that a bad man should be good-looking, charming, and not disgusting. These bad things will only become his attractive side and make people think


Er Er nodded while chewing a lollipop.

"The teacher will drive the car to the side door in a while. You two go to the side door and wait first," the dean said.

On campus, other students were already in class, while Chu Yu and Nan Qing were standing on the playground, each holding a small twenty-inch suitcase in their hands.

The school booked them air tickets for ten o'clock to go to other provinces to participate in competitions.

This time they were going for three days and staying in a hotel there for two nights, so they brought a change of clothes.

Dean of Students: "Teacher Xu is leading the team. You two must follow him closely. Have you added each other on WeChat?"



"Okay, you should follow the teacher closely outside. If you have anything to do, you must tell the teacher. You two classmates should also take care of each other, you know?"



Chu Yu was wearing a white and gray sports suit today. The zipper of the jacket was unzipped. The sports suit made his legs particularly long.

Nan Qing also wore short-sleeved trousers, her fluffy natural curly hair was tied into a high ponytail, and her forehead was broken. She didn't even wear glasses today.

The sun came out early in the morning, and her face was originally white, but it turned pink when exposed to the sun. Her face without glasses was clean, pink, and small, and she looked like a doll.

Chu Yu couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The two of them took their suitcases and went to the side door together, but Teacher Xu hadn't come yet.

"Chu Yu, did you read the questions given by the teacher last night?"

"Well, I saw it."

"I'm really looking forward to what the real questions will be like then." Nan Qing raised her head to talk to him. He was too tall.

Her eyes are bright and her eyelashes are very long, but her right eye seems a little red.

Chu Yu: "You wear contact lenses?"

"Yes, it took me a long time to put it on this morning."

No wonder the right eye is red.

A black Volkswagen drove up from the parking lot and came to the side door.

Teacher Xu rolled down the window: "Get in the car, you two sit in the back seat."

Teacher Xu opened the trunk of the car, and Chu Yu directly reached out to help Nan Qing lift the suitcase and put it in.



Nan Qing closed the car door. Teacher Xu in front glanced at them through the rearview mirror and said, "Jiang Xiaonan, you didn't wear glasses today. You are very beautiful today."

She doesn't wear glasses and her face is not covered. One look at her and you will think she is much more beautiful.

"Thank you for the compliment, teacher. Teacher Xu, you are also very handsome today."

He wore a shirt and suit pants today, and he looked like a teacher leading a team.

"Don't wander around when you get to the airport later. You will check in and board the plane at 9:30. Be more rigorous and set your alarm clock."


Suisui: Good night~

Dang, clang, clang, clang, knock on my little broken bowl. It’s a broken bowl passed down from my ancestors. It’s hard to put it in. Please give me a little gift~

This chapter has been completed!
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