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Chapter 1124 Live Variety Show

Lu Kong could only feel that the female star was unhappy. He didn't bother to think about the specific reason. Anyway, he would definitely do his duty well and would never bother them rashly. It was an accident to see his favorite actor today.


At night, the two female assistants slept in one room, Lu Kong slept in the same room, and Nan Qing slept in the master bedroom. The suite was just full.

In the middle of the night, Lu Kong was lying on the bed to rest. Suddenly he heard some movement. He was always very alert and woke up immediately. He slowly got up and walked towards the living room.

There were no lights on in the room, and only a crack in the curtains was exposed. Light from outside seeped in through the crack.

Lu Kong saw a person standing in front of the refrigerator door. The light from the refrigerator shone on her face. Her face was so small that it felt like it was not as big as his palm. She was very thin, but very delicate and beautiful.

Nan Qing stood in front of the refrigerator, drinking from a can of fruit beer.

Lu Kong walked completely silently, and Nan Qing didn't notice him at all. When she closed the refrigerator and was about to go back to the room, she turned around and saw such a big man standing in the living room, and was shocked!

"Ah!" Nan Qing almost dropped the jar in his hand: "Why are you standing here silently?"

Lu Kong: "I heard a sound and thought someone had broken in."

"This is a five-star hotel. You can't even go up to this floor without a room card. How could there be bad guys? You think too much." Nan Qing grabbed his long hair, walked past him, and warned him.

One sentence: "Don't tell anyone what you just saw."

Get up in the middle of the night and drink fruit beer.

"Yeah." Lu Kong didn't think there was anything to tell others.

Nan Qing originally wanted to go back to the room, but looking at the unfinished can in her hand, she simply sat on the sofa and drank slowly.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, Lu Kong planned to go back to the room.

Nan Qing suddenly said: "If they find this jar tomorrow, just say it was you who drank from it, you know?"



The next day, the assistants got up early, and they had to leave the room so that they could wait for the program team to come in for filming.

Lu Kong can stay. He is a 24-hour personal bodyguard. Nan Fang has already greeted the program team and he can enter the country.

The assistant gave Lu Kong a black mask: "Please, please wear a mask during today's shooting. Be sure not to take it off in front of the camera."

It is impossible to code Lu and Kong alone. It is too costly. There is also this type of head coding, which is usually only received by celebrities who have collapsed. When the show is broadcast, the audience will see such a coded person.

People are wandering around inside, I don’t know what to arouse suspicion.

The assistant checked to see if the hotel room was messy and tidied it up a little, otherwise Nan Ling might be hacked again when the camera caught it.

"Hey, why is there a pineapple beer can in this trash can?" Guo Hui looked at the trash can and said, "Why did she secretly drink a sugary and alcoholic drink again? What if her face gets swollen later?

Completely breaks the weight loss plan formulated by a nutritionist."

Isn’t it just a small can of pineapple beer?

Lu Kong said: "This is what I drank last night."

Guo Hui was about to inform his agent when he heard what Lu Kong said.

"It turns out you drank it, I thought..."

Lu Kong: "It's 5:20. People from the program team may come up."

"Oh, let's go, let's go first. Lu Kong, remember not to take off your mask. You can't help Sister Nan Ling do anything in the show."

The two assistants left, and Lu Kong sat in the living room waiting.

Sure enough, just as Lukong suspected, the program team chose a sneak attack at 5:30 in the morning.

The doorbell rang again and again, but there was no movement at all from the female star sleeping in the master bedroom.

Lu Kong couldn't open the door.

I think the program team will take the room card to open the door after a while. Ringing the bell is just a sense of ritual.

Sure enough, after a while, there was the sound of the door opening, and a camera came directly into view, followed by several staff members.

The camera Lukong discovered was different, this was not filming...

This is a live broadcast.

Director Wang did not reveal at all that this lifestyle variety show was actually broadcast live!

The audience and guests were "surprised".

Today is the weekend, and the star-chasers discovered that "Leisure Life" was actually live broadcasting. This was exciting, and the discussion immediately increased. It suddenly became a hot search, and people kept pouring into the live broadcast room.

[Holy crap! I knew the variety show started filming today, and I was looking forward to it going online at the end of the month, but I had no idea that Director Wang would be so exciting right from the start, live broadcast!]

[Live variety show! Director Wang is so awesome! So avant-garde!]

[Hey, not only are you broadcasting live to us, but you are also a surprise star getting up early in the morning. I hope it is more real! Whoever wears makeup, I will spray him to death! 】

[The guests announced in the early hours of last night, Qin Linhui and Zhong Jing, will definitely not wear makeup. These two are just actors, but Xu Tianji and Nan Ling can’t tell, one is a sissy and the other is a vase. 】

[Hold my cute Xiao Ji, he looks great without makeup, and he can resist beating without makeup! 】

[I bet that Nan Ling will definitely be able to put on makeup. Those die-hard straight male fans won’t be able to recognize her, so just pretend that no one on the Internet can see her naked? 】

[Hey, did the camera just capture a person? A tall guy who seems to be quite handsome. Why are there other men in the Nanling Hotel room? 】

[It should be staff. Sure enough, this raid is not very real. There are staff inside. 】

The cameraman carried the camera to the door of the master bedroom. The director gently opened the door and everyone went in together.

At first glance, I didn't see anyone in the room at all. After a closer look, I found that the middle of the big bed was slightly arched, the quilt was a bit messy, and the person's head, hands, and feet were missing.


【Where is the vase essence?】

【It seems to be on the bed, under the quilt.】

[Are you sure she won’t die of suffocation like this? 】

Lu Kong leaned against the door of the room, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the situation inside.

There was a staff member next to him who was listening to the live broadcast comments on his mobile phone. Lu Kong glanced at the mobile phone.

Vase essence.

This word appears a lot, and it gets picked up very quickly.

The female director walked to the bed and said, "Nan Ling? Get up."

Last night, I told you that there would be a surprise shooting in the morning, so the guests should not be exposed in their clothes, so they dared to bring the camera in.

Nan Qing pushed the quilt aside in a daze, revealing a clean and beautiful face. The white quilt did not make her black at all, but made her even fairer, like an angel who had just woken up.

【Hmm...it seems a bit pretty.】

[Come on, let’s have a look. Is this wearing nude makeup? I don’t believe anyone wakes up with this state of face!]

Nan Qing's voice was a little hoarse, and he said in a gentle and nasal voice: "What time is it? You guys are here too early. Is it dawn yet?"

[emmm, I earn a million a day, why do I wake you up at 5:30? 】

This chapter has been completed!
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