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Chapter 1211 Sleeping With Her

It was pitch dark outside the tent, and it was snowing in the middle of the night. Nan Qing's exposed face hurt from the cold, so he quickly buried his face in the quilt.

Liao Yan didn't cover himself tightly with his quilt, and he walked quickly with the person in his arms.

After walking for about a stick of incense, a carriage stopped on the snow. Chen An, wearing a thick hat, sat on the edge of the carriage. Seeing Liao Yan coming, Chen An immediately opened the curtain.

Liao Yan carried the man into the carriage.

Chen An also whipped the horse's butt with a leather whip: "Drive!"

Two horse-drawn horses pulled the carriage forward quickly through the snow, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Charcoal had been burned inside the carriage early, and it was very warm. Nan Qing poked his head out from under the quilt.

There was a lamp on the table, as well as hot tea and hot pastries. It was all ready at first glance.

There is a set of clothes on the other side. It is a fiery red color with fox fur collars. It looks very warm at first glance.

Nan Qing reached out to get some clothes to put on, but Liao Yan directly held her in his arms and laid her down: "No need to put on clothes, sleep for a while first, we will call you at dawn."

Nan Qing was so sleepy that she put her head on his lap with a quilt in between. She looked at him with bright eyes: "Where are you taking me? You take me away like this, Prince."

My brother will be anxious if he finds out."

"He won't find out."

Liao Yan was not happy that she kept saying it was the prince's brother. Aren't they not close to the prince? Why are they so close now?

He still threatened her with the prince's life, so she agreed so quickly.

Liao Yan felt unhappy thinking about it. He put his hand into the quilt and directly touched the lower corner of her underwear.


His hand was a little cold, which was obviously compared with Nan Qing's warm belly. He was so touched that he let out a cry of surprise.

Liao Yan pinched the soft flesh on her belly and moved his hand to her waist to hold it. His hand was big and he could hold her waist tightly with one hand.

Fortunately, he didn't continue to touch upwards. Nan Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she glared at him a little angrily: "If your hands are so cold and you touch my stomach, I will have a stomachache tomorrow."

"Just for a while, no."

"You don't feel sorry for me."

Liao Yan smiled: "Our family treats you like a treasure, don't we feel sorry for you enough?"

"It just doesn't hurt enough."

"If I really don't feel sorry for you, do you think you can still sleep wrapped in a warm soft quilt on my lap? Guess what you will be like now?"

"No guessing."

"Then my family will tell you that you will be stripped naked, your whole body will be sore, you will not be able to move, and your throat will become hoarse from crying."


Nan Qing bit her lip and buried herself directly in the quilt.

His thighs were under the quilt. Nan Qing did not dare to move forward easily, but he was afraid that he would fall if he stepped back, so he was frozen and did not dare to move.

Liao Yan stretched out his hand to protect her back and said: "Go to sleep, we will take you to watch the fun at dawn."

"What's the excitement?"

"You will like to watch it, and you will feel at ease after watching it."

Liao Yan patted her back gently with his hand, very rhythmically. In his ears, he could hear the rustle of the carriage wheels on the snow. Nan Qing gradually felt sleepy again, and she fell asleep soon after closing her eyes.

Liao Yan also hugged people and closed his eyes to rest.

Chen An was working as a groom outside in the cold wind. He didn't mind being tired and cold because he had a bag of pastries in his arms and ate them while driving the horse.

Nan Qing woke up in a daze, only to hear Liao Yan ask her if she was thirsty. Nan Qing responded vaguely, and immediately a cup of warm tea was handed to her mouth.

Nan Qing drank a few sips and was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, but he could feel something warm and moist brushing against the corner of his mouth.

Someone was pressing down on her, it was so heavy.

When I finally woke up, it was already afternoon. I looked at the sun setting outside, the white snow was dyed orange-red, and the city in the distance gradually appeared.

Liao Yan reached out and lowered the curtain: "Don't let the wind blow."

Nan Qing was curious: "Where is this?"

"Anzhou City."

"What are we doing here?"

"You will know if you follow our family."

Liao Yan brought the new set of clothes over, and Nan Qing immediately opened his hands, asking for help in dressing him.

Liao Yan didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand and slowly put on her clothes one by one, and even took out a comb to comb her hair into a bun.

Nan Qing took out the small bronze mirror from the secret compartment and looked at his bun. "This hair is so well combed. Eunuch Liao, you have really served many people before."

"Well, most of the time I comb the empress's hair. This is the first time I comb the princess's hair."

The bun of a married woman's hair is different from that of a girl who has not left the palace.

The bun he has now is something he learned specially.

Despite this, Nanqing still has a bit of a taste for food. If you like it, you will inevitably become a foodie.

"Have you ever washed your wife before?"



Nan Qing's face suddenly fell and he stopped talking.

Chen An drove a carriage into the city and passed by the bustling market. There were very few people selling goods in the market, and there were not many people on the street, and all of them had sallow faces and sad faces.

You can tell whether the city is prosperous and how the people are living by looking at the downtown area.

Obviously the people here are not living well.

Chen An took the carriage with ease and arrived at a mansion. There were two stone lions placed at the door, which looked majestic. Those who didn't know better thought it was the mansion of a local county prince.

But this is not the prince's residence, it is just the eunuch's residence here.

Nowadays, eunuchs are in charge of government, and there are eunuchs not only in the imperial city, but everywhere in the world.

Chen An looked at the gate and said directly: "I really think I am a big man, and I live better than me."

Liao Yan opened the curtain and got out of the carriage first, then reached out to help Nan Qing get out.

Nan Qing wore a black gauze hat on her head, covering her face, but the clothes she wore and the slender fingers exposed showed that she was a well-raised and charming girl.

Chen An went directly to call the door. As soon as the token came out, the boy at the door was so frightened that he almost couldn't stand and hurried to notify the adults.

After a while, a fat-headed eunuch came out. When he saw Liao Yan, he knelt down on the ground with a plop.ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

"Governor, this servant is here to greet you. I didn't know that the governor was here. I missed your welcome. I deserve to die!" Zhang Fu knelt down on the ground with a plop, his whole body trembling with fat.

Liao Yan led Nan Qing directly past him and entered the house.

Zhang Fu scrambled to his feet and immediately approached Chen An fawningly: "Eunuch Chen, why did the governor suddenly come to visit? What's the matter?"

This chapter has been completed!
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