Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1323 hug her and coax her

Wang Li's shout startled the team members, who thought something special had happened. However, after hearing what he said, a burst of laughter broke out around them.

"Hahahaha, Wang Li, do you want to be so funny?"

"Hei, there's nothing I can do. The coach didn't press your feet on purpose. Why are you shouting so loudly? You're scaring me to death."

In the darkness, Wang Li put on a mask of pain and moved his foot out: "I didn't mean to scream, but it hurts."

The person who crushed the person's foot didn't say a word and had no intention of apologizing at all.

They groped around in the dark and found that there were walls on both sides. This was a closed corridor.

It was really dark and nothing could be seen, so they could only move forward gropingly.

Li Shanpeng pushed Jiang Shenlan's wheelchair to prevent this guy from crushing other people's feet again.

Nan Qing originally planned to follow Guo Shixun, but as soon as he took two steps, his hand was caught.

It was scary to be suddenly held by someone's hand in the dark, but when she felt the familiar warmth, she felt a little at ease.

Jiang Shenlan held her hand: "萳萳, follow me."

Everyone in front heard the coach's words, and everyone's expressions in the darkness were wonderful.

This is a horror-themed escape room, with many people and staff pretending to be ghosts chasing them.

In fact, this is just a haunted house game, but with some reasoning questions added.

They didn't want to exercise their brains too much, they just wanted to play a haunted house chasing game, so the boss recommended this game to them. It's not too difficult to solve the mystery.

After groping along, Sheng Yu said, "I seem to have touched a switch."

Wang Li: "Turn on, turn on, it must be the light, turn it on quickly!"

Wang Sanlan: "Let's go."

Sheng Yu pressed the switch hard, and his eyes suddenly lit up! They were all in darkness just now, and now suddenly there was a bright light in front of him, and he reflexively closed his eyes due to the flash.

"Hiss, it flashed into my eyes."

"How many watts of light does it have? It's so bright, damn."

They adapted for a while and slowly opened their eyes, but they were still a little unable to open them. When they squinted, they saw bloody people standing in front of them, with snow-white eyes without pupils staring at them.

"Fuck!" Wang Li and Wang Sanlan both said "Fuck!"

And those ghosts were rushing towards them!

At the same time, four doors suddenly appeared in the dark corridor that had been closed just now, and the doors were open.

A group of people panicked and chose a door close to them, ran in, and quickly closed the door.

Li Shanpeng wanted to push Jiang Shenlan to run away, but Jiang Shenlan ran very fast in a wheelchair and even pulled An Xiaochan away.

Li Shanpeng wanted to follow the two of them, but before he could enter, the door was slammed shut from the inside. He didn't need to think about it to know who had closed it!

The rest of the people went into other rooms. Li Shanpeng reacted and the two doors on the side quickly closed.

Seeing that the two doors on the side were closed, the ghost pretended by the staff was so scary that he forced Li Shanpeng to face the door. Li Shanpeng was so frightened that he shouted: "Open the door for me!"

Sheng Yu still had a conscience and pulled Li Shanpeng into the room before closing the door.

This room is a secret room. They need to decrypt it before they can get out. Once the door is closed, they cannot open it.

Nan Qing and Jiang Shenlan were alone in a room.

This turned out to be a ward with two beds, and there was a dummy placed on one of the beds. It was a very scary dummy, covered with a bloody quilt. It would really scare you at first glance.

Nan Qing stood motionless beside Jiang Shenlan, his eyes constantly looking at the facilities in the room.

Jiang Shenlan spoke up: "Xiao Chen, were you scared just now? Don't be afraid. Those are all staff and they are all fake. They don't know how to use toys, so don't be afraid."

Nan Qing didn't really want to talk to him, because as long as they started chatting, it felt like she had forgiven him.

"Can you let go of my hand first?" Nan Qing said calmly.

There were only two of them here, and she spoke softly and softly, and her casual words sounded like coquettishness.

Jiang Shenlan didn't want to crack the secret room so quickly. He wanted to stay with her for a while.

It would be better if something scary suddenly appeared in this room. There was no hiding place in this room, she could only hide in him.

Jiang Shenlan felt that she was very bad and wanted to bully her at this time.

Jiang Shenlan let go of his hand, Nan Qing moved his wrist which was a little painful from being scratched, and then began to search for clues in the room.

First of all, there are two beds in this ward, one is empty and the other is for people with props.

A password is required to exit this room. What will it be?

Nan Qing took a look and saw that there were only quilts and pillows on the empty bed and nothing else. However, there were medical records and small stickers on the prop bed. The small fonts written on them could be seen from a distance.

If you want to see clearly what it is, you have to take the medical record and look at it, and you have to accept the realistic and bloody prop at close range.

After being intimidated by the staff in the corridor just now, players who enter this room generally do not dare to approach the prop easily. What if this prop is also alive or has kinetic energy, that would be scary.

Nan Qing looked at Jiang Shenlan.

Old God Jiang Shenlan was sitting in a wheelchair, with no intention of moving at all.

Nan Qing could only go and see it by himself.

The air conditioner in the room was turned on too much, and Nan Qing's coat, bag, and mobile phone were all stored in the cabinet.

Nan Qing rubbed his cold arms, walked to the bed and carefully picked up the medical record.

She wanted to take it off and read it, but found that the notebook was fixed. She could only read the words on the notebook close to the prop's face, and the patient's bloody face was right in front of her.


Nan Qing's pink lips were pursed tightly, and her expression did not change much. But if you look closely, you can see that she is scared. She grabbed the corner of her clothes with one hand and tugged hard.

Jiang Shenlan's eyes moved slightly, but she still pushed the wheelchair forward: "Stand back and I'll take a look."

Nan Qing immediately put down the medical record and prepared to retreat, but the moment he put the medical record down, the patient on the bed suddenly sat up with his upper body sitting up, his head still broken, and a terrifying scream sounded throughout the room.

Nan Qing was so frightened that her heart went cold, and she backed away with a pale face.

Jiang Shenlan's expression changed, and he stretched out his long arm to grab her waist, hugged the person to his lap, and pushed the frightened person into his arms with one hand.

Nan Qing was thin and small, sitting on his lap and buried in his chest and shoulders. He looked like a small person. He held her waist with one arm and stroked the back of her head and back with his other hand.


He coaxed softly: "It's okay, don't be afraid, this is just an agency, it's fake, don't be afraid."

Her ears were filled with terrifying screams, and she was trembling.

Jiang Shenlan gradually felt annoyed. He regretted why he brought her to play this kind of game. Isn't it good to sing well and eat fruit in the private room? She had to play this kind of game.

This is not for people to play.

Jiang Shenlan: "We're not going to play anymore, let's go out."

Nan Qing had already calmed down and heard him say this.

How can anyone just start playing a game and then stop playing it within ten minutes?

You will definitely be laughed at if you go out. If you are so timid, you can play an escape room. If you can't do it, you will get off the car.

If someone gives up midway, it will affect the game experience of others.

"No, keep playing." Nan Qing felt the strong arms on her lower back and the two bodies pressed together. She felt embarrassed and her face felt a little hot at the same time.

Because the player cannot see the words on the medical record from a distance, the lighting in this room is very dim.

The lights of the machine that had just set off were even dimmer, and the lights were still red, yellow, and orange.

The boss probably wanted to show a red and scary lighting effect, but now that the two of them are hugging each other and surrounded by warm lights of this color, it instantly feels like the lighting of a hotel...

Nan Qing wanted to come down, but he held him tightly.

"You... let go of me first. Let's continue playing the game. Others may have come out of the room. Let's hurry up." Nan Qing said seriously.

Jiang Shenlan did not let go, and said: "I comforted you just now and protected you. Now that there is no danger, you want to get off of me and throw it away after use?"

Nan Qing didn't expect him to say these words, and suddenly he didn't know what to say. He could only stare at him, "I didn't ask you to protect me..."

Her expression looked like she had been bullied and aggrieved.

Jiang Shenlan raised the corners of her mouth, touched her cheek, and said, "Well, I want to protect you."

Nan Qing felt a little itchy from his touch, and closed his eyes reflexively, his long eyelashes leaving a shadow under his eyes.

"Sit on my lap. If you're scared, just lie on my shoulder and don't open your eyes." Jiang Shenlan moved the wheelchair close to the prop, obviously wanting to read the words on the medical record.

Nan Qing felt her back approaching that thing. She had been scared just now, but she was still scared now. "Don't go over there. Put me down. Don't go over there."

Jiang Shenlan smiled, touched her back to comfort her, and said, "If you're afraid, lie down."

Nan Qing didn't want to lie in his arms, but she was afraid. She wished he could wrap her up and not let her show anything.

She shrank into his arms, and at the same time, the man in the wheelchair smiled wider.

This game really makes people love and hate it.

However, Jiang Shenlan felt that it was almost done and she could not be frightened anymore.

Later, when Jiang Shenlan was decrypting the code, she hugged Nan Qing and kept gently patting her back.

There was some story information on the paper, and it even turned out to be a math problem.

Jiang Shenlan: "..."

He did some math in his mind and figured out the room password.

But he didn't open the door immediately, but waited for something.

After waiting for a long time, no one in his arms spoke, and Jiang Shenlan smiled helplessly.

An Xiaojuan usually seemed obedient and easy to bully, but once she got angry, she would lose her temper. She would close the door and ignore anyone, and he couldn't knock on the door no matter what he did.

Jiang Shenlan hugged her and said in her ear: "萳萳, please don't be angry with me. I've been very uneasy and worried about you every day when I can't see you."

Nan Qing didn't say anything, and her whole body was pressed against him.

At this time, Nan Qing didn't feel sorry for his legs at all. After all, he was the one who made her feel like this. He himself didn't worry about his legs, so why should she worry about them.

"萳萳, I know what I said that day made you sad, and I won't say those words in the future. Growing up, I didn't have anyone close to me, so I lacked experience in getting along with people, and I wasn't very good at talking or doing things. But I

I will learn slowly and won’t make you sad.”

"萳萳, would you like to have a word with me?"

Jiang Shenlan has said a lot to her today.

In fact, when it comes to this level, it’s almost done.

In just half a month, Jiang Shenlan has already undergone many changes.

Nan Qing took the initiative to put her head on his shoulder. Under the dim light, she looked at him with wet eyes: "I live in your house. I am very grateful to you for helping me and letting me live in your house, but that is not the case after all.

I am actually very uneasy about my home. I am afraid of making your home dirty and disturbing you, so I will stay quietly. If you go to the e-sports room, I will not look for you. Tell me what time you will come home.

I just go home at what time, because you have to follow the rules when staying in other people's homes."

She spoke softly and slowly, but Jiang Shenlan's heart felt tight, and now he was a little out of breath.

She is so polite and well-behaved.

Jiang Shenlan used to like her cuteness, but now he wants her to be more relaxed, more unrestrained, and not so restrained.

During that time, she finally became a little less restrained, but she was hurt and frightened by what he said that day, and now she is even more restrained.

Jiang Shenlan said hoarsely: "I won't do it anymore. You can come back and live here."

Nan Qing blinked and said, "That's your home. If I'm unhappy in the future, you'll drive me away."

"I won't drive you away, I will definitely not drive you away..."

Jiang Shenlan didn't know what to say. He found that he was very stupid with his mouth.

"萳萳, would you like to come back and live here? I'm really worried about you while you're out there. I miss you too and want to see you every day." Jiang Shenlan could only express her true inner feelings.

Nan Qing didn't respond and seemed to be still thinking.

Jiang Shenlan continued to persuade her, and even kissed her on the face, patting her back again and again, like coaxing a child.

The owner of the secret room has always been worried about the special players among this group of players.

After all, this player is in a wheelchair, and there are basically no barrier-free facilities here. He still needs to keep an eye on him and provide help when necessary.

The boss went to the restroom and came back to check the surveillance camera. He saw the player hugging a little girl and touching her erratically!

The boss's face is colorful.

Recalling what his friend Li Shanpeng said, the man in the wheelchair and the little girl were lovers, but they just had conflicts.

Are you going to play a horror room if you have a conflict?

Really good at playing.

The boss wanted to go back and continue drinking tea, but he was too lazy to watch, but he thought that if this man misbehaved with the little girl, even if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, the girl wouldn't be able to do it if she didn't want to.

Forgive the boss for always thinking that the one in the wheelchair is not a good person. After all, the young people who came with him seemed to be afraid of him.

The boss watched, so that whenever the little girl screamed and struggled violently, he could go and save her.

After staring for about ten minutes, the boss ate a lot of dog food and wanted to go home and hug his wife. Who doesn’t have a wife?


Suisui: rough, sleepy, babies, boo, good night.

ps: I have opened a fan group on Tomato. Let’s see how to enter. I am also confused hahaha

This chapter has been completed!
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