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Chapter 1364 GS Team Goes Abroad

Nan Qing didn't make many friends during her time abroad. The main reason was that she didn't socialize. She attended class seriously every day and went home after class without paying attention to anyone.

This is also in line with the character of the original protagonist. After experiencing the Internet turmoil, she was in a bad mood and did not want to socialize.

The weather was getting colder and colder, so Nan Qing and Er Er went to the mall to buy clothes together.

An Ci happened to get a call: "Baby, are you home after class?"

"I'm not going home. I'm shopping outside. The temperature has suddenly dropped here. I want to buy some thick clothes." Her voice was soft and she responded calmly, very well-behaved.

An Ci: "It seems like it's going to snow. You should wear more clothes when you go out. If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to tell Auntie. I will go to accompany you after I finish the work at hand."

"Okay, Mom, you should also pay attention to rest and don't let yourself get too tired."

After chatting for a few words, Nan Qing hung up the phone.

Er Er didn't know when he left. Nan Qing looked around to find it.

She walked for a while and turned around to see a little boy wearing a white sweater and a hat.

Er Er's delicate and beautiful face had a cold expression. It came over with two cones in its hands: "Here."

One cone for each person. Nan Qing’s teeth trembled after taking one bite: “Eating ice cream in such a cold temperature will make your teeth fall apart.”

"Ice cream is delicious only if you eat it in winter." Er Er likes to eat ice cream when the weather is cold. After taking a bite, he didn't forget to say: "I forgot that you have real teeth. You can't eat them cold."

Nan Qing was used to being teased by it. She smiled and ate in small bites, holding it in her mouth for a while before swallowing, so that her stomach would not be frozen.

C city gs team base.

"It's windy and cold over there in country S. You guys, don't wear less clothes just to look cool. Bring me down jackets one by one." Li Shanpeng urged them one by one like a big parent.

He inspected everyone's room.

In the room, the team members are all packing their suitcases.

Guo Shizhen locked the door and slowly packed her clothes alone. Her underwear was specially wrapped in several layers of bags and placed at the bottom.

Li Shanpeng: "Gather downstairs in half an hour. You guys should pack up slowly and don't leave anything behind. Give me your passports. Don't lose them in the hands of you kids."

A group of people were humming and packing their things in their rooms, and no one paid any attention to Li Shanpeng.

Sheng Yu closed his suitcase, took his passport and went out, then went from room to room to collect passports.

Upon receiving Guo Shi's room, Sheng Yu knocked on the door gently: "Xiao Shi?"

Guo Shixuan was holding a sanitary napkin in his hand. He was startled when he heard the sound outside the door and hurriedly hid it in the bag.

During the Starlight Cup competition, it happened to be her menstrual period, so she had to bring all these things with her.

At that time, two people were sharing a hotel room, and Guo Shizhen felt a little panicked.

Although when she was in the second team, she also sat in the same room with other boys.

But since becoming an official team member, Guo Shizhen has been in a room alone, and she hardly has to worry about anyone discovering that she is a girl.

Guo Shizhen hid the things and closed the suitcase before opening the door.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

"Give me your passport and I'll give it to the manager."

"Okay, wait a moment."

The passport was put in the suitcase...

Guo Shixuan knelt down, opened the suitcase, and rummaged around. She kept holding her clothes against that corner.

Sheng Yu: "Can't find it? Do you want me to help you find it?"

"No, no, captain, you go collect them first. I'll give them to you later."

When Sheng Yu left, he said: "Xiao Shi, the clothes you brought are too thin. Bring a long down jacket."

"Oh, okay, okay."

After closing the room door again, Guo Shizhen felt safe, and she quickly looked for her passport.

Li Shanpeng holds a stack of red books in his hand, and the passports of the second team are also here.

Li Shanpeng went to find Jiang Shenlan.

Jiang Shenlan's room is very clean and tidy, and the sheets are not creased. He has packed his luggage long ago and is now sitting on a chair playing mobile games.

Li Shanpeng walked over and said, "Give me your passport for safekeeping."

When you arrive at the airport and need to use it, you will distribute it all together, and he will take it back after using it.

Jiang Shenlan raised her eyes: "I'm not a child."

He is not one of those children, so he still needs to keep his passport?

Li Shanpeng: "Just bring it over if I ask you to. Why are there so many nonsense? You are not much older than them."

"..." Jiang Shenlan ignored everyone.

Li Shanpeng saw the passport on the table and took it away: "I took it."

After a long flight, the group finally arrived in country S, and then took the bus to the hotel.

It was daytime when we arrived there, but it was already late at night in China. Fortunately, they were usually champions of staying up late, so they didn't find the jet lag uncomfortable.

Li Shanpeng: "Have a good rest tomorrow, get rid of the jet lag, and don't go out wandering around. When the Starlight Cup is over, I will give you three days off to have a good time in country S."

"Wow!" Wang Li whistled and cheered.

"Yeah yeah, three days of vacation!"

"The exhibition match is easy. There are still three days of vacation. Tomorrow is also a vacation. What a magical day this is!" Wang Sanlan said, shaking his stool.

Li Shanpeng: "Okay, stop barking, Shen Lan, just watch them and don't let them go out. I just saw the FL team coming too. I'm warning you, don't disturb other people's rest, and don't hold a party for me at night."


As soon as Li Shanpeng left, these people shouted excitedly.

Jiang Shenlan put away her luggage, put on a windbreaker and left.

Completely forgetting what Li Shanpeng told him to keep an eye on these children.

Jiang Shenlan took the subway to a world-renowned university in the capital of country S.

At the door, people of many nationalities came and went.

Jiang Shenlan also followed in.


Suisui: Good night.

This chapter has been completed!
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