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Chapter 1382 Horror Night

It was completely dark when the off-road vehicle arrived at Doll Island.

Moreover, the signal here is very poor, and the mobile phone sometimes has signal and sometimes does not.

Even their off-road vehicle accidentally got stuck in the mud.

They have not yet completely entered the Island of the Dolls, but have just reached the entrance.

Wawa Island is surrounded by water on three sides, and there is only one way in and out. Because there are too many rivers around it, there are also many low-lying areas on the island that are wet and muddy, and there are even swamps.

The road was overgrown with weeds and the surroundings were pitch black. Their off-road vehicle accidentally got stuck in it.

In fact, they could rush out in one go, but it was too dark now and they were unfamiliar with the surrounding road conditions, so they were afraid of rushing into the swamp.

Peter suggested: "Why don't we get off the car, find a flat place nearby to pitch a tent for the night, and stay here for the time being?"

The camping equipment they bring is complete, and there is food in the car. Camping here is also possible.

Jiang Qi turned on the location on her mobile phone, expanded the route and took a look. They had indeed arrived at Doll Island: "Okay, let's spend the night here."

Cheng Leyao: "I seem to hear the cry of frogs, it's so noisy."

There is a river nearby, and the chirping of frogs can be heard from the bottom of the river.

And because there is a water source, there are quite a few mosquitoes.

Cheng Leyao chose to spend the night in the car, and Xu Mingrui accompanied her.

Jiang Yu and Peter found a piece of flat land to pitch their tent.

Peter and Jiang Zhen carried their things to the ground and threw them on the ground.

Jiang Xuan took the flashlight and prepared to find a high place to hang it. He spotted a tree nearby and swept it with the flashlight, directly illuminating a dark and dirty face. To be precise, it was the face of a doll.

Peter happened to follow his gaze and exclaimed in fright: "Oh!"

Jiang Xuan walked to the tree with a flashlight in hand. He looked up at the branches. The flashlight in his hand slowly swept across each branch and found that they were covered with dolls.

The branches and vines were entangled with the dolls, looking like hanging children.

One after another, the whole tree is covered with hangings.

They had just looked over from the off-road vehicle and saw only a huge tree shadow, and thought it was a tree with lush branches.

Only now have I discovered that these trees have long since died, and what is lush on the trees is not the branches and leaves at all, but these hanging dolls.

Peter came over: "Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Zhen didn't answer.

Peter smiled and said, "You are braver than both of them. They seem to be here for traveling, but you are like an adventurer. Man, it's cool."

After Jiang Yu saw the whole picture clearly on the tree, he hung the flashlight on a branch and adjusted the angle so that the light of the flashlight shone on the open space.

Jiang Yu: "It's already ten o'clock now. Let's set up the tent quickly, go to bed early, and go in and have a look tomorrow."

"Okay." Peter rolled up his sleeves and got ready to work, but he was a talkative person and was not used to doing things quietly. He chatted and said, "Can you set up a tent? Do you need me to teach you? I've been doing this since kindergarten.

After attending forest school, I became very capable in the field. I was six years old when I first set up a tent..."

While Jiang Xuan was hammering in the nails, she looked back at Peter's technique.

Very professional indeed.

Jiang Xing: "I often go camping and I know how to set up a tent."

"Cool, you look professional right away."

The couple took two suitcases with them when they went out, while Jiang Yu only had a huge hiking bag. There was an obvious difference.

Jiang Zhen: "Peter, you have been to Doll Island before, what do you think of it here?"

Peter looked up at the tree with the flashlight hanging on it, or specifically at the dolls on the tree, and said: "The scenery here is quite nice, but it would be nice if there were not these scary dolls. I think this is just a scenery."

It’s a nice, quiet and ordinary place, but because of the story and these dolls, people don’t dare to come here.”

Peter felt that this was a normal place, but because of these dolls, people were afraid to come.

Although Peter always teased and frightened them along the way and told scary legends about the Island of the Dolls, in his heart he felt that this was just an ordinary place.

Jiang Wei: "So you're not afraid of this place?"

Peter: "Don't be afraid, be afraid."

Jiang Xuan looked at him doubtfully?

Peter thought for a moment about how to say it in Chinese, and he said: "I'm not afraid of this place, but I'm still a little scared when I see those dolls. Do you know what I mean? I'm just not afraid of this place, but those dolls look too scary and tattered."

Yes, some have missing eyes, and some have no heads. If I suddenly see them, I will be scared."

Jiang Xuan could tell that he was trying very hard to explain. Jiang Xuan showed a faint smile: "I understand what you mean."

Peter smiled instantly: "My Chinese is good!"

"very good."

Peter: "I want to go to China in the future and see if I can work hard to change my accent in that environment."

In an off-road vehicle.

Xu Mingrui laid out a blanket for Cheng Leyao in the back seat, and let Cheng Leyao lie down on her back to sleep.

As for him, he was in the co-pilot's position and put his chair back. Although his legs were still a bit swaddled, it was still manageable.

Cheng Leyao was lying on the back seat, flipping through the photos taken today on her phone, and said with a smile: "Minggrui, we are a perfect match, we look so good."

Xu Mingrui turned around with a smile when he heard the word "matching": "Yaoyao, stop playing with your phone. It's been a long day in the car today. Go to bed early."

"Hmm..." Cheng Leyao hummed and shook his head.

Xu Mingrui sat up a little and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Leyao put down her phone and looked at him: "I can't sleep, I'm a little scared."

She was very excited along the way today, but when she arrived at the place, Cheng Leyao was a little scared.

But she didn't want to tell Peter and Jiang Yu, she only told Xu Mingrui.

Xu Mingrui reached out and touched her: "Don't be afraid. I'm here. The car is the safest. The car is locked. There are only two of us here. Don't be afraid."

"Well, we haven't entered the Island of Dolls yet, have we?" Cheng Leyao asked.

Xu Mingrui answered affirmatively: "Not yet. This is just an intersection. You can see there are no legendary dolls hanging all over the trees. We haven't entered yet."

Cheng Leyao immediately got the comfort she wanted. Sure enough, Xu Mingrui understood her.

She was really tired after flying and driving today.

Both of them were very tired and fell asleep while talking.

A gust of wind blew and the car body shook. In the trunk, a simulated baby doll with a pacifier in its mouth rolled down from the top.


The trunk popped open a small crack.

The wind blew away the surrounding weeds, revealing a road sign in the dark night.

The street sign reads: Welcome to the Island of the Dolls.

There are many dolls with mildew stains piled under the street sign.

The wind blew the weeds swaying, and things in the grass were looming.

In the forest at night.

It was pitch dark inside the wooden house, but it was extremely lively here.

There is always the sound of cotton dragging on the ground, and the sound of plastic and wooden things rubbing together and creaking.

Nan Qing was wearing a black lace shirt, and the hem of the shirt barely covered half of her buttocks. She closed her feet and stepped on the floor.

The door to the basement was closed from the outside, it was pitch dark, and Palosai didn't know where he was going.

Er Er: "He should go to sleep. As a doll, you should also stay quietly and sleep."

Nan Qing: "I can't sleep. I don't seem to need to sleep, and..."

Nan Qing twisted his left wrist hard with his right hand, and the left wrist was instantly twisted out of position.

"It doesn't hurt."

She feels no pain.

It has an extremely keen sense of touch, but no pain.

Nan Qing couldn't even figure out how Pa Luo Sai made her.

When she was just twisting, she could feel that the touch of her hand was just like a real person, with skin texture, hardness, and even bones when it flowed.

She didn't dare to break herself, so she only twisted the wrist joint, dislocating the bone material inside.

The left wrist was hanging weakly, and the white, tender and slender hand was treated like this.

Even though he knew she wouldn't be in pain, Er Er still couldn't stand it.

Er Er felt that if it could give rise to goosebumps, it would definitely be all over him now.

Er Er: "I know what I'm made of. How about you cut yourself open?"


Er Er always has some bad intentions that he didn't say.

Nan Qing's right hand held the wrist of his left hand, and with a force, it returned to its original position.

Nan Qing: "This is the same as the real human body."

Er Er: "Then don't play with yourself."

Nan Qing now only dares to do things that can restore her body. Although she is very curious, she really doesn't dare to cut herself open. She is afraid that she will not be able to recover.

Palosai is a powerful and mysterious puppet master. Some of the puppets he makes look like fake dolls, and some are simulated like Nan Qing.

There are various series of dolls, but these things all have one thing in common, that is, they are alive.

"Lilith, Lilith."

A half-meter-tall girl doll walked up to Nan Qing, stretched out her hand to touch her calf, and called her name in a high-pitched childish voice.

She lowered her head, her blood-ruby eyes piercing through the dark night like a devil's daughter.

"Lilith, you are so beautiful."

"Thank you..." The corner of Nan Qing's mouth curled up into a smile. Her angelic face should look like an angel's when she smiled, but she had a pair of blood-red eyes and was in such a dark place. She looked like an angel wearing an angel's skin.

of devil.

The girl reached up and touched Nan Qing's thigh, and even touched her butt that was not covered by her black shirt.

The beautiful snow-white hand instantly hugged the puppet's hand: "You are very bad. Only the master can touch this place..."

The little doll tilted its head and made a clicking sound from its neck, "Why can only the owner touch it?"

"Because I want the master to touch me."

"Why? Lilith, why?"

"I don't want to talk to you."

Nan Qing laughed and pushed the little doll away, and she climbed onto the table a little stiffly.

There was no thread hanging on her anymore, but she still imitated being hung, hanging her head and arms, closing her eyes and standing on the empty table, and then stopped moving.

Er Er: "..."

The sky was pitch black, not to mention the moon, not even a single star.

In country D, you can see stars almost anywhere, but you can't see them here.

There seemed to be countless dark clouds pressing down in the sky, making it suffocating.


A little girl's laughter.

Brush! The grass shook, and a short black figure ran over.

In the tent in the open space, Jiang Xuan, who was lying in a sleeping bag, opened her eyes.

His eyes were bloodshot and he looked tired, but his eyes were firm, and one look at him showed that he had not fallen asleep just now.

Jiang Xuan turned her head and looked outside the tent.

The flashlight was still hanging on the tree, and it was never turned off, illuminating the area.

The tent did not block light, so Jiang Qi could see the shadows of trees and grass outside, and the grass was swaying in the wind.

He just heard the child's voice, it was not an illusion...

Listen carefully now, apart from the sound of wind, the only sound is Peter snoring in the tent next door.

Peter had been driving for a day, and he was probably very tired. Not long after setting up the tent and lying down, he started snoring like thunder.

Jiang Xuan sat up, picked up the sports drink next to the sleeping bag and took a sip.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound outside, the light outside flickered, and the small grass shadow instantly became huge and imprinted on the tent.

Jiang Xuan took a mouthful of water and swallowed it calmly.

The flashlight fell from the tree.

He stood up, opened the zipper, and walked out of the tent. He saw that the flashlight had indeed fallen.

The branch holding the flashlight was broken.

The trees had been dead for a while, their branches had withered, and there were so many dolls hanging on them, so they couldn't stand it any longer.

When Jiang Zhen walked over, not only did the flashlight fall to the ground, but also several dolls. One of the dolls' head was separated from the body.

Jiang Xuan picked up the flashlight, sat the doll against the tree, and put the fallen head back on its neck.

As soon as I finished this, there was a sudden scream from the off-road vehicle!



It was Cheng Leyao's scream.

Jiang Xuan immediately grabbed the flashlight and ran over.

The lights in the off-road vehicle were turned on by Xu Mingrui, who turned around to comfort his girlfriend.

Jiang Xuan patted the car door: "What's wrong?"

Xu Mingrui reached out and opened the car door, "It's okay... but I don't know what happened. Why did this doll escape from the trunk and get into the back seat?" Xu Mingrui said, pointing to the baby doll with a pacifier in its mouth that was thrown into the driver's seat.

Jiang Yu took one look at the brand new doll and fell silent.

They bought a total of four dolls, and Jiang Yu personally put them in the trunk.

Cheng Leyao had just fallen into a drowsy sleep. When she turned over, she felt that she was holding something a little hard. After holding it for a while, she suddenly opened her eyes. After touching it, she realized that it was a doll.

I woke up instantly and couldn't help but scream.

Xu Mingrui turned on the car lights. Cheng Leyao became even more frightened when she saw what it was. She cried on the spot.

There were only two of them in the car? No, there were obviously four more dolls!

Cheng Leyao hugged Xu Mingrui and buried her face in his arms: "I don't want to live in the car...or, take them down, no, let's set up a tent, Mingrui, I want to sleep next to you."

Xu Mingrui could only comfort her with distress.

Jiang Xuan reached out and picked up the baby in the passenger seat. It was a simulated baby with a pacifier in its mouth.

Jiang Xing watched carefully, and suddenly the baby opened its mouth, and the pacifier fell from its mouth! Jiang Xing's eyes suddenly shrank!


Suisui: I want to try to update during the day tomorrow. I hope I succeed hahaha. Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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