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Chapter 1395 Escaped?

In the darkness, he saw a human boy pinching his doll's cheek with dirty hands.

The line of sight is very low, because this is Tina's line of sight.

"Da da da."

The sound of puppets walking on the floor.

Palosai opened his eyes, with a little anger in his dark eyes, and he looked at the short doll on the ground.

"When he touched her, why didn't you twist his hand off?" the puppet master asked the little puppet.

Tina's eyes were also filled with anger. She lowered her head and said, "Master, if I break that human's hand, Lilith will be angry because she is playing a game and I am not allowed to disturb her."

The room was silent, and the dolls and severed limbs around him didn't dare to move.

Tina raised her head and said, "I promise that no one will touch her again." She also doesn't like other people touching her.

When Jiang Xian pinched Lilith's cheek, she was watching in the darkness of the living room.

At that time it wanted to kill that human being.

But Lilith won't allow it.

It can't ruin Lilith's game.

Palosai was in an extremely bad mood, with his long hair hanging loosely behind his head. His voice was like a broken gong and he said calmly: "Keep an eye on her."

If such a beautiful doll that he carefully made was touched by a smelly human being, he would inevitably feel very bad.

Tina smiled and agreed: "Yes, Master."

In the whole room, besides being angry, the puppet master's whole body gave off a feeling of indifference and lifelessness.

The same goes for other dolls and severed limbs, they are conscious but have no emotions.

On the contrary, Tina is the one with the most lively emotions and expressions in the whole room.

The sky is gradually turning gray, which means it is getting dawn.

As time passed, the broken glass windows let in light, and the entire dark living room slowly lit up.

Although there is no sun, it is indeed dawn.

Jiang Zhen opened the tent and scanned the entire room.

Except for a few tents, the house was relatively tidy. All the things they used to eat and play with were knocked down and scattered on the ground in a mess.

Peter stuck his head out: "There's nothing strange. It's safe. Let's pack up and leave quickly."

In fact, they didn't want to pack anything, they wanted to get in the car and drive away immediately.

Who knows, will they be able to leave just by driving?

These camping equipment and wilderness survival items should still be packed and brought with you in case of emergency.

Nan Qing also went to pack his things.

They had not slept all night and were frightened. These people were obviously not in good spirits, but they were all very nervous.

No dolls attacked them in the second half of the night. Now it is quiet during the day and there is not much movement, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

They packed up their things as quickly as possible and loaded them all into the car.

This time Jiang Yu was driving, and Peter was sitting in the passenger seat.

The other three people sat in the back, Cheng Leyao sat in the middle, Xu Mingrui and Nan Qing were on the left and right respectively.

Jiang Xuan drove fast and steadily, quickly rushed onto the main road, and then rushed out of the town.

As soon as we came out of the town, the atmosphere in the car became obviously heavier.

Because they had already seen the densely packed dolls hanging on the trees in the distance.

The Island of the Dolls is called the Island of the Dolls because of these dolls.

Many of the dolls are dilapidated and dilapidated. After being exposed to wind, sun and rain, each one of them looks terrible.

Jiang Yu stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. None of the dolls on the tree came down to stop them, or even moved.

Just when they felt strange, Peter glanced at the rearview mirror and screamed in horror: "Those dolls turned to look at us again!"

As soon as the car passed by, every doll on the tree behind them turned their heads and looked at them.

The dolls' eyes were all white, and even the corners of their mouths were slowly cracking, with scary smiles on their faces.

They also move during the day!

Jiang Xuan stepped on the accelerator and drove the car faster.

But suddenly a strange gust of wind shook the car. If Jiang Yu hadn't grasped the steering wheel tightly, they would have probably slipped and fell down the hillside.

I don’t know what happened, but suddenly there was heavy fog on the mountain road, and the visibility was less than one meter.

Jiang Zhen turned on the fog lights, but they still didn't work.

Jiang Xuan gritted his teeth. He remembered that this road was straight. As long as he held the steering wheel firmly, he could rush over it!

Peter found out what Jiang Yu was going to do and said in fear: "Don't rush if you can't see the road!"

Cheng Leyao was frightened and cried, and Xu Mingrui hugged her.

Nan Qing silently grabbed the handle of the car roof.

Jiang Xuan pursed her lips and sweated on her forehead. Without saying a word, she increased the accelerator and rushed out. The powerful recoil made everyone sway.

The fog seemed to be clinging to the car windows and nothing could be seen.

But they could hear the voices of many children screaming and laughing. They were not the voices of normal children, but the screams of dolls that were full of horror and shrillness.

The sound grew louder and louder, as if surrounding them.

There was a buzzing in their ears, and they were going to have tinnitus.


Suddenly a bloody hand pressed against the car window. Before the people in the car could scream in fear, small bloody hands came up to the windshield in front and the door glass on the left and right sides, slapping and slapping the glass.

On the body.

Their bodies were invisible, they were all hidden in the heavy fog. All you could see were countless hands slapping the high-speed off-road vehicle, and the entire vehicle body was shaking, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Peter: "Surrounded... we're done..."

Jiang Yu increased the accelerator and drove the car to its limit.

There was a sudden bang, and the car turned against a tree, and the front cover of the off-road vehicle exploded due to the huge impact.

Jiang Xuan's head hit the steering wheel, and Peter's upper body bent forward severely while wearing his seat belt, as did the people in the back seat.

The impact was so strong that all of them were dazed and very uncomfortable.

There was a buzzing in my head, the screams of ghost dolls, and the sound of car doors being slapped.

The fog dispersed little by little, and visibility slowly recovered.

There is nothing around the car.

Apart from the sound of the car smoking, there were no other strange sounds.

Through the broken glass of the front windshield, a small town in the distance could be vaguely seen.

It seems to be the town they drove out of.

They were obviously driving away, how could they come back?

I have a headache, feel dizzy, and feel like I might have a concussion.

At this moment, several people ran over from a distance. They were all white-skinned and had platinum hair. They were of the same race as Peter and looked like people from country D.

Those people quickly ran to the off-road vehicle.

"What's going on?"

"I was driving so fast and hit a tree. Are the people inside still alive?"

Those people were muttering.

The off-road vehicle has a privacy film so people outside can't see what's going on inside.

The glass was broken, and their voices could be heard faintly.

Several people in the car slowly woke up.

Peter looked dumbfounded and said, "Have we escaped from the Island of the Dolls?"

Xu Mingrui's face showed joy: "They are alive, we just had a car accident? Are we out already?"

Cheng Leyao also gradually accepted this information and was about to be thankful that she survived.

Jiang Qi, who was in the driver's seat, said: "No, we didn't come out. Take a closer look at the town over there..."

The town in the distance, the main road, and the layout of the houses were exactly the same as the place they came out in the morning.

Even the road and the tree that was hit were exactly the same as when they came in.

This is still the Island of the Dolls, and they haven't escaped at all.

And these living people outside are not living people at all...


Suisui: I'm sleepy, good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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