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Chapter 1508 My legs are weak, my waist hurts, I almost died on the bed

My face was pinched and it hurt a little.

Nan Qing continued to pretend to be asleep for a few seconds, and then opened his eyes in a daze, looking at Feng Chao with sleepy eyes.

It seems that such a little slave will die if he exerts even a little force. Everything about her is under his control. She doesn't dare to do anything to disobey him. She will only cling to him like a dodder flower.

"Hiss." Nan Qing raised her head and pulled her hair because Feng Chao was pressing on her long hair.

Feng Chao raised his hand to take out her hair and said, "Did you press my hair just now?"

"I don't know, my little slave is sleepy." Nan Qing came over and lay on his chest motionless, as if he was very tired.

Feng Chao had nowhere to vent his anger when he got up. There happened to be footsteps outside, and he shouted: "It's so noisy!"

Nan Qing buried her face in the clothes on his chest and pulled the thin quilt over to cover her ears.

Feng Chao: "...Get up, don't hold me down."

Nan Qing raised his head and said in a soft voice: "Your Majesty had a headache last night. You must have a good rest today, otherwise you will get another headache easily. Don't be angry. Your Majesty, please continue to sleep for a while."

At the same time, she raised her hand to rub his temples, massaging them gently with her warm and soft fingers.

Nan Qing found out that Feng Chao did this.

Because no one dared to approach Feng Chao, Feng Chao never enjoyed such service.

He was also annoyed when others came to touch him with fear.

On the contrary, Nan Qing's natural service made Feng Chao feel relaxed and comfortable.

The little eunuchs outside were scared to death. They thought His Majesty would come out with a knife to chop them. Unexpectedly, there was no movement inside.

They vaguely heard the beauty's voice.

Everyone was surprised that the beauty sent by Beiling was still alive.

And that beauty seemed to comfort His Majesty.

Li De quickly waved for them to exit. Li De gently closed the palace door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stay here. No one is allowed to enter without your Majesty's summons." Li De ordered.

The guards were all patrolling outside. In the entire main hall, there were only a few palace maids and eunuchs in the outer courtyard who were silently cleaning the courtyard.

Nan Qing massaged Feng Chao carefully. She lowered her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking.

After sleeping all night, the straps of her chest-length skirt were a little loose, and Feng Chao saw the red marks on her neck and shoulders.

There are also some marks on her wrist, which he made last night.

With such fine skin, she is indeed a slave girl who was carefully raised.

At this age, she must have been only about ten years old when he returned to Nanling five years ago. They must have never met her. In short, he had no impression of her.

This little slave should be lucky that they have never met each other...

When Feng Chao closed his eyes, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

His life in Beiling was worse than that of a slave. If she saw him, he would kill her immediately!

She can still stay for a while. With the skill of massaging her hands and the warmth and comfort of her arms, it would be nice to keep her by her side.

The tyrant slowly fell asleep. He didn't know that the little slave, who had no threat in his eyes, was staring at him with a sneer. With such a look, it would be unusual for him to take out a dagger and cut his head in the next second.

Sometimes Feng Chao would not go to the morning court because he was drunk and unwell, and Bai Yuanxing could not help him.

Today Baiyuan marched to the palace, and all the ministers in the court had arrived. They saw that the time had passed and the monarch was not seen in court.

The ministers did not dare to speak. Each one of them stood in his position with his head lowered and did not dare to say a word. The whole court was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Bai Yuan, dressed in white clothes and wearing a jade crown, walked towards the outside of the hall with a dust in his hand.

Li De hurried over: "Master Imperial Master, Your Majesty has not left the chamber yet."

As the head of internal control, he can only speak truthfully.

Bai Yuanxing didn't embarrass him, he just nodded and went straight to the inner palace.

Other ministers had to obtain admissions to enter the inner palace, but as Bai Yuanxing was the national advisor, there was no place he could not go in the Nanling Kingdom.

Bai Yuanxing's status can be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than ten thousand people.

Everyone treated Bai Yuan with utmost respect, as the Imperial Master was a living god.

Outside the emperor's bedroom, Bai Yuanxing asked someone to push the door open. The heavy palace door opened silently.

Incense is lit in the hall, and a charcoal stove is lit in the hall at the beginning of autumn. As soon as you enter, you will feel warm all over, which is indeed a good place to rest.

Bai Yuanxing stood tall and straight, looked at the hanging beads and bed curtains that blocked his view with an indifferent expression, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, you should have gone to court early."

Bai Yuanxing knew that Feng Chao had suffered a lot in Beiling, so Bai Yuanxing would not come to see anyone if he was unwell.

Bai Yuanxing saw with his own eyes that Feng Chao didn't drink much last night and came back to rest early. He shouldn't miss the early morning meal today.

Feng Chao woke up the moment Bai Yuan walked in.

He always felt light and alert.

Nan Qing also woke up and looked at Feng Chao, who looked very unhappy and angry.

Nan Qing reached out and touched his chest gently, and whispered: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, I will drive him away."

Feng Chao was attracted by her words, his eyes were deep, and his hoarse voice said coldly: "Can you drive him away?"

"As long as Your Majesty wants it, I will do my best and I will do anything for Your Majesty."

After saying this, Nan Qing got out of bed. Her clothes were in a mess, and a lot of skin on her chest and shoulders was exposed.

Nan Qing stretched out his hand and tugged on Feng Chao's black dragon-patterned coat and put it directly on himself.

This is dragon-patterned clothing, only the monarch can wear it. How brave.

There was no accusation in Feng Chao's expression, only vague expectation.

She looked even smaller under the clothes. She was dressed in black from shoulders to feet. Her bare feet were covered. Only a few pink and white fingers could be faintly seen as she walked forward.

Feng Chao looked at her back. He reached out and ruffled his long hair, then lay on his side with his head propped up and listened to what was going on outside.

Bai Yuanxing didn't expect that the dancer who came out would be the dancer sent by Beiling.

And she boldly put the dragon pattern clothes on her body.

Bai Yuanxing didn't think it was her wish. She didn't dare. Feng Chao should have put it on her.

Putting dragon-patterned clothes on a female slave is getting more and more ridiculous.

Bai Yuanxing was angry, but he would not take it out on an innocent slave girl.

He just said: "Take off your clothes, dragon pattern clothes are not for you to wear."

The voice was slightly cold, but it was also a humane reminder to her.

Unexpectedly, the slave girl not only did not take off her clothes, but also had an arrogant smile on her face. Her face was so disastrous that no one could look away when she smiled.

Nan Qing looked down at the clothes on his body, then raised his chin and smiled arrogantly, saying in a soft voice: "This is the Imperial Master of Nanling. I wanted to salute the Imperial Master.

But it’s not convenient to wear this dragon robe.”

Bai Yuanxing frowned in displeasure and raised his legs to go inside.

As a result, Nan Qing suddenly stood in front of him, and Bai Yuanxing quickly stopped to avoid bumping into her.

"Get out of the way."

"Your Majesty had a headache last night and is lying in bed now unable to get up. I feel sorry for Your Majesty when I look at it. How can the Imperial Master be so serious? Your Majesty's health is not as important as your morning appearance."

"Since you are feeling sick, please ask the imperial doctor." Bai Yuan said.

This was exactly what Nan Qing wanted: "Okay, please ask the imperial doctor."

Wait for the imperial doctor to arrive at this time.

Several palace maids came in with refreshments.

Bai Yuanxing sat down, and Nan Qing sat down unceremoniously, and said in a coquettish voice: "It's hard for me to stand in this kind of clothes."

Bai Yuanxing: "..."

When Feng Chao heard the sounds outside, he knew how disgusting Bai Yuanxing's expression was now.

It is estimated that Bai Yuanxing has never suffered such a disadvantage since he was a child. He was kicked in the face by a little slave.

Feng Chao felt much better and stood up.

"Come here, help me freshen up."

Li De immediately called all the palace maids to come in.

Bai Yuanxing looked at her and found that the slave girl was drinking honey tea and had no intention of going in to serve her.

What Feng Chao wanted was just for Bai Yuanxing to be deficient, not for lying in bed and pretending to be sick.

Feng Chao washed and dressed up, changed into clothes embroidered with dragon patterns, wore the jade crown from the early dynasty on his head, and the bead curtain hung in front of his forehead. The crazy and beautiful man lazing on the bed suddenly transformed into a monarch.

As soon as Feng Chao came out, Nan Qing approached him and said, "Your Majesty."

Feng Chao hugged her waist and looked at Bai Yuanxing.

Bai Yuanxing frowned, but still looked away from them.

Feng Chao lowered his head and praised: "Well done."

Bai Yuanxing can hear it.

He felt that Feng Chao was becoming less and less like a monarch, and there was a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Nan Qing stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek: "I'm waiting for your Majesty to come to court."

Feng Chao and Bai Yuan walked away, and Nan Qing became the king in the entire palace.

Nan Qing opened his hand and asked the palace maid to help him dress and wash himself. He also asked for a few pots of flower wine and a guqin.

She went to the pavilion in the imperial garden to have fun alone, and no one was allowed to follow her.

Li De saw what she was capable of and naturally he did not dare to disobey her orders.

Nan Qing plucked the strings at will, and pleasant music came out from his fingertips.

Nan Qing ate and played with the snacks and wine placed at hand.

A palace maid came quietly behind her.

"I didn't expect you to survive."

Nan Qing stopped playing the piano and looked back at this ordinary palace maid.

He has a very mediocre appearance and is the kind of person who is hard to find in a crowd.

But she has an upright posture and is relatively tall. At first glance, she looks like a Lianjiazi.

The original owner didn't know martial arts, but this maid did.

This maid is her internal correspondent in the palace, the person who was placed in the Nanling Palace in Beiling.

There should be many such maids, but the original owner does not know them.

When entering the palace, the people from Beiling just said: Do your job well and someone will come to you.

Ruyi was from the Xizuo camp. She looked down on the female slaves of the Israelite people. She had gone through various trainings to become a Xizuo. Why was this slave girl?

Ruyi suppressed the lack of love in her eyes and said coldly: "Since you survived, then stay with Emperor Nanling, quietly put these medicines into his food, and charm him. If you can become

A beautiful woman with status would be even better."

Nan Qing could tell that this spy didn't like him.

She just likes to watch others dislike her and then end up liking her crazily.

To everyone.

"I know." Nan Qing responded with a chuckle.

Her voice is so beautiful, soft and charming.

Ruyi was stunned for a moment, then handed over the medicine.

Nan Qing didn't get up to pick it up, he just spread his soft white hand and waited for Ruyi to put it into her palm.

"Come and get it yourself." Ruyi said displeasedly.

"My legs are weak and my waist hurts. I really can't get up. Sister, you don't even know how the Emperor Nanling tortured me last night. I almost died on the bed. It hurts too much." Nan Qing said pitifully.

At the right time, he revealed the pinch marks on his neck.

Ruyi's face heated up when she saw it, and then she quickly went over and slapped the medicine heavily on her hand.


Ruyi cursed and turned around and left, wiping the palms of her hands with a handkerchief as she walked, as if she had touched something dirty.

Nan Qing chuckled.

She is the best at doing disgusting things.

Er Er deliberately said jokingly: "She is your upline. You will still have to contact her when passing on news in the future. Don't you plan to make the relationship good?"

Nan Qing Aojiao: "She doesn't like me to begin with, so why should I have a good relationship with her?"

Er Er laughed at this.

Nan Qing: "And if I don't look for her, she will definitely not be able to hold back and look for me. After all, she is really meticulous and has to work hard."

This kind of person doesn't need to have a good relationship at all.

Nan Qing continued to play the piano and drink.

Er Er reminded Feng Chao to go to court, but Nan Qing didn't move his butt.

There is no need to stick to Feng Chao all the time, just this feeling of being far and now close.

Nan Qing had already thought clearly about the progress of the strategy.

Nan Qing asked a palace maid to find some wound medicine for her and apply it gently on her neck and shoulders.

"From now on, I will bite his neck and shoulders so hard that I will see blood."

Er Er knew that Nan Qing would retaliate for his anger, so he watched the show happily.

"Er Er, who is the heroine of the world?"

"The daughter of the current prime minister, the eldest daughter, is fifteen years old, the same age as you. She is a proud daughter of heaven. She has been famous since she was a child. She was originally engaged to the third prince, but the third prince was killed by Feng Chao.


"Between the heroine of the world and the third prince?" Nan Qing asked doubtfully.

Er Er: "The heroine of the world and the third prince have met a few times, but they don't have any feelings for each other."

"It's quite good for the prime minister's daughter to be paired with a national advisor." Nan Qing commented.

Er Er shook his head and said: "The male protagonist of the world saw that Feng Chao was getting more and more crazy and had no one to control him, so he thought about getting Feng Chao married. Maybe with a woman blowing his pillow, he would gradually become more sensible.

Feng Chao has been a prostitute for ten years, and Bai Yuanxing felt that he needed a virtuous and talented woman to help him. Maybe he can become a wise king as soon as possible."

Nan Qing looked shocked: "So?"

Er Er: "Yes, it's what you think. The male protagonist of the world directly married his future wife to Feng Chao, but he still forcefully gave it to Feng Chao. After Feng Chao refused to accept the wife, Bai Yuanxing united

The court officials forced him to marry the heroine of the world."

Nan Qing likes to hear this!

"Then the Imperial Master will definitely regret it in the end, hahahaha."

Er Er: "Feng Chao is always crazy. On his wedding night, he even killed many people in front of the heroine of the world. The heroine of the world was frightened and cried. She also deeply realized that this was a tyrant and not a good man.

Even if she doesn't deserve it, she doesn't want to persuade such a person.

The heroine of the world took the initiative to find Bai Yuanxing, and the two teamed up to slowly kill Feng Chao. During this period, the two secretly fell in love and gradually became together."

"Tsk, tsk." Nan Qing took a sip of wine.

Li De hurriedly found the pavilion and said quickly: "Girl, His Majesty is looking for you!"


Sui Sui: I don’t know if you have noticed that Nan Qing will be a heartthrob in this world. Hahahaha, she is beautiful and everyone will like her~

Dang, Dang, Dang, knock on the little broken bowl, Cang Zhang, don’t you deserve your little gift? Boo Boo, good night, my dears!

This chapter has been completed!
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