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Chapter 1511 Blood Stained Jade Pond

There was a stabbing pain on his neck, and Feng Chao was about to fight back when a boy-like voice said: "Your Majesty Feng Chao, I advise you not to move, otherwise this knife will cut your neck in the next second."

Feng Chao couldn't turn around to see what she looked like. From the sound of her voice, she sounded like a young boy.

The hand holding the knife is also small.

Nan Qing wore gloves so he wasn't afraid of seeing them.

They just made a cut on his neck and did not intend to kill him. It seemed that they wanted something else.

The stinging pain in his neck made Feng Chao very unhappy. He was determined to grab the person behind him and cut him into pieces!

Feng Chao suppressed his anger: "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing, just to see what a tyrant looks like. You hurt innocent people and ignore government affairs. Do you know what kind of life the people of Nanling live? Look at this jade bath, it's so extravagant, you stupid tyrant."

Feng Chao took the throne less than a year ago. He had been vying for the throne for the previous five years and became famous.

Since returning to Nanling, Feng Chao has rarely been scolded by others, but he still scolded him in front of him like this.

The young man behind him seemed to be satisfied with the scolding. He patted Feng Chao's face with his other hand and used some strength to make a snapping sound.

Feng Chao couldn't hold back his anger due to a sense of overwhelming humiliation. He didn't care about the knife on his neck and raised his hand to grab the person behind him and drag him down.

As a result, the person behind him slipped away as fast as a loach and was not caught at all.

The man seemed to have noticed that Feng Chao was angry, and stabbed him in the back with a dagger, then turned around and jumped out of the window and ran away.

The stinging sensation on his back shoulder made Feng Chao lose his strength for a while. The jade-stacked bathing pool was slippery with water. When he went ashore to chase after him, the man had already run away, and he saw a dark figure jumping out of the window.

He is a small boy, probably in his early teens.

Feng Chao turned his shoulder and took a look. The dagger did not hit the vital point, but it was deeply pierced and blood flowed out.

The pool of blood at the tyrant's feet, the white sapphire stained red, was beautiful, but no one paid attention to this.

"Someone is coming!"

Someone jumped out of the window just now, and there was a lot of noise. The guards outside had heard it and were chasing the person.

Li De bent over and ran in quickly, holding his hat.

Feng Chao stood naked on the jade stone, half of his body was still bloody, and his neck was also covered in blood. Li De was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground after just one glance.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty...you..."

Feng Chao looked at him with ferocious eyes: "If you catch him, I will live or die or see his corpse!"

Someone actually dared to assassinate Emperor Nanling, and even almost succeeded.

The entire palace was awake, and guards were everywhere searching.

The palace was brightly lit everywhere, and the little eunuchs and maids gathered together and were very frightened.

They were all afraid of His Majesty's wrath, and none of them dared to say whether they would become the unjust ghost tonight.

There was so much commotion in the palace that Bai Yuanxing quickly got the news from the spies and entered the palace overnight.

Although Bai Yuanxing didn't like Feng Chao's behavior, this was the emperor he had spent five years supporting, and nothing could happen to Feng Chao.

Feng Chao's bad temper and bad temper can be slowly changed, but nothing can happen to the emperor who possesses dragon veins and is destined to go against the weather. He can lead the Nanling Kingdom to new heights.

Nan Qing stuffed the night clothes into the cold palace and then came back, pretending to be awakened by the movement outside.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing obscene clothes and underwear with a clean face, looking at the palace maid who came in bewilderedly.

"What happened outside?"

"Back to you, girl, His Majesty was assassinated, and the assassin is being caught outside."

Ordinary people will be frightened when they hear the news. Several palace ladies are now as scared as little quails.

Nan Qing just woke up a little and said lazily: "Well, then you should be careful and don't be alone if you all get together."

The assassin has not been caught yet. No one knows where the assassin is hiding or whether he will sneak into a certain palace. This is why these palace ladies are afraid.

Nan Qing's calm instructions made the maids suddenly no longer panic.

Nan Qing continued to sleep in his cage, while the maids kept watch in the outer hall.

After a while, the guards found this place and brought some maids with them.

It was inconvenient for them to enter the concubine's inner palace, so they asked a few palace maids who were working elsewhere to help them, so that they would not engage in malpractice for personal gain.

The guards were checking other side halls, and the two palace ladies came to Nanqing's inner hall and looked behind the screen and bead curtain one by one, and then the bed.

Nan Qing sat on the edge of the bed with her hair disheveled, looking at them, or to be precise, looking at one of them.

What a coincidence, this is not her upline.

Ruyi gently touched the cabinet with his hand, turned his head slightly and saw her looking at him, Ruyi frowned.

Are they afraid that others won't discover their relationship? From what I've seen, it turns out that she's a slave girl who only knows how to charm men and doesn't know anything about the details.

Ruyi came over to inspect the bed and bedding, and bent down to touch the quilt. As a result, the slave girl suddenly knelt and approached.

Ruyi's heart skipped a beat.

Nan Qing chuckled: "Which palace are you a maid in?"

Ruyi lowered her head and replied in a low voice: "Imperial dining room."

"She looks so thin, you can't tell she is from the imperial kitchen."

Ruyi frowned, who told her that the people in the imperial dining room were chubby and not everyone liked to eat secretly.

"You are tall. It's hard to tell how thin you are even from this close. Your waist is much thicker than mine." Nan Qing said, looking at Ruyi's waist.

Ruyi almost lost her expression.

"I've been practicing dancing since I was a child, but I can't have such a thick waist." Nan Qing also touched her belly.

Ruyi's eyes followed her hands and glanced at the small waist. She really believed that Ruyi felt that she could cover it with one hand.

"Are you looking at me? Is my waist thin?" Nan Qing smiled nicely and moved closer.

Ruyi turned around quickly, stood up straight and said respectfully: "There are no thieves in the hall, girl, you can have a good rest."

After saying that, she exited with another person.

The person next to me whispered: "Sister Ruyi, why does that girl always talk to you? What did she say?"

What the two of them just said on the bed was so low that the maid standing further away could not hear it clearly.

Ruyi: "The girl was timid and scared, so I comforted her with a few words."

"Oh, but when I see her smiling, I can't tell that she is scared anymore. She looks so beautiful when she smiles, and she looks good even when she is not smiling. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

"Stop talking, go quickly and tell the commander that there is nothing strange in this palace."

The emperor's palace.

The imperial doctor carefully applied the medicine to the man. When the dagger was pierced deeply, there would always be blood seeping out. When the golden sore medicine was sprinkled on it, blood immediately covered it. The imperial doctor used some strength to press it with a white cloth to stop the bleeding. From the beginning to the end, there was no trace of blood on Feng Chao's face.

Pain expression.

Entering the palace late at night, Bai Yuanxing didn't have Fuchen in his hand, nor did he bring a white jade suit or a big jade crown. He sat aside in regular clothes.

"Your Majesty, is the assassin really a teenage man?"

Feng Chao said: "Not tall, very thin, and his voice is like a child's."

The only men who fit this profile in the palace were eunuchs, teenage eunuchs with childish voices and thin bodies.

This chapter has been completed!
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