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Chapter 1529 Lock her up!

The palace maid and the young eunuch all went out, and they were the only two people left in the whole room.

Feng Chao sat on the chair and looked at Nan Qing with faint eyes. He seemed to be still smiling. Such a posture and expression were very scary.

Nan Qing did not step forward, but returned the same smile and said in a soft voice: "It was too chaotic at that time, and His Majesty was injured again. Maybe he was really dazzled."

For a moment, there was dead silence in the room.

The smile on Feng Chao's face gradually solidified, and his dark eyes stared into hers for a long time.

Finally he closed his eyes and suddenly started laughing. Feng Chao's laughter was very nice, but now he was laughing so hard, it sounded very sad.

Feng Chao laughed so hard that he leaned forward and back with tears streaming down his face. Finally he stood up and walked unsteadily. He staggered to Nan Qing like a drunken man.

Nan Qing looked up at him: "Your Majesty, you should have a good rest after bleeding."

Feng Chao lowered his head and looked at the beautiful person in front of him. His laughter gradually stopped. He suddenly lay down and hugged Nan Qing with his whole body. He leaned against Nan Qing as softly as if he had no bones.

"Little slave, am I not only dazzled, but also having some auditory hallucinations? My ears are not working well, so I heard what you said."

His voice was hoarse; he had laughed too hard and his throat had become hoarse.

There was no emotion in Feng Chao's tone.

He deliberately spoke against her ear, and his hot breath fell into Nan Qing's ear. Nan Qing tilted her head uncomfortably.

Feng Chao was not happy anymore and raised his hand to push her head back so that her head was pressed against her head. With him hugging her so big, Nan Qing felt very heavy and she couldn't stand up.

"Your Majesty, you are so heavy that your shoulders hurt so much."

"How can you, a slave, be so squeamish and can't stand being pressed like this? Then how did you get here before, eh?"

"I endured it and didn't even say anything about the pain or discomfort, because others wouldn't treat me well if I did."

"Then why did you just tell me?"


Feng Chao interrupted her: "Because you know that when I hear you say this, I will take a step back, treat you well, and even feel sorry for you and pamper you."

"Yes, Your Majesty is the person who treats me the best in the world."

"I treat you so well..." Feng Chao suddenly stood up, clasped Nan Qing's shoulders with his hands and shouted, "Then how did you treat me!"

Feng Chao's eyes were full of anger, and his voice was extremely fierce, as if he was going to strangle her to death in the next second.

If other people were yelled at like this, from such a close distance, and yelled against their shoulders, they would probably be so frightened that they would lose control.

Nan Qing didn't cry or fuss, and his expression didn't even change.

She still stared at him with a smile on her face and said, "What did your Majesty say? I didn't do anything. I am not ashamed of Your Majesty."

Feng Chao sneered, stretched out his hand and pushed her hard: "You are so clear, you are so clear! You are in the same group with them, I am not dazzled!"

Although he had already guessed that she was sent to him by Beiling to harm him, but no evidence was found. Feng Chao thought that one day the spies would pass the evidence to him, but he did not expect that he would see this evidence with his own eyes.


If a spy brought the evidence to him, Feng Chao felt that he probably wouldn't believe it.

Or he would quietly erase her online contacts, the Beiling people she could contact, and then completely put her under house arrest, so that she would have nothing to do with Beiling, and she would be his!

Feng Chao was not ready to accept the truth that she wanted to harm him.

Just now he was worried about whether she was injured, but now that he calmed down, Feng Chao couldn't help but want to settle the score with her.

When he said he was dazzled, he was actually giving her room to speak out on her own initiative.

But she really thought he was a fool!

Nan Qing was pushed hard and staggered back. In the end, she lost her balance and stepped on her own skirt, which fell to the ground.

"Hiss..." Nan Qing frowned in pain.

Feng Chao's eyes moved slightly, but his whole body remained motionless.

Just pretend, this room is carpeted, so it won't hurt at all.

She would step barefoot on the floor in the house. Xiangguo Temple was in the mountains and it was cold in the morning and evening. He was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he specially asked the palace servants to cover the whole house with thick carpets, which were soft and soft. She fell down

It doesn't hurt at all if you fall, it's all just pretending!

Feng Chao took two steps forward and looked at her condescendingly: "The leader in black knows you, and he even blocked the knife for you. What is your relationship with him?"

Nan Qing was sitting on the ground. She calmly folded her legs, hugged her thighs with both hands and huddled into a small ball and looked up at him, "I don't know what your Majesty is talking about."

Feng Chao frowned: "You want to continue to hide it? My tolerance for you is limited."

Nan Qing rested her chin on her knees and looked at him eagerly with a pair of bright eyes. She smiled sadly: "Your Majesty clearly said yesterday that he would not bully me in the future. Now he is pushing me away again and I am interrogating him again. Your Majesty is not only

Patience has a limit, and even commitment has a limit. This deadline is... one day."

The sadness in her eyes made Feng Chao particularly irritable.

Feng Chao bent down and said fiercely: "You want to gossip about other things? I'm giving you a chance!"

Nan Qing shut up and just looked at him.

There is some water in her beautiful light brown eyes. Her eyes are bright and her expression is slightly flowing.

Is she making up some kind of lie?

Feng Chao closed his eyes, opened them again, then turned back to the chair and sat down.

Feng Chao: "Say."

Nan Qing hugged his legs and tilted his head and said, "I have nothing to do with him, and I didn't harm you."

"That's nonsense. It doesn't matter. Why did he save you?"

"Maybe it's because he only wants to kill His Majesty and doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Haha, then they also killed the palace people around me."

"Maybe the slave chief is so good-looking that he can't bear the misfortune of a stunning beauty like me."

This slave, these are not even words of sophistry and explanation.

Feng Chao's head ached for a while, and he was really afraid that he would strangle her to death in the next second.

Feng Chao clenched the armrests of the chair tightly with his hands, and finally managed to say: "Someone is here! Lock her up!"

The guards outside heard the noise in the room and came in immediately.

The guards lowered their heads and no one dared to look at her. The empress was sitting on the ground, and they did not dare to drag her away...

Seeing this, Nan Qing stood up, wiped her skirt with a handkerchief, arranged her hair, made it look straight, turned around and followed the guard.

Feng Chao was the only one left in the room.

Feng Chao inhaled painfully, and finally couldn't help but smash a lot of things. He smashed all the chairs and tables in the Zen room.

The maids and eunuchs outside all lowered their heads, their chins almost touching their chests, and no one dared to make a sound.

Li De stood at the door of the courtyard. He did not dare to go near the house or run away. If His Majesty summoned him, he would be angry if he arrived late.

The roaring sounds of people smashing things gradually subsided, and the whole yard fell silent.

It's still dark now, and the lights in the house have been smashed out. The house is pitch black and there is no sound.

Logically speaking, someone should be sent to check at this time, just in case something happens to His Majesty...

But they didn't dare.

Your Majesty's rage has worsened. How many of them have the brains and lives to dare to go and check?

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Dawn gradually broke, the sky turned gray, heavy fog filled the mountains, and the atmosphere in the entire yard became even more solemn.ωωw..net

Suddenly Feng Chao's hoarse voice came from the room.

"Li De, here comes the Imperial Physician."

"Yes!" Li De quickly picked up his clothes and went to find someone.

The old doctor was quickly brought.

The house was in a mess, full of broken things.

Several young eunuchs came in and tidied up quietly.

The imperial doctor knelt down and saluted.

Feng Chao said: "I was often fed poisonous tea by the palace maids in Beiling. This poison will not kill me, but it will make my memory confused or even disappear. It will also make me furious and unable to control my behavior. I will have unbearable headaches and even

Bloodthirsty, come here and take a good look at me, and you must cure me."

Feng Chao returned to Nanling and ascended the throne for a year. In fact, the imperial physician and the people around him knew more or less about his problems, but they had never heard him say it so clearly from his own mouth.

This obviously means he wants to be cured and is willing to be cured.

The imperial doctor didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or hold back his breath.

In the past, when His Majesty was injured, he could apply medicine and bandage himself. It was obvious that His Majesty did not like others to touch him.

The imperial physician had never treated him in person before, and this was the first time.

The imperial doctor sweated a lot and took his pulse, watching and asking questions carefully.

In the end, the imperial doctor was somewhat fortunate and said: "Your Majesty can detoxify this poison, but it is difficult to excrete this poison from the body on your own. Therefore, even if your Majesty has not taken this medicine for several years, you still feel uncomfortable and have a headache and cannot control yourself. But as long as you take the medicine well to detoxify, you will be able to cure the poison."

With daily acupuncture and detoxification, these toxins can be detoxified within half a year."

Feng Chao felt a little better after hearing the news, but at the same time he asked: "You said that I have not taken this medicine for several years. Is it speculation or is there evidence?"

The imperial doctor may have guessed that he naturally never drank this medicine after returning to Nanling.

But it is also possible that the pulse was taken out.

This information is very important to Feng Chao.

When he came back to Nanling, someone drugged him.

To be precise, did she drug him...

He had dined with her so many times. Except for Feng Chao who was on guard at the beginning and asked her to drink first the soup she brought him every day, he no longer did this anymore and he always drank it in one gulp.

Feng Chao suddenly felt a little worried.

He even regretted asking the imperial doctor this question.

The imperial doctor said: "I never dare to make random guesses. What I said is backed by evidence. Your Majesty's pulse is stable and there are accumulated toxins in your body. It can be concluded that he was poisoned a few years ago. He has not been poisoned in these years."

Feng Chao's anxious heart slowly relaxed, and he even felt a little secretly happy.

She didn't poison him.

But so what?

She was Beiling's spy, and she was on the same team as the men in black who assassinated him.

Feng Chao didn't let the guards continue to investigate those people. It wasn't that there were too many people who assassinated him. He was too lazy to investigate. One of the reasons was that he was afraid that if he continued to investigate, she would be found.

It's okay if Feng Chao knows. The guards go to investigate. Baiyuan Guild will know, and many people will know.

When the time comes, many people will force him to execute her.

The imperial doctor went to make medicine, and the young eunuchs packed everything in the house.

Li De asked people to bring in new tables and chairs and place them one by one. After a while, the whole room returned to its original state.

Feng Chao was exhausted, "You all get out."


A group of people went out.

Feng Chao was resting alone in the room. He had not slept all night. He should have closed his eyes and rested now, but he just couldn't fall asleep.

I can't help but always think about Nan Qing and that heartless little slave.

Didn't he treat her well?

To say that his promise was only valid for one day was to stab him in the heart.

Just because he liked her a little bit and couldn't let go of her, he kept pushing her further.

Feng Chao sighed heavily.

Deal with her after she wakes up.

I don't know where she is being held.

There seems to be no special place for prisoners in Xiangguo Temple. There are only large and small Zen monasteries, all of which are used to receive distinguished guests. They are not much different.

Nan Qing was locked up in a small room. Although the room was not big, it had a bed, a table and chairs.

Er Er: "This room is for first-class maids, right?"

The pilgrims received by Xiangguo Temple are all relatives of the emperor or family members of court ministers. When these people come to offer incense, they will bring their personal maids with them. If they stay, the maids can also be assigned to the Zen room.

Nan Qing: "I'm so tired. Every time Feng Chao pushed me, my bones would fall apart."

Er Er: "Who asked you to deliberately make him angry?"

Nan Qing: "You just said that the character points have increased?"

Shut up, Er Er.

Nan Qing: "I have been oppressed and bullied since I was a child, I was trained to be a man's plaything, and I was forced to come to Nanling to work as a tradesman. I don't want to be a tradesman. I just want to live a good life, at least better than what I lived before.

The training and brainwashing from a young age taught me that only by clinging to a man can I live a better life, so I chose to cling to Feng Chao.

Feng Chao saw the truth tonight, I'm very scared, I'm very panicked, I'm afraid of losing the good life that I finally got now, so I can't even admit to death that I have anything to do with Ruyi and the others!"

Nan Qing showed weakness to Feng Chao, showing his loss and sadness, hoping that he would be soft-hearted and let the matter go away.

She was really too afraid of losing everything she had now, so she acted like a fool.

Er Er: "But Feng Chao didn't want to tell a word of the truth. He was so angry that he locked you up directly."

Nan Qing smiled: "He didn't hit me, kill me, or torture me. I've already won."

Er Er: "I got the character points, and his favorability towards you has increased again, but there is something wrong with the male protagonist of the world, Bai Yuanxing is unconscious now..."

The original plot also included Ruyi's assassination of Feng Chao and Bai Yuanxing, but the ending was also unsuccessful.

But Bai Yuanxing was not injured so seriously in the original plot.

Er Er: "If there is a slight deviation in the plot, there will be many chain reactions. You have to be careful."

Nan Qing: "Will Bai Yuanxing die?"

Er Er was in a strange mood: "When he dies, we will automatically pop up from this world, because this world is about to collapse~"

Nan Qing acted like a good boy: "I'm in solitary confinement and I can't get out to save Bai Yuanxing~"

Er Er's cold voice laughed twice: "Who said you can't get out?"

Nan Qing: "I can't go out by myself, otherwise my character will be ruined again, and the points I finally earned will be gone."

Two Two: "Three, two, one, people are here."


Before Nan Qing could say anything, he suddenly heard the sound of being knocked unconscious outside.

Then two familiar men in black broke in and said, "The master asked us to take you away."


Suisui: Boom boom, clang clang clang, good night, babies!

This chapter has been completed!
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