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Chapter 173 The Zombie Who Picked the Car Door

Now it has only attracted some low-level zombies. There should be more zombies in less than an hour, and there must be high-level zombies among them. With so many zombies blocking the road, cars will definitely not be able to get out.

Er Er in the blue space was not anxious at all. It swayed its legs: "At ten o'clock, City A will explode."

The implication is that as long as we leave the city before ten o'clock in the evening, it will be fine.

The car was racing all the way, and the team members realized something was wrong: "Why are there so many zombies? How did they get here?"

The car was closed, and their smell had been kept as low as possible, but now zombies were coming from all directions, and with more and more zombies, they felt that something was obviously wrong.

Zhang Peng's expression was serious: "Rush, rush all the way out."

He had an ominous premonition that something was really wrong with the situation today.

Nan Qing is waiting for an opportunity. She must find an opportunity to take the big guy away and attract these zombies away.

It is very likely that wherever the big man's physique appears in the future, there will be a tide of corpses.

I was careless today.

The car drove to a street that Nan Qing was familiar with. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Go to the side alley."

"No, it's too narrow there and zombies will climb onto the car."

"Push forward with the maximum accelerator. After ten seconds, you will reach the national highway through this alley. The national highway is spacious and there are few zombies, but here are residential streets full of zombies. If you continue to drive forward, you will really be surrounded."

It's easy to get on the national highway and go out of the city, just keep driving in a straight line.

Her voice was soft but had a calm aura. Zhang Peng was stunned for a moment and then nodded: "Xiao Cheng, drive to the side alley!"

"Boss, the alley is too narrow, zombies can just climb into the car..."


The driving team member gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, everyone, sit tight."

Nan Qing stretched out her hand to grab the pole above her head, but she was too short to sit and couldn't grab it. It was a bit embarrassing to raise her hand to grab the empty one.

Just when she retracted her hand, a strong arm suddenly appeared around her waist. It came over and put an arm around Nan Qing's waist, so that Nan Qing didn't have to hold on to anything and the car wouldn't sway no matter how fast she drove.

"Big guy, you must not make any noise." She approached and said in a low voice.

She breathed against its cheek, and the zombie's white eyes turned and lowered its head to gently rub her cheek.

Nan Qing's eyes narrowed and she complained, "What are you doing?"

The corners of its mouth curled up as if it was quite happy.

Bang bang bang!

There are only a few zombies in the alley, but if you rush towards them, you will inevitably hit them directly and make a loud noise. Some zombies will jump on the front of the car when they see it approaching.

A zombie jumped onto the front of the car very nimbly, its rotting head hitting the glass, and the black blood stains just looking at it made people sick.

"Roar!" it was still shouting.

Zhang Peng said: "Keep driving! Drive out of the alley and throw it off the road."

Even though there was a zombie lying on the car, it didn't affect driving. The team members stepped on the accelerator and continued rushing.

The zombie was lying on the front of the car trying hard to look inside and roaring, but suddenly its eyes met the eyes of the man wearing a hat in the back seat of the car. The zombie froze and forgot to pick up the front of the car.

He fell instantly and was run over by a wheel.

"What's going on? This zombie didn't catch himself?" the team members laughed mercilessly.

Evolved zombies are very flexible, but the zombie just now didn't hold it firmly, which is too bad.

Zhang Peng also felt something was wrong, but it was too late to think more about it.

The car rushed all the way and finally rushed out of the alley, and the wide national highway appeared in front of us. There were scattered zombies on the national highway, which was perfect for racing!

Nan Qing leaned into its ear: "Big guy, try releasing your coercive aura to order those zombies not to come over."

This chapter has been completed!
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