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Chapter 357 Bite His Finger

Nan Qing quickly took his hand back and said, "No, I found that the young master has a knot, and it can't be opened without a little force."

Xie Lingmu opened his eyes and looked back at the well-behaved person: "Little girl, your way of deceiving people is very poor. Why did the young master offend you and wait for an opportunity to retaliate?"

"The master treats his servants very well."

"I just realized that I'm good to you, so why are you pinching me so hard?"

Nan Qing had a look on his face that he couldn't explain, and said stubbornly: "Young Master's shoulders are very hard and obviously bruised. If you don't rub them away, you will usually feel sore and tired."

Xie Lingmu didn't listen to what she said at all. He raised his hand and pulled the person into his arms, and Nan Qing was forced to sit on his lap.

She looked at him in shock!

Xie Lingmu reached out and stroked her hair, touching the still wet ends.

"Let me think about where I offended you little girl today."

He seems to be very well-behaved and timid, but secretly he has sharp claws.

"You have thought about it, are you afraid that I will pinch your waist today?"

"No!" Nan Qing answered quickly as if he was covering up something.

Xie Lingmu smiled: "It seems that I guessed it right. Are you so petty? I didn't buy you sugar haws as compensation. Why do you still remember grudges?"

So Tanghulu is compensating for pinching her waist? What new world did Nan Qing discover?

Xie Lingmu took the clean cloth from the table and gently wiped the wet ends of Nan Qing's hair.

Nan Qing's heart skipped a beat at his actions. What was this snake doing? Is he wiping her hair so kind and gentle?

"It is impossible for me to have blood clots on my martial arts body. The few hard pinches you just made were intentional injuries to the master. How should I be punished for this?"

One sentence brought Nan Qing back to reality.

Sure enough, Snake Essence Disease cannot be so kind and gentle!

Nan Qing sat on his lap very close to him. Looking at this gentle and jade-like face, she buried her head and pretended to be dead.

"I feel guilty. If you dare to pinch me, I won't dare to answer."

"I didn't pinch you on purpose. You asked me to pinch you. I saw that the young master could bear the force without saying a word, so I pinched you a little harder."

She no longer called herself a slave, and Xie Lingmu kept wiping her hair with his hands with a smile in his eyes.


"I don't."

"How about punishing you by not going to dinner tomorrow?"

"Sir, why do you always punish people by not allowing them to eat?"

"Because... I like to see you greedy but unable to eat."

Do you like to watch others being greedy but unable to eat?

Is that greedy? That’s hunger!

What kind of bad taste is this?

Nan Qing's heart was racing, but she still maintained a pitiful expression on the surface. She boldly said: "Sir, you are just bullying me."

"Little maid, you are unreasonable. You pinched me hard just now. Why should I punish you?" Xie Lingmu said seriously, wiping her hair slowly with his hand.

It is indeed true that the maid was punished for pinching her master, but now with a clear look, it can be seen that he deliberately made things difficult and bullied her.

"Would you be happy if I starved you?"


"Then let's punish him."

Her little expression looked like death was at home.

Xie Lingmu put the cloth in his hand back on the table and hugged the little man in his arms: "Okay, then look at me tomorrow too early (note: too early, eat breakfast!)"

At this time, there was movement inside.

Nan Qing quickly looked at the man hugging him: "Sir, you'd better let go quickly, you don't want others to see you like this."

"You're so successful after hearing that Mu Yun is about to come out?"

There was a sly smile in Nan Qing's eyes: "She will see you if you don't let me go."

He was well-behaved just now, but now he's like a little fox.

Xie Lingmu hugged her tighter and leaned close to her ear: "It sounds like the young master is having an affair with you."

After saying that, Xie Lingmu pushed her away, and Nan Qing stood up and staggered out for several steps.

When he looked back again, Xie Lingmu had closed his eyes and looked lazy.

Mu Yun came out after cleaning up the inner room. She saw that the eldest son's hair was still wet.

"Xiaoqin, you have to change the cloth halfway through wiping it. How can it be possible for the same cloth to dry the young master's hair completely?"

Mu Yun thought she didn't understand.

Nan Qing nodded: "Oh, I did forget to change the cloth."

She went back to the cupboard and took out a piece of cloth, then continued to wipe Xie Lingmu's hair. After drying it, the two of them packed up the things in the room and went out.

It's dark outside and the stars are out.

As soon as I came out, the cold night wind blew in, making the bamboo forest rustle. The stars and moon in the sky were very bright, and I could see things without lighting a lamp.

Mu Yun held the wooden basin and inside it were Xie Lingmu's clothes.

"This is the first time that the young master has asked someone to come in and wait on him after taking a bath."

"Didn't he call anyone before?" Nan Qing asked curiously.

"When I came to this courtyard, the young master never asked anyone to wait on him while he was bathing. I didn't know that before."

"Then he wrung his long hair himself?"


Mu Yun handed the wooden basin in his hand to Nan Qing: "These clothes need to be washed. You can wash them today."


"Don't look at me like that, you wash it today and I'll wash it tomorrow." After saying that, Mu Yun shook his head and left.

Er Er: "She bullied you."

"I can't bully her. She said she would wash it tomorrow. If she doesn't wash it tomorrow, I will force her to wash it."

Nan Qing thought Xie Lingmu was just joking, but she didn't expect that when breakfast was served the next morning, Xie Lingmu really refused to let her eat.

Xie Lingmu said: "Xiaoqin, don't be too early today."

After saying that, he added: "Let's set the meal, Xiaoqin is standing in the distance."

Mu Yun looked confused. When did Xiaoqin make a mistake?

It was very common to be punished for making mistakes and not being allowed to eat, but she and Xiaoqin were always together, so Xiaoqin didn't make any mistakes.

Mu Yun quietly served the dishes.

Nan Qing was forced to stand aside and watch. Watching Xie Lingmu eat, she became greedy, but she couldn't eat breakfast no matter how long she waited.

After Xie Lingmu finished eating, the two of them cleared the things on the table and went down.

Mu Yun held the food box and looked at the people beside him: "When did you make a mistake and why were you punished?"

"I don't know." Nan Qing looked innocent.

"You don't know why you were punished, and you don't have amnesia."

"I just don't know." He continued to look innocent.

Mu Yun was so angry: "I don't even know how I was punished. Could it be that the young master is making things difficult for you? I don't care how you were punished. I will keep an eye on you. Don't even think about having breakfast."

Mu Yun kept his word and worked conscientiously, staring at Nan Qing, fearing that she would steal the breakfast on his table.

Nan Qing didn't intend to snatch her food. She was starving after missing a breakfast, so she had something to eat at noon.

In the morning, Mu Yun went to clean Xie Lingmu's house, while Nan Qing was called to the study to serve the pen and ink.

When he was alone again, Nan Qing was wary of Snake Essence Disease and racked his brains to think of how to attack him.

During this period, Mu Yun brought in a plate of pastries. It was Poria cocos paste. It had a beautiful color and its sweetness could be smelled from a long distance away.

Mu Yun went out after delivering the pastries.

Nan Qing polished the ink mechanically, and knelt down beside the desk to wait on him.

After Xie Lingmu finished writing a bamboo scroll, he put down his pen and glanced at the obedient and quiet little girl beside him.

She is really well-behaved when she is quiet, and her cheeks are fleshy. He has pinched them, and they are very soft and feel very good.

It is extremely comfortable to have her lean against you or hold her in your arms.

Xie Lingmu's eyes darkened, and he recalled the scene of her leaning against the woman in the carriage yesterday.

The two of them were so close.

Extremely unhappy.

Xie Lingmu raised his hand and took a piece of Poria paste, took a bite, and felt the sweetness of the pastry between his lips and teeth.

“Very sweet.”

He suddenly spoke, and Nan Qing raised her eyes to look at him.

"Are you hungry?" Xie Lingmu asked with a smile in his eyes.

As long as he smiles, Nan Qing can see the teasing look in his smile, and the snake syndrome attacks again.

"Not hungry."

"Are you really not hungry? If you say you are hungry, I will give you something to eat."


"...very aware of current affairs." Xie Lingmu reached out and reached over.

His hand went under the desk. Nan Qing watched his hand touch it and reflexively wanted to step back.

"Come closer!" Xie Lingmu's tone was cold.

Nan Qing did not dare to retreat but instead leaned forward. Xie Lingmu's hand pressed on her abdomen, and pressed it hard.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's deflated. It looks like you're really hungry." After saying that, Xie Lingmu took back his hand and handed over the poria paste he had just bitten: "You're going to be starving, eat it up."

Pad your belly.”

The clear tooth marks on the Poria paste reminded Nan Qing that this pastry was bitten by Xie Lingmu!

"Why don't you open your mouth? You're disgusted?"

Her moment of hesitation made Xie Lingmu's whole body darken.

Nan Qing also felt that his mood had changed.

This snake spirit changes its face so quickly!

"I don't mind it." Nan Qing explained, opened his mouth, took his hand and bit off a large piece of pastry.

She took a big bite and didn't avoid the place where he bit her.

She was chewing the poria paste in her mouth, her mouth bulging slightly.

There was no trace of disgust in her entire expression, and she was seriously tasting the delicious cakes.

Xie Lingmu's gloomy eyes gradually brightened, but there was a trace of madness in the brightness.

What should I do? He likes this little girl even more.

Xie Lingmu waited with the remaining piece of pastry in his hand. After Nan Qing swallowed what was in his mouth, he had to hand it over: "Good boy, eat it all."

Nan Qing opened her mouth without hesitation. She put the pastry into her mouth and was about to close it, but his fingers did not withdraw!

So Nanqing's white little front teeth hit his finger!

Nan Qing quickly opened his mouth and looked at him with wide eyes.

Xie Lingmu's fingers were slightly numb. He narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "If you bite my finger, how should I punish you?"


Nan Qing was about to cry but wanted to speak, but his hand kept resting under her front teeth. Nan Qing could only open her mouth, and the pastry was still pressed on her tongue!

Her eyes were aggrieved and a little anxious, her tongue trembled slightly, and the Poria cocos paste on it also swayed.

My mouth is always open and I can't close it, and I can't help but drool when there is something in my mouth.

It's so hard for her to hold it in her mouth like this.

"Mr... son..., I, Busi..."

Xie Lingmu frowned slightly and moved his hand away.

Nan Qing then closed his mouth and quickly swallowed his saliva and said: "Master, I didn't mean it, please don't punish me. I'm already very hungry now that I didn't eat breakfast."

She was afraid that he would punish her and not allow her to have lunch.

"Eat what's in your mouth before talking."

She still had the small piece of pastry in her mouth.

Nan Qing hurriedly finished the meal and said, "Sir, let me see if your hand is bitten. I didn't see you take it back just now. I'm sorry."

She was anxious and sincere, and took the initiative to hold Xie Lingmu's hand and examine it carefully.

There was a little red on the index finger of Xie Lingmu's fair and slender fingers.

It was just a knock from her little front tooth, and there wasn't even a tooth mark.

Nan Qing lowered his head and blew gently.

The warm breath blew on his hands. Xie Lingmu's hands were always cold, so he was suddenly not used to it.

Xie Lingmu reflexively wanted to take his hand back.

Nan Qing held his hand tightly: "Master, don't move, it will stop the pain after blowing on it."

Her young face was full of seriousness.

Xie Lingmu endured the discomfort but did not take back his hand. He looked at the serious little girl and said, "Who taught you this? Who said it won't hurt if you blow it? Do you believe this?"

"It was my mother who taught me. Every time I get hurt, my mother will blow me off." Nan Qing replied seriously.

She talked about her relatives for the first time.

Xie Lingmu thought of the news Chen An brought back, her life experience...

Xie Lingmu asked with dark eyes, "Are you often injured?"

"When I was a child, I was often injured. When I grow up and learn to be smart, I get beaten less often." Her eyes were lowered, and her expression could not be seen clearly.

Xie Lingmu withdrew his hand.

"Being beaten? Who hit you?"

Nan Qing was stunned for a few seconds, then raised his head with a cute smile: "Because I am too naughty, I often get spanked by my father, but my mother will give me a blow every time, and I feel that it doesn't hurt anymore after every blow."



It sounds like that, but her mother probably doesn't even know who her father is.

Xie Lingmu looked down at his fingers and saw that the red marks had faded.

"I kindly fed you cakes, but you still bit me. Are you so hungry that you want to eat meat?"

"I wanted to eat meat, but I can't eat the young master's meat. I really accidentally bit you."

It was obviously him who deliberately messed up!

Nan Qing was really hungry. She felt her stomach was squirming, and she might scream out soon.

Xie Lingmu seemed to be in a good mood. He said, "I'll reward you with that plate of snacks."

Nan Qing's eyes lit up, then he took the plate and started eating slowly.

"The Poria cake is a bit sweet. If you are tired of the tea on the table, you can drink it."

"Thank you, Master. You are so kind, Master."

Sweet words never go out of style no matter what time it is. Nan Qing noticed that a starry smile flashed across Zhe Jing Bing's eyes.

Xie Lingmu lowered his head and continued practicing calligraphy.

The study was very quiet, he was practicing calligraphy and reading, and she was accompanying him by eating small bites.

Xie Lingmu is a bitch, he likes to make things difficult for her, but he doesn't bully her very harshly, and he has a feeling of bluffing.

I told her not to let her have breakfast, and indeed I didn't let her eat it, but I gave her some snacks.

And yesterday’s candied haws, I wiped her hair yesterday.

Er Er listened to his host's thoughts and said, "Your comments about him are quite good, so do you like the best male partner in this world?"

"Good review? You haven't heard the last of me."



The author has something to say:

Good night~ I’ve been updating for two days. I’m getting older today, but I’ll continue to be great tomorrow??_??

This chapter has been completed!
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