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Chapter 409

The little beauty needed a pair of legs to go ashore, so she went to see the sea witch to make a deal.

So why would she, a princess from a neighboring country, go to the sea witch...

You need to find an opportunity, get close to the target for a legitimate reason, and set up traps little by little to let him in.

"Er Er, can you tell me more about the witch? Is he good-looking?"

"No male partner I choose is ugly, and I won't treat you badly."

It is also a face controller. The world's male partner is the mission target of its host. It also has to keep an eye on the world, and it must not be ugly.

Er Er: "Don't believe that witches in fairy tales are ugly. In fact, the witches in fairy tales are all beautiful."

"Tsk, tsk, I want to see him sooner."


Under the sea, a group of beautiful mermaids were happily chasing small fishes through the corals. However, a little mermaid with a blue fish tail was a little distracted. She swam slower and slower.

Finally, she found a quiet coral cave and hid alone.

She used to think that the bottom of the sea was beautiful and every day was interesting, but now she felt tired of seeing all these things and really wanted to go ashore and see that handsome prince again.

When the man fell into the sea, she heard the people on the boat call him Prince Shikel.

"Ariel, why are you hiding here alone? Why don't you play with us?"

A mermaid with a red fish tail discovered her. Ariel stretched her fish tail and said, "I'm a little tired. Let's rest here for a while."

"I also feel a little tired. The clown fish just ran so fast that I almost didn't catch up with it."


"Ariel, why are you so absent-minded?"

"Sister, have you ever been to the sea?" Ariel looked up at the endless sea water.

"Oh my gosh, you don't want to go up to the sea, do you? You must not go up there. Grandpa Turtle said it's scary up there. The sun is so hot that it will dry out our skin, and there are a lot of poisonous smells in the air.

, will poison us all to death."

If it were before, Ariel would believe these words, but now she doesn't.

"No, it's very beautiful up there. The sun's light is very warm, not as cold as the deep sea. The sky is very blue, and the sea breeze smells wet..."

The deeper the seafloor, the colder and darker it becomes. Creatures living in the deep sea have become accustomed to such cold temperatures and darkness, and they can see in the darkness.

In the deeper sea, endless dark green seaweed dances, and there is a faint light in the depths of the seaweed.

A long-haired man in a red robe slid through the seaweed.

The man's upper body had the body of a slender and handsome man, but his lower body had the shape of a colorful and patterned snake's tail.

You can tell it is a sea snake from its tail, and the bright color shows that it is highly venomous.

Wei Ke rowed lazily through the seagrass, and then entered a skull coral cave.

Wei Ke likes to go to the coast at night to blow the sea breeze and bask in the moonlight. As soon as the sun comes out during the day, he will go back to the deep sea. He doesn't like the sun.

He likes to stay in the cave and sleep during the day. He is lazy by nature, so except when he is studying witchcraft potions, he sleeps almost all the time.

The cold and darkness of the deep seabed make snakes want to hibernate.

Wei Ke took off his red robe, revealing his fair and charming facial features. His lips were particularly bright-colored, and his eyes were vertical snake eyes.

"Is anyone here?"

Suddenly a sweet voice came, and the voice got closer and closer.

"Is anyone here?"

Ariel looked at the green and deep seaweed around her with fear.

Wei Ke didn't like outsiders intruding into his place, so he raised his hand to perform a witchcraft.

Let the intruder outside get lost in the seaweed, and make her voice unable to penetrate.

"It's finally quiet."

There was a man's cold voice in the skull coral cave.

Ariel was searching in the seaweed. Grandpa Turtle had clearly said that there was a witch living in this piece of seaweed. As long as you walked deep into the seaweed, you could see a cave. But why didn't she see it after walking for so long?

Ariel shouted until her voice became hoarse. Dark green to black seaweed was swaying in the sea water, and she was a little confused about the direction.

Are there really witches living here?

She really wanted to ask the witch if she could turn her tail into human legs. She wanted to go ashore and find the handsome prince.

Ariel no longer wants to live in this dark and cold seabed. She longs to become a human. Only by becoming a human can she go to the prince's side.

After decades of living, Ariel didn't like her beautiful fish tail for the first time.

Although this fish tail allows her to swim very fast, avoid shark attacks, and quickly shuttle through the sea to play with small fish, it cannot go ashore.

Ariel put away her depressed mood and continued to search for the legendary witch in the seagrass.

But she searched for several days but couldn't find it.

As night falls, the night seawater laps regularly on the white sandy beach on the shore.

The weather is very good tonight. There is a gentle breeze along the coast, and the wind carries the salty smell of the sea.

The moonlight is very good, making the beach even whiter.

A colorful red and black sea snake slowly swam up from the sea. Its thickest part was three fingers wide and the whole length was about two meters. It quickly slid across the beach and nestled in the dense succulent plants on the slope.

It's time to take a rest.

A white film covers its upright eyes. From a distance, it looks like it has its eyes open, but in fact it is already sleeping when the film covers it.

Wei Ke likes the coldness of the deep sea, but if it's too cold, he can't help but want to hibernate, so he still likes to sleep on the beach at night. The temperature is just right, unlike the fever during the day.

The sea snake slept peacefully as usual, but today it was awakened by a girl's laughter with a silver bell.

The moonlight illuminated the entire coast brightly, and a girl wearing a goose-yellow rococo skirt was walking on the beach carrying a small bucket.

She was followed by two maids.

"Your Highness Princess, we'd better go back, it's so late."

"No." Nan Qing shook his head: "It was too hot during the day and I didn't even go to the beach to play. The temperature at night was just right, neither too hot nor too cold. I want to pick up a few shells before going back."

It's already midsummer. If you go to the beach during the day, your skin will be sunburned.

The original owner loved the coast so much that she finally got permission from the king's father to live on the beach for a month. She didn't want to stay in the castle all the time.

The maid also expected that she would not be able to persuade the princess. It was the same situation last summer. The princess was unwilling to go out when it was too hot during the day, and then came to the beach to play with a small bucket at night.

Nan Qing smiled very happily and played in the waves with bare feet on the beach.

"Er Er, does my laughter sound good?"

"Of course it sounds good, Your Highness Princess." Er Er's voice was clear and cold.

Nan Qing didn't expect the cute and elegant Er Er to speak in such a flattering tone.

"So Erer, do you think my voice can make a witch's heart flutter?"

Although she is a female supporting character, her voice may not be as good as the heroine of the world, the Little Mermaid Princess, but she is still a princess after all.

Nan Qing really felt that the original owner's voice was particularly pleasant, and that innocent and pure laughter seemed to wash away all the unhappiness in his heart.

Er Er had already located his location, and the supporting actor Wei Ke was on this coast, so Nan Qing suddenly changed into clothes and came to the beach carrying a small bucket.

Er Er: "The best male partner in the world is in the succulent bush on that slope. He woke up and he is looking at you."

"Does he have a crush on me?"

Er Er looked at the data table on the light screen: "No."

"Young man, this is too shocking."

She said it was a blow in her heart, but on the surface Nan Qing smiled very happily. She stepped on the water and played, and from time to time she carefully looked at the coast to see if there were any beautiful shells.

And she also asked the maid to help find shells.

The coast is chirping, and from time to time you can hear the pleasant laughter.

The hidden sea snake on the small slope opened its film, and its red eyes slightly squinted at the humans on the coast. The black upright pupils in the red eyes were very penetrating.


It's so noisy.

It flicked its tail slightly, and then buried its head into the hovering body.

The sound of feet stepping on the water on the shore was loud.

"Jasmine! Look, this shell is purple!" The little princess was very excited as she pinched a small purple shell.

The maid also laughed: "It's so beautiful. Your Highness the Princess is so lucky."

Nan Qing put the shells into the small bucket and started counting: "One, two... there are seven shells. Let's find three more to make up the whole number."

"Jasmine! There is a little fish here!"

"I stepped on a big piece of sand, and it hurts so much."


The sea snake spit out bright red worms. It raised its head and looked towards the seaside. It kept spitting worms in its mouth and made a slightly irritated snort at the same time.

Very noisy.

That human voice... is a bit noisy.

It's undeniable that it sounds good, but it's too noisy.

Fortunately, they went back after picking up the shells, but Wei Ke couldn't sleep that night. Seeing that the sun was about to come out, he swung his tail irritably and returned to the sea.

As soon as it entered the deep sea, the sea snake, which was originally three fingers wide and two meters long, turned into a giant python in an instant. After a burst of light, its upper body turned into that of a human being.

He is colorful with main colors of black and red, and he is covered with a red robe, which covers his waist.

The snake's tail swayed slightly and he slid across dozens of meters in an instant. The sea water washed over his body, and his bright red hair fluttered under the brim of his robe.

Just after returning to his residence, he heard another annoying sound.

"Is anyone here?"

Wei Ke stood in front of the Skeleton Cave, looking at the mermaids slithering around in the seagrass in the distance.

"Is anyone here? I'm here to see the witch. I hope the witch can help me realize my wish."

The mermaid's voice is particularly beautiful.

Wei Ke suddenly remembered the voice of the girl on the beach who had been quarreling with him all night.

How can beautiful sounds be so annoying?

Wei Ke waved his hand gently, and the seaweed instantly parted a path. He reached out and pulled down the brim of his cloak to cover his face.

A road suddenly appeared in the seaweed. Ariel was startled. When she looked over, she saw a cave. Standing at the door of the cave was a man with the body of a snake and the tail of a snake.

The bright red cloak covered him tightly, and his facial features could not be seen clearly, and his long bright red hair was flying under the brim of the hat.

Ariel was extremely nervous: "Hello...are you a witch?"


Wei Ke no longer wants to defend how others call him.

The man's voice was cold and cold, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female.

Ariel didn't know whether the other person was a boy or a girl, but she was very happy to hear that the other party admitted that she was a witch!

"The powerful witch has really found you!" Ariel happily swam over.

Wei Ke frowned slightly when he heard her approaching: "What do you want from me?"

"Witch, can you turn my fish tail into legs? I want legs like a human."

Her voice was very beautiful, just like the voice on the shore.

Wei Ke raised his head and glanced at her with indifferent eyes: "Yes, but why should I help you? What can you bring me?"

He never makes a losing trade.

Ariel was stunned by the question. The naive little mermaid princess did not expect that the witch would ask such a question.

Wei Ke: "Can't you think of the terms of exchange? I can remind you, beautiful little mermaid, you have a beautiful singing voice and beautiful long hair. I am interested in these."

He's not interested, he wants to sleep.

The human voice made him unable to rest all night, and the laughter as clear as a small bell made it impossible for him to sleep peacefully.

Ariel was still in a daze. She didn't know that to ask the witch for help, she had to exchange things.

Her voice, her hair, these are all part of her body.

The deep sea was very cold, and Wei Ke felt lazily and began to feel sleepy, not wanting to talk nonsense with this mermaid.

Wei Ke said: "If you want legs, it's easy, just use your voice to change them."

This way no one will bother him.

Ariel was having a big internal struggle.

A trace of disgust flashed in Wei Ke's eyes.

Still hesitating? If you haven’t decided yet, why come to him?

It seems that next time I will cast a spell so that no one can enter the seaweed.

Wei Ke turned around and headed back to the cave.


Ariel shouted: "Master Witch, I have thought about it. I am willing to use my voice in exchange. Please turn my tail into human legs!"

"Don't regret it?"

"No regrets!"

Wei Ke raised his hand slightly and gently grabbed her throat. Ariel's face turned pale instantly, it hurt...

"I took away your voice. If you drink this potion, your fish tail will be gone when the sun comes out tomorrow morning. But...every step you take from now on will be as painful as walking on the tip of a knife. This is a side effect."


A contemptuous smile appeared on Wei Ke's face. With such side effects, would this mermaid still be stupid?

As if she didn't hear the side effects, Ariel opened the potion and drank it.

Wei Ke frowned in disgust. He didn't know why the mermaid wanted to change legs, and he wasn't curious. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

Ariel left.

Wei Ke could finally sleep peacefully, but as soon as he closed his eyes, the sound of the human being on the shore counting shells and stepping on the water rang in his mind.



The author has something to say:

This is a snake that likes peace~ Good night

This chapter has been completed!
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