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Chapter 550

Although her movement to hide the bracelet was very small, Shen Huaian still noticed it.

She was a bit avoidant.

Shen Huaian glanced at his white coat: "I am not a teacher, I am the school doctor. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, you can come to me."

She raised her head and glanced at his clothes, then nodded obediently.

As the school doctor, Shen Huaian habitually asked: "What is your name? What kind of physical problems do you have? Do you feel uncomfortable in any way?"

If this student has a physical problem, she will most likely be in the school doctor's office in the next year of campus life. Get to know her physical condition early and prevent problems in the future.

"My name is Ji Nannan." Nan Qing hesitated for a moment after introducing his name. Finally, his eyes fell on the white coat on his body, and then he continued: "Something happened to my mother when she was pregnant with me. I was born prematurely. My son is also a frail child. He has been sick often since he was a child, and his physical fitness is not very good. He doesn’t feel too uncomfortable at ordinary times, as long as he pays attention to it, he will be fine.”

The last two sentences are her own experience, while the previous frail premature babies often get sick because of the people around her who have influenced her.

Premature baby, Shen Huai'an silently wrote it down.

Premature babies are actually divided into two situations. One is that their bodies are underdeveloped and are born weaker than others. They need to be careful throughout their lives.

Another way is that you were weaker when you were a child, but if you have good nutrition since childhood, your physical fitness will be able to keep up with that of normal people when you grow up.

Shen Huaian saw that she was wearing a heart rate bracelet on her hand, and she was walking slowly. Her face turned red after just a few steps, so she thought she might be in a serious condition.

But these are just visual inspections and very simple judgments.

"Na Ji, please take good care of your health. It's very hot these days and you should be careful to prevent heatstroke." Shen Huaian, a doctor, speaks softly, but you can also feel a sense of distance. He just acts close to his responsibilities.

"Yeah." Nan Qing nodded.

Shen Huaian slowed down and the two of them walked slowly into the campus.

Shen Huaian felt that she was walking really slowly, but it seemed that she was not in a hurry at all, and she paid special attention to her heart rate bracelet.

Because of her poor health, she is used to walking slowly and paying attention at all times.

Shen Huaian was not impatient, but followed her pace.

Shen Huaian did not go to the Political and Education Office, but took her to the third floor of the high school.

"The first classroom on the second floor is Class 1, Grade 3."

"Thank you, teacher."

Shen Huaian saw her going upstairs before leaving.

As soon as Nan Qing went upstairs, he met a male teacher. The male teacher looked a little hurried. When he saw Nan Qing, he glanced at her a few more times and then walked over.

"Is this classmate Ji Nannan?" asked a male teacher in his thirties.

Nan Qing nodded.

"Finally I found you." The male teacher breathed a sigh of relief: "Classmate Ji, I am Teacher Guo, your class teacher. I was waiting for you at the school gate just now. It's already past nine o'clock and you haven't come yet. I thought I would kill you." I missed it, you came in first."

He waited at the school gate for more than half an hour but didn't see anyone. He thought people would go in first. Thinking of what the Ji family told him, Ji Nannan was not in good health and the teacher was worried about her safety, so he hurried in to find someone.

Nan Qing was sweating profusely when he saw the teacher looking for him, so he quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I'm late. It's hard for you to look for me."

"It's okay, it's okay. Just get to school safely. Come on, I'll take you to class."

The first class in the senior high school teaching building was very quiet. Everyone in the first class was studying by themselves. The first class was for the old class, but the old class went out.

Teacher Guo led Nan Qing into the class: "Come, let's put down your books and introduce a new classmate. Ji Nannan, who just transferred to our school, will be a part of our class from now on. Please be kind to the new classmate."

Thank you for your love and help."

Nan Qing followed the teacher. She was beautiful and quiet in a pleated shirt and skirt.

The students below all enthusiastically agreed.

The head teacher led Nan Qing to the fourth group: "Ji Nannan, you can sit in this seat."

The entire classroom is a double seat, except for a girl in the fourth group who is sitting alone.

The girl looked up at Nan Qing when she heard the class teacher's words. The girl was very beautiful and elegant, but her lips were slightly purple.

22 reminded: "The heroine of the world, Jiang Yuyin, has a heart disease."

Nan Qing understood that he and the heroine of the world were at the same table.


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