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Chapter 599 She in the crowd

"Excuse me, is there a doctor in the car?"

"My family had a car accident earlier. Is there a doctor?"

The woman came closer and closer, and Nan Qing heard what she said.

There was a car accident ahead and someone was injured. I am looking for a doctor nearby.

Shen Huaian also heard what the woman said, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Nan Qing also quickly unbuckled his seat belt and followed him out.

Shen Huaian turned around: "Ji Nannan, stand on the side of the road where it is safe and don't follow her."

It wasn't safe for her to stay alone in the car, but she couldn't be allowed to follow him. Who knew what the scene of the car accident would look like, if it would be bloody.

After giving the instructions, Shen Huaian quickly ran towards the woman.

"Hello, I'm a doctor. Please take me to see the patient who saw the car accident immediately."

The crying woman seemed to have found a life-saving straw: "Just, right in front, my foot is stuck, and it keeps bleeding. This... what should I do..."

"Don't be anxious first, take me to have a look."

After walking a hundred meters, I finally saw the scene of the car accident. It was a traffic light intersection. Judging from the situation, it seemed that the car involved in the accident ran through the red light in the last few seconds of trying to get the green light, and then hit the car that was traveling normally.

The airbags of the car that was hit had been deployed, and the family members in the back seat had all got out, but the driver was stuck, the front of the car was severely deformed, and the driver's feet were stuck underneath.

Shen Huai'an knew at first sight that the foot would become disabled if it was not removed properly. Now, how to get the person out and stop the bleeding. If it continues to flow like this, the person will die.

Shen Huaian: "Family members, please step aside."

The two family members nearby were calling the driver heartbreakingly, and kept crying and trying to pull out his foot. The bleeding foot was a bloody mess, the bones were tightly stuck, and a lot of blood was pouring out.

Shen Huaian took off his tie and used it as a tourniquet to tie around the aorta in his leg.

"Did you call an ambulance?" Shen Huaian asked.

"I just called, but it will take half an hour for the ambulance to arrive."

"Call the fire brigade too, he's stuck."

Shen Huaian handled the conversation very calmly, and this attitude also comforted the family members.

The family members followed his instructions and called immediately.

A wife who was suspected to be the driver cried and asked: "Let's see if his life is in danger. Can his leg be saved? He has lost so much blood..."

"He needs to go to the hospital for further detailed examination to know what is going on."

The foot can be saved as long as it is treated in time, but Shen Huaian is worried about whether the ambulance can come so quickly.

Arterial compression to stop bleeding cannot be done all the time, otherwise it will cause necrosis. Shen Huaian calculated the time and loosened it, then tied it back again.

Shen Huaian also noticed that the patient's face looked strange, so he quickly checked where there were any injuries on his body.

But during the examination, Shen Huai'an's eyes went black for a while. This familiar feeling was that Shen Ting'an was about to appear.

Shen Ting'an! You can't come out yet!

You must not come out now!

If Shen Ting'an comes out, the driver's legs will really not be saved.

Shen Ting'an doesn't understand these treatments, and he won't care about such things.

Shen Huaian closed his eyes.

From other people's perspective, he just blinked, but Nan Qing, who rushed over, knew that he was overcoming another personality in his body.

Er Er: "Another personality is about to come out!"

"Teacher Shen!"

Nan Qing suddenly called him.

Although there was some noise around, the girl's voice was exceptionally clear and crisp.

Shen Huaian's eyes gradually brightened, and the dizziness gradually subsided.

Nan Qing squeezed out from the crowd: "Teacher Shen."

Shen Huaian was already awake. He did not look back at the girl behind him, but quickly checked the patient's injuries. Only then did he realize that the spring of the car seat had actually come out and pierced the driver!

"Do you have a clean cloth?"

"Yes, there is it here."

In the crowd of onlookers, a person brought a piece of clothing over and said, "It's very clean. I'm a germophobe, so these clothes have been disinfected."

"Thank you."

Shen Huaian applied pressure to stop the bleeding: "The family members came over and called his name. Please call him a few more words."

The family members quickly followed the instructions. The order at the scene was quite good. Although there were many people watching, it was not very noisy. Some people took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of Shen Huaian.

Half an hour later the ambulance and fire brigade came, as did the traffic police.

Seeing that the situation no longer required him, Shen Huaian retreated quietly.

Shen Huaian's eyes were searching, and he saw her standing in the crowd at a glance.

Shen Huai'an saw her in the crowd at a glance, and he strode over.

"Let's go back."

Nan Qing followed him and said with a smile: "Teacher, are you doing good deeds without leaving your name?"

Shen Huaian didn't save people for the sake of good reputation, he had to leave his name behind. "Did you call me just now?"

"Yes, I called you, teacher, did you hear me? I thought you couldn't hear me with so many people around."

"You can hear it, you can hear it clearly."

It was really clear. All the sounds just now were in chaos, and only her voice was so clear to the ears. It was precisely because of her call that Shen Huai'an suppressed Shen Ting'an who was about to come out.

In the situation just now, if Shen Ting'an came out, things would be in trouble. The driver was seriously injured and needed someone with first aid knowledge to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Were you scared just now?" Shen Huaian lowered his head and looked at her slightly worriedly.

At the scene of the car accident, the driver's feet were covered in blood and flesh, and his family members were also injured to varying degrees. Such a scene would not have much impact on doctors, but it should be quite scary for the little girl.

"I'm not scared. I have been looking at you, teacher. I was afraid of seeing blood, so I deliberately only looked at you and nothing else."

Shen Huaian looked at her expression carefully and felt relieved after making sure that she was really not scared.

"Why did you come here just now, and why did you call me suddenly?"

"Because I was worried about the teacher, I couldn't help coming over to take a look, and..." She frowned and said, "Teacher, are you feeling unwell? I felt something was wrong with your face just now, so I called you. .”

Shen Huaian felt that he had disguised himself very well just now, or did she see the clues?

"It's a little uncomfortable. It's an old problem and I can't feel it anymore."

"Ah? Then you must pay attention to your health."

Listening to the girl's caring words, Shen Huai'an felt warm in his heart.

When we got back to the car, the traffic police were clearing the road in front of us. It would take about ten minutes before we could leave.

As soon as Nan Qing got back to the car, she struggled to reach the schoolbag at the back. She took out the disinfectant wet wipes from the schoolbag.

"Teacher, give me your hand."


Nan Qing simply reached out and held his hand: "Teacher, didn't you notice there was blood on your hand?"

Shen Huaian has a mysophobia. When he was helping the patient treat the wound just now, he tried his best not to touch the blood on the wound, but he still inevitably soiled his fingers, and he didn't notice it himself.

Nan Qing held his hand and gently wiped the blood on his little finger with a disinfectant wipe.

He held his hand with soft little hands, and wiped his fingertips with the cold disinfectant paper towel.

Shen Huai'an looked stunned, and his eyes unconsciously focused on the face of the girl in front of him.

She is very beautiful, Shen Huaian has always known.

She is beautiful not only in appearance, but also in her words and deeds, which are both beautiful and attractive.

attracted him.

"Okay, wipe it clean."

The blood stains had been cleaned up, but Nan Qing wiped him a few more times to disinfect it thoroughly.

"Aren't you afraid of the blood on my hands?"

"Don't be afraid."

She looks fair, tender and soft, like a little girl who needs protection, but in fact she is very courageous.

Throughout the whole day, Shen Huai'an kept thinking about the vague voice she heard calling him, and the focused look in her eyes when she wiped the blood from her hands.

She can wake him up, she is special to him.

Ever since Ji Nannan participated in the Mathematical Olympiad, she stopped coming to the infirmary.

Shen Huai'an has been awake these past few days and has taken possession of his body steadily. This is a good thing and he should be happy.

But I always feel like something is missing these days.

What's missing?

Every time when he was cleaning the hospital bed by the window, Shen Huaian knew that he was missing something.

Shen Huaian laughed, never expecting that he would fall on a little girl.

You can't say that you've fallen in, at least not now. The little girl still has a teacher-student relationship with him, so you can't scare her.

Moreover, the most important thing for her at this age is study, and he must not disturb her.

'Teacher Shen, I'm so tired. We've been in the big classroom all morning. I really hope to finish the competition as soon as possible. It's more comfortable to spend time in class.'

When the phone rang, Shen Huaian didn't realize that a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Although they haven't met each other at school these days, they still chat on the phone occasionally.

Shen Huaian: 'Keep on holding on, it will be over in one month.'

'There's still one month left. Hey, what was I thinking at the time? Why can't I think about participating in the competition? Isn't that salted fish delicious?'

'Come on, your results will definitely be more solid after the competition. If you win the competition, it will also help your future academic career.'


While chatting, Shen Huaian's vision suddenly went dark, and the familiar uncomfortable feeling came again, Shen Tingan was about to come out again.

If in the past, Shen Huai'an had used the body for several days and Shen Ting'an wanted to come out, he would have let him come out.

But now, Shen Huai'an doesn't want Shen Ting'an to come out at all, doesn't want to give up her body to him, and doesn't want to allocate their time fairly.

It's not because Shen Ting'an broke their rules, it's not because Shen Ting'an tried to erase himself, it's because... Shen Huai'an wanted to fight.

Shen Huaian wants to win over this body and become a normal person so that he can live a normal life.

A normal person's life is nothing more than making friends, falling in love, getting married, having children, and staying together for a lifetime.

As long as the two of them coexist in the same body, it will be impossible for them to live a normal life in this life.

After all, it is impossible for them to fall in love with the same person. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance that they fall in love with the same person, given their personalities, they will not give in. The more they like it, the more they want to possess it. How could they give up the person they like? The other party, let the other party also take half?

Scientifically speaking, they are the same person. When one person becomes ill, other personalities develop.

After living together for too long, Shen Huai'an clearly understood the independence of himself and Shen Ting'an. If they didn't share the same body, they would be two different people.

Shen Huai'an worked hard to suppress Shen Ting'an.

"If you want to fight, I will fight too, Shen Ting'an. It depends on who can win. Whoever wins will live a normal life, and whoever loses will be willing to sleep."


Shen Huai'an seemed to hear Shen Ting'an's reply deep in his heart.

The school doctor's office was silent. No one knew that Shen Huai'an was currently engaged in a battle between heaven and man.


His head was in severe pain, and he couldn't help shouting. Fortunately, there were no other buildings around the school doctor's office. There was a small forest in front of it, and then there was the teaching area. No one could hear Shen Huaian's screams of pain.

Shen Huai'an endured the headache and gasped for breath. Finally, the darkening feeling in front of his eyes gradually dissipated, and the things that were about to burst out of his heart gradually calmed down.

Shen Ting'an retreated, and he won.

He has won temporarily and can continue to be the master of his body for the time being.

Shen Huaian stood up with a pale face, poured a glass of water and drank it.

"If I can suppress you once, I can suppress you twice. I won't give you any chance."

Shen Huai'an has always been very determined in his ideas. Once he determines the direction he wants, he will try his best to achieve it.

What Shen Huaian wants now is to be a normal person.

"The two personalities of the male protagonist just had a fierce battle. Guess what happened in the end?"

In the large classroom, the teacher was explaining a new type of Mathematical Olympiad question. Nan Qing seemed to be taking notes with a pen, but in fact, he was chatting with Er Er in his mind.

"Can't guess, so who wins now and who is using the body now?"

"Shen Huaian wins, and Shen Huaian's favorability towards you has reached the level of liking you."


It's almost time to close the network.

Nan Qing reached under the table to play with her phone. She opened her WeChat account and took a look at the messages sent to Shen Ting'an.

Shen Ting'an didn't know when it would come out, and was looking forward to his expression when he saw the news.

Nan Qing has finished weaving the net, and the two personalities are all in the net. It depends on how to bring them together.

The boring day has finally passed. The teacher has been dragging the class in the past few days. Today is the earliest get out of class for their Mathematical Olympiad class to end.

Nan Qing was in a good mood, carrying her schoolbag and walking out of school side by side with Jiang Yuyin.

Nan Qing discovered that the male protagonist Ling Yu didn't come to Jiang Yuyin often recently.

"Yu Yin, isn't that Ling Yu not causing trouble for you so much lately?"

"Yes, that's a good thing. He hasn't come to our class since you broke his head last time. I also deliberately avoided him in school. Anyway, I haven't had much contact with him recently. , I feel much better without being in contact with him.”

Jiang Yuyin's smile reached straight to her eyes, and it could be seen that she was really happy.

Are you happier if you don’t see your official match?

Er Er: "Ling Yu is no longer worthy of the female protagonist. Ever since you broke his head, his luck as a male protagonist has been declining. His current luck value is lower than that of the female protagonist."

"Well, it's not certain whether they can be together in the future."

In the original plot, they were able to get together because the male and female protagonists had similar luck. Now that the male protagonist's luck has dropped, there's no telling whether they can get together in the future.

Er Er: "That's right."

Nan Qing didn't feel it was a pity, but felt that this was good. Jiang Yuyin didn't have to be Ling Yu, and Jiang Yuyin could have more choices.

This chapter has been completed!
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