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Chapter 610 Pick her up from school

As soon as Shen Ting'an woke up, everything that happened to him and Nan Nan during the period of Shen Huai'an appeared in his mind. They were all very ordinary things. He would have breakfast with Nan Nan in the morning, and occasionally sit down to eat together in the cafeteria at noon.

But Shen Ting'an saw the memory of Nan Nan having a heat stroke. He frowned and made a phone call that night.


Her voice is a little hoarse.

"Why is your voice hoarse? Are you feeling better from the heat stroke yesterday?"

"I just had a vocal lesson at home, and my voice was a bit hoarse when I sang perfectly. As for the heat stroke, I have already recovered. I went to school today."

Nan Qing didn't lie, she had just finished her vocal class at this time.

As the daughter of a wealthy family, she has a lot of daily skills lessons.

"How can singing make your voice hoarse? Did your teacher teach you right? Don't you know that protecting your voice is the most important thing?" Shen Ting'an wondered if her teacher was unprofessional.

"I don't blame the teacher. I have been practicing for a long time and that's why I am like this."


Even though she explained it this way, it was obvious that he still cared about it.

Nan Qing put her phone aside and put the speakerphone on. She took out her paper and started reading it while chatting.

"Brother, I've always been curious. If you don't show up at the company for a week and don't handle work, won't your company have problems?"

"The company can't move without me, so why do I spend so much money to hire so many employees?"

"Yeah, that seems to be the case."

"Of course I also hope that I can show up every day, but the prerequisite for this is that Shen Huai'an disappears, and it is very difficult to make him disappear." Shen Ting'an said this quickly, and he regretted it after saying it.

How could he say such things in front of Nan Nan!

The life-and-death struggle between him and Shen Huai'an is a secret between them. What would Nannan think of them if she knew about it.

For Nannan, they were too vivid. She would be frightened and even sad if anyone disappeared. This was one of the reasons why they gave up on killing each other.

"Nan Nan, I didn't mean that..."

"Brother, do you want to kill Teacher Shen?"

"I don't!"

"But that's what you just meant."

The voice over there was muffled, and even Shen Tingan's heart seemed to be suffocated. His expression was complicated: "Nannan, it is normal for a personality to disappear. Normal people are not like me. This is treatment." sick. "

The treatment of schizophrenia is to eliminate other redundant personalities and eliminate personality cognitive disorders.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a long time. Shen Ting'an sighed and said, "I won't let Shen Huaian disappear, and he can't disappear either."

"Brother, treatment is your business."

Treatment is their business and she is not qualified to take care of it.

Shen Ting's Anxin felt as if he had been hit and it hurt. The good girl was too sensible and too far-fetched. In fact, he wanted her to interfere in their affairs.

"Well, don't mention this. By the sound of it, are you doing your homework?"

"I'm doing papers. There are fifteen papers today."

"Fifteen! Is your teacher still a human being? You may not be able to finish writing until dawn."

Nan Qing liked Shen Ting'an's protective attitude. His pleasant voice on the phone complained that the teacher had given too much homework.


After several days of sultry weather, it suddenly started raining heavily in the afternoon when school was about to end.

Jiang Yu put her hands on the ground and said, "That's good. Neither of us brought umbrellas today, and we don't know how long it will take for the rain to stop."

"There are always people in the class who bring umbrellas. Let's shamelessly rub someone else's umbrella later." Nan Qing was not worried at all.

"Okay, this is also a way."

As soon as school was over, the students who did not bring umbrellas began to look sad. As soon as the students with umbrellas took out their umbrellas, several people gathered around them.

"Zhao Mingming, please take me with you. I will bring the book to you tomorrow."

"Zhao Mingming, you can take two classmates with you under such a big umbrella. I am your back desk. Do you have the heart to abandon me?"

Jiang Yuyin looked around and found that there were not many girls with umbrellas, "What should I do? Girls don't bring umbrellas when they go out these days. Why are there more boys with umbrellas? Who should we use umbrellas with?"

"I'm having sex with a boy. Go quickly, otherwise I won't be able to have sex with you." Nan Qing urged Jiang Yuyin to go to the umbrella.

Jiang Yuyin looked around and it seemed that everyone was with someone.

"Jiang Yuyin, didn't you bring an umbrella?" The monitor stood up from his seat.

Jiang Yuyin looked at the monitor with a little embarrassment. She still remembered how she got drunk and molested the monitor during Nan Nan's birthday party. Although they pretended that nothing happened during this period, she was still very embarrassed when she thought about it.


The squad leader is obviously good-looking, but he usually wears highly myopic glasses. In addition to organizing class order, he also has a quiet personality, so few people should notice his appearance.

"No, I didn't bring an umbrella."

She stutters a little.

The monitor packed his schoolbag and put it on his back. He took out an umbrella from the drawer and said, "I brought it with me. Come on, I'll take you out of school."

"Ah, that's good."

I regretted agreeing to Jiang Yuyin. In addition to being afraid of being embarrassed by sharing an umbrella with the squad leader, there was also the fact that Nannan hadn't found an umbrella yet!

Just as she was thinking about Jiang Yuyin, she heard someone calling Ji Nannan at the door.

"Ji Nannan, come out."

I saw Teacher Shen wearing a white shirt standing at the door calling Ji Nannan, holding an umbrella in his hand.

Jiang Yuyin was confused. Didn't Teacher Shen take leave today and not be at school?

Nan Qing took one look at the man at the door and understood. She smiled and picked up her schoolbag.

"Yu Yin, Teacher Shen and I will take an umbrella and leave first. You and the monitor will go together." Nan Qing said to Jiang Yuyin.

Jiang Yuyin looked around and saw that there was really no one she could hang out with.

Nan Qing walked to the door: "Teacher Shen."

These three words, Teacher Shen, can be said to have profound meaning. Others don’t understand it, but the person involved still understands it.

"Classmate Ji, let's go." 'Teacher Shen' raised her chin proudly, and the two of them, one tall and one short, went downstairs side by side.

When we got downstairs, it was raining heavily. Many students were standing in the corridor without umbrellas and looked sad.

‘Teacher Shen’ opened the umbrella and took Nan Qing out of the teaching building. There was water on the road, so the two of them walked very slowly.

"Brother, aren't you guilty of pretending to be Teacher Shen and coming to school?"

This person is not Shen Huaian at all, but Shen Tingan pretending to be Shen Huaian.

Shen Ting held the umbrella steadily: "I don't feel guilty. I even greeted the security guard when I entered the school just now."

"Don't tell me, brother, you really look like me when you pretend, your eyes are very gentle."

"After all, we are the same person."

"Brother, why did you think of picking me up from school? How did you know it would rain?"

The rain came so suddenly, and the weather forecast didn't even say it would rain today.

Shen Ting'an smiled and did not answer.

In fact, he was having a meeting nearby, and it suddenly started to rain. For some reason, he thought of Shen Huaian holding an umbrella for her and sending her out of school. The memories were interconnected, and he knew everything that had happened before.

He was very jealous that Shen Huai'an had such an experience with her, and he also wanted to pick her up from school, so Shen Ting'an left work and came over.

This chapter has been completed!
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