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Chapter 633 Want to touch her face

Nan Qing was afraid of causing trouble inside, so he spent some money to go to the VIP lounge to rest.

As a result, Er Er's cold voice suddenly came to his mind: "Nan Qing, the best male actor in the world is in this lounge."

Nan Qing originally planned to stay in bed to catch up on some sleep, but upon hearing this, he immediately became energetic.

She quickly searched the VIP room with her eyes. This VIP room was quite large. She didn't see Jiang Qi at first glance. Nan Qing got up and walked to other places to look. Sure enough, she found Jiang Qi in a corner.

Jiang Qi was wearing headphones and had a computer in front of him. His fingers were moving quickly on the computer.

Nan Qing knew he was not playing a game just by looking at the keys his fingers pressed.

Nan Qing walked quietly behind him and glanced at his computer: "Writing a strategy?"

He is writing a game guide.

Jiang Qi was obviously wearing headphones, but as soon as Nan Qing spoke, he stopped and turned around.

Jiang Qi's eyes flashed slightly, and he took off the headphones: "Sister Tang, why are you here?"

"Is there any music playing in your headphones?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then how did you find me?" Nan Qing was really surprised. She walked very softly and didn't get particularly close. She just said a word so softly.

"I heard your voice."

"Brother Jiang Qi, your ears are too sensitive." Nan Qing sat down on the chair next to him.

Jiang Qi saw her dressed casually, what was she going to do?

"Where are you going, sister?"

"Go to City C to attend a store opening ribbon cutting."

Generally, in some large chain stores, when wealthy people open a store, they like to invite celebrities to anchor the scene, and then hold parties and banquets.

Jiang Qi gently rubbed his fingers on the computer keyboard, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Brother, why are you here if you are not training at this time? Where are you going?" Nan Qing asked curiously.

Most of the time, their entire team came in and out together. It was rare that Jiang Qi was the only one here today.

"I also want to go to city C."

"What a coincidence, we are traveling on the same road."

"There's an even better coincidence." Before Nan Qing could continue to ask, Jiang Qi had already answered: "A good friend of mine is opening a new store, and he invited me to cut the ribbon."

He is well-known in the e-sports circle. It is normal for a friend to open a store and invite him to cut the ribbon.

Nan Qing's eyes were bright: "It can't be such a coincidence. We went to the ribbon cutting of the same store."

Jiang Qi nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong, it's probably the same company."

After all, there are not many stores that can hire both celebrities and e-sports players.

"That's good. I have company on the road, and it's better to be with such a good-looking and eye-catching brother."

Jiang Qi was very happy to be praised, but he was really shocked to be called younger brother.

"I'm not much younger than you, I don't need to call you..."

"Hello, excuse me, your flight has arrived. I'll show you the way to board the plane." Suddenly the airport staff came to remind them to board the plane.

Nan Qing stood up: "Let's go."

A look of disappointment flashed across Jiang Qi's eyes, and he closed his computer and put it into a bag.

Jiang Qi bought first class, and Nan Qing also spent some money to upgrade to first class.

The assistant wondered, didn’t Sister Nancy say it’s not easy to make money?

Sister Nancy is very frugal on weekdays. Obviously she can earn a lot of money from just one advertising endorsement. She is so diligent and earns a lot throughout the year, but she is always very frugal and reluctant to spend money.

In addition to the relatively expensive skin care products, Sister Nancy said that she relies on her face to make money. This is money she must spend, but she is relatively frugal in other aspects.

Except for some clothes given by brands, none of the clothes she bought herself cost more than four digits. She usually flies in economy class.

Spending money to go to VIP rooms and upgrade like today is something I have never done before.

Er Er reminded: "Nan Qing, your character points have been deducted."

Nancy Tang's family was not rich, and she worked hard to get a scholarship when she went to college. It was because she was relatively poor that she signed with a company and made her debut early. Nancy Tang, who had lived in poverty, was a frugal person.

"The points you deduct from your character points are small points, but you earn big points by gaining goodwill." Nan Qing said.

Er Er felt that there was no way to refute this.

Okay, it doesn't require the host to get all the points.

It is allowed to deduct some points within the range, as long as the majority of points can be earned.

There were very few seats in the first class cabin, so Nan Qing just happened to sit next to Jiang Qi.

Nan Qing sat inside and Jiang Qi sat outside.

"Hello, what would the lady inside want to drink?" the stewardess asked.

"A glass of ice water."

Jiang Qi frowned. The air conditioner was turned on on the plane. Is it really good for girls to drink ice water?

"Sister, it's better to drink less ice. It's not good for your health."

Jiang Qi has obviously passed the stage of changing his voice, but maybe it’s because of his age that he always sounds very good when he speaks.

The good brother said this, and of course Nan Qing said: "Let's change it to ice Coke."


Nan Qing happily took a sip of Fei Zhai water.

"Isn't my sister losing weight?"

"I have successfully lost weight and now I have reached the weight required by my agent."

So last time she only ate green vegetables because she hadn't reached the weight required by her agent?

Someone came to pick them up as soon as they got off the plane. The car that picked up Jiang Qi arrived first, but the car that picked up her hadn't arrived yet.

Nan Qing leaned out slightly and took a look, but did not see the car coming to pick her up. Her delicate and small face had a lively expression. She seemed to curl her lips, and then she stood lazily waiting.

Jiang Qi had a clear view of her expression, and he invited: "Sister, we are going to the same place anyway, you can take this car with me."

Her identity is not suitable for waiting at the airport. If someone recognizes her, it will cause a sensation.


Nan Qing was waiting for his words.

Driver: "I didn't call my colleague's cell phone. He didn't know that I picked him up and he couldn't find him for a while..."

The assistant said: "Sister Nancy, you can go by car first. I'll wait for the next car here."

This is also a good idea.

Also, Nan Qing’s suitcase was a bit too big for him to carry. This car was originally equipped with Jiang Qi’s suitcase, so it seemed a bit too big to fit in.

Nan Qing: "Okay, be careful."

Nan Qing got up early today. She had been filming commercials in the morning and had to catch a flight in the afternoon. After she got in the car, she couldn't hold on anymore. She leaned against the car and closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Jiang Qi turned his head to look at the retreating house outside, turned his head and noticed the person next to him, and then realized that she was asleep.

Jiang Qi now turned his head to look at her openly.

She is so beautiful, her eyelashes are so long, they are natural and not grafted, her skin is fair and clean, and her slightly bulging apple muscles look very pinchable.

Jiang Qi rubbed her fingers slightly, he wanted to touch her face.

But no, it will wake her up.

There are dark circles under her eyes. Is it because she has been too busy at work recently? Didn't she get a good rest last night?

Because she was asleep, Jiang Qi looked at her face and body unscrupulously.

The car arrived at its destination and she hadn't woken up yet. The driver looked back and saw the situation: "What should we do?"

The driver didn't dare to call this female star. If someone with a bad temper complained about him, he might lose his driving job.

Jiang Qi: "You get out of the car first, I'll wake up my sister."

When Jiang Qi called this female star sister, the driver thought they were familiar with each other, so he got out of the car with a sigh of relief.

Suddenly they were the only two people left in the car.

Jiang Qi moved over a little, looking at the sleeping person with his dark brown eyes. His hand quickly touched her cheek.

So soft.

Just touching his face with his hands was not enough. Jiang Qi came up with an extremely bold idea...

This chapter has been completed!
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