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Chapter 850 Touching the Belly of a Pregnant Woman

Liu Si's words convinced everyone present. When they heard that this was a real-world trip to the mountains, everyone was very excited.

"Then we just need to find the exit of the hospital, go out and go down the mountain to ask for help!"

"During the day, it's like a ghost has broken through the wall here. If it were the real world now, it would be easy to get out. The hospital a few decades ago was not very big." Uncle Zhang said.

"Are you sleepy?" A person wearing a hospital gown said: "I chose to be a patient out of nowhere. I took the medicine given by the nurse at dinner, and now I am so sleepy..."

Zhong Zecheng: "It should be a calming medicine. Those who have not taken the medicine should help those who have taken the medicine. Everyone should try to cheer up and hold on. We will find a way out now."


While exploring the road, Liu Si walked up to Zhong Zecheng and said, "I remember you. I saw you rescuing people in the hospital. I followed you in, and the cement ceiling fell and we were crushed together."

"I remember you too. You went out with a girl in your arms. I didn't expect the aftershocks to be so severe. Neither of us escaped." Zhong Zecheng is tall and he is a practitioner.

Liu Si: "Do you think we disappeared directly, or did our bodies get crushed and our souls come here?"

Zhong Zecheng looked at his arm. There were still marks on his arm that were scratched by steel bars when he rescued people: "The real body came here, and we disappeared."

"I personally have a hobby. I like to study supernatural events. I once saw a post where someone said that every year in various disasters in various countries and regions, whether it is large-scale disasters, earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, or mountaineering, traveling, and flying, there are always missing people.

Some even disappeared mysteriously, with no trace of their bodies alive or dead. In the post, people with the same hobbies boldly spoke out, saying that these people are no longer in the real world at all, and have gone to a higher-dimensional world."

Human beings live in the third dimension.

"What you said reminded me of the Bermuda Triangle,"

With Liu Si's interests and hobbies, few people would answer the phone, and the answer was very appropriate. She smiled and nodded: "Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is representative. Many people call it the entrance to the high-dimensional world."

"You mean we have entered a high-dimensional world?"

"Absolutely, it's very bizarre anyway, even stranger than the posts on the forum."

Zhong Zecheng found that she was not afraid at all and was even very interested?

The two introduced each other by name.

The group of people walked for a long time and did not leave the hospital for more than an hour. If this was a hospital in the real world, there was no way they could not get out. After walking for so long, everyone realized something was wrong.

"It's still a ghost fighting against the wall..."

"what to do?"

Zhong Zecheng thought about it and said, "Why don't we go to the rooftop and see if we can see the mountains outside."

Uncle Zhang: "Fushan Hospital is on the top of the mountain. Standing on the rooftop, you should be able to see far away and the direction to go out."

After that, the group of people found a way to the rooftop.

During this period, they met several more living people, and everyone joined the big team one after another.

Gradually, one more person appeared in the crowd, Nan Qing followed behind the crowd.

Zhou Huihui was the first to spot her: "Momo."

Nan Qing smiled at her and nodded.

"Momo, why didn't you say anything while you were following me? I just looked around and thought you weren't here."

"I was always there, but they were too tall and blocked me."

Zhou Huihui was too scared during the day and left Momo in the consulting room. She felt a little guilty because when she went in, she promised to wait for her to come out.

Zhou Huihui quickly introduced: "Momo, didn't I tell you during the day that I have a twin sister? This is my sister Zhou Lanlan."

Zhou Lanlan looked at the pale and thin girl in front of her. She didn't know why she felt a little scary. She smiled awkwardly: "Hello."


Zhou Huihui: "Is it okay if you go into the consulting room during the day? That doctor..."

"That doctor is a ghost. I pretended to be a patient. He didn't do anything to me."

"It's a ghost!"

The two sisters looked pale.

When the pregnant woman heard the voice behind her, she turned around and was delighted when she saw someone familiar: "Little sister, are you okay? Thank you so much for today."

Wang Qiang had long heard his wife tell her what happened at that time, and he helped her come over to say thank you.

With a smile in her eyes, Nan Qing looked at the pregnant woman's belly: "Can I touch it?"

"Of course." The pregnant woman walked forward generously.

Nan Qing reached out and touched his belly.

The fetal heartbeat inside is very strong.

Pregnant woman: "Sister, why are your hands so cold? You are wearing too few clothes. I have a small blanket here for you to cover yourself with."


Update completed today~

Please help me generate electricity for my love. I have a small gift. I am very hungry and thirsty~

This chapter has been completed!
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