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Chapter 91 Girlfriend

Even if they were confirmed to be recommended, Nan Qing and An Moci still decided to take the college entrance examination.

Therefore, the two of them also reviewed carefully in the last month.

An Moci and Nan Qing went home together. When passing by the supermarket, Nan Qing accompanied An Moci to buy groceries.

Now An Moci never goes out to buy things in the middle of the night or after dark. Every time he wants to buy something, he passes by the supermarket on the way home from school and buys it.

Nan Qing was excited when he saw him buying chicken wings: "What flavor of chicken wings are you planning to make tonight?"

"Coke? Spicy?" An Moci smiled in his eyes.



Nan Qing covered his face, well, it’s another day of idleness.

She feels that she has become lazy recently. She silently refuses to carry her schoolbag, cleans up the messy books, and silently makes dinner. She usually goes downstairs to eat...

Her parents seemed to be expecting a second child recently and took a leave of absence to travel.

Anyway, my daughter is recommended, so even though the college entrance examination is around the corner, there is no pressure on them.

They are planning to have a second child. When their daughter goes to college in another city, they will have a new account to play with.

The countdown to the college entrance examination always passes so fast. Even though everyone cherishes every day, time still slips away quietly.

The college entrance examination is here, the legendary moment of thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge, and the most critical moment of studying hard for more than ten years has arrived.

An Mo sent a message to Nan Qing the day before, asking her to check if she had put all the important things in her schoolbag and put them away.

Nan Qing: "I've packed it up a long time ago. I won't leave anything behind."

"If you miss it, check it again."

"All right."

"It's okay if you don't check it. I will check your schoolbag for you tomorrow morning."

Nan Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. An Moci took care of her very much.

An Moci has indeed changed after what happened last time, but Nan Qing still occasionally notices his warning eyes.

As long as someone talks to her for more than three minutes, An Moci will stare at the person in the dark with particularly terrifying eyes.

On the way out of school, if some people looked at her, An Moci would block them and stare back.

Childish behavior but full of possessiveness.

Nan Qing gave him a sense of security. It was impossible for An Moci to go crazy again.

Nan Qing and An Moci were in different examination rooms.

When they separated at the fork in the road, An Moci's eyes were extremely gloomy, and he lowered his eyes slightly, clearly unhappy.

Nan Qing stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes: "Okay, don't be upset. We will meet here in the afternoon. Come on for the college entrance examination. Let's see who of us scores higher."

"Yeah." An Moci nodded: "I'll watch you leave before I leave."


Nan Qing decisively turned around and walked the other way. An Moci stood motionless, watching her leave with a pair of cold eyes before leaving.

An Moci was the first to leave the examination room in the afternoon. There were many reporters at the door wanting to interview the first student to leave the examination room.

An Moci was stopped, and he suddenly became impatient.

He was still in a hurry to get to the intersection.

The reporter held the microphone and the cameraman followed him. The reporter said: "Hello, classmate, you are the first one to leave the examination room today. Did you hand in the paper in advance? How do you feel about the difficulty of this year's questions?"

"Submit the paper in advance, no difficulty."

The boy's slightly hoarse voice is very nice, and he is also good-looking and tall. His academic tone is particularly attractive.

The reporter continued the interview: "Then the students must be among the best to find the questions difficult. How do you think you performed this time?"

"very good."

This is really immodest.

Every time I interviewed the top students, they almost always said modestly how they did not do well in the exam, but in the end, all of them did very well in the exam!

The reporter planned to continue the interview, but An Moci raised his head: "I have to pick someone up, can I leave?"

"Picking someone up, who are you going to pick up, classmate? Are you going to pick up your younger siblings?"

"Pick up my friend."

"Is he your good brother?"


This chapter has been completed!
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