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Chapter 911 She Passed Out

The first one to beg for mercy was followed by the second, and then all the bandits knelt down to beg for mercy.

You Bojiu just smiled and took out a handful of yellow powder from the blue bag on your waist and threw it into the air. The pain on those people's bodies disappeared and they gradually became stronger.

The bandits helped each other to stand up, and then curiously touched their bellies and bodies.

You Bojiu: "Don't be too happy that it doesn't hurt anymore. You just saved your lives temporarily. I will serve you well and obey my orders during my temporary stay. I will naturally remove all the poison from you."

This young boy who looked like he was still young was able to inflict poison on a large number of them. The heart-rending pain just now was so deep in their memory that the bandits did not dare to make any mistakes.

The bandit leader on the ground has died. You wiped your palms with a handkerchief for a long time, and then took the girl beside you again.

You Bojiu: "Lead the way"

The bandits lead the way.

A brave man stepped forward and asked, "Young hero, what shall we call you?"

"Call me the village leader." You Bojiu said calmly.

Nan Qing followed him and she whispered: "Why do we have to live in a bandit's den?"

"I'm wanted now and can't live in the town. The bandit's den is also a good place." You Bojiu threw the bamboo basket on your back to a person next to you.

Another reason for living in a bandit's den was that it would be difficult for him to collect herbs while taking her with him. He could put her in the village and then go out to collect herbs himself.

We arrived at the mountain village not far away. This group of bandits was quite large. The entire forest canyon was filled with huts made of bamboo and wood.

There are hundreds of people in the village, some of whom were local bullies, and some who escaped from famine. In short, they come from all kinds of backgrounds.

You Bo Jiu told you to find a young woman in the village to take care of Nan Qing. As for the bandits robbing passers-by, he doesn't care about it, and there is no need to report it to him.

You Baojiu wanted to arrange a place for Nan Qing to live, but Nan Qing was unwilling.

Nan Qing grabbed his sleeve: "I'm afraid. This is a bandit's den. I don't want to be too far away from you. Can you let me live in the same yard as you?"

You have been used to being alone for a long time, and suddenly being so dependent on someone made him feel unnatural for a moment.

You took a long sip of tea and said, "What are you afraid of? These people don't dare to do anything to you. You are safe here and there are people taking care of you."

"I don't know them and I'm scared."

"You don't know me either. Why aren't you afraid of me?" You raised the corners of your mouth for a long time, folded your hands and played with the bracelet on your right hand with your left hand.

Nan Qing could not see with one eye, and could only dimly see the figure of the young man with the other eye. He had a good-looking figure, tall and slender.

She looked at him: "I'm not afraid of you. You are a good person. Please help me heal my eyes. You are different from these bandits."

This is the first time that you, Bo Jiu, have heard someone praise you as a good person since you were a child. This feeling is very novel, but it also makes him feel funny. He is not a good person. The little blind man is just naive.

"Okay, if you want to live in the same courtyard with me, then you can live in it. It doesn't matter if you live close by, I can also observe the poison in your body. Do you feel unwell today?" You observed her face and lip color for a long time.

A little light.

"I was a little dizzy all the way, and I'm still dizzy now." She frowned: "I've been enduring it all the way."

When you Bojiu heard this, he quickly felt her pulse. He immediately frowned: "The toxin has invaded the deepest part of your body. You..."

Before he finished speaking, the person in front of him suddenly fell softly!

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, you quickly stood up and reached out to grab her and hug her: "Little blind man?"


Update completed today~

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