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Chapter 124 The paper is published! The Annals of Mathematics

On the cover of the Annual Journal of Mathematics, Cheng Hao’s paper was selected.

"Annals of Mathematics" latest edition, page 43.

[Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

[This is a very groundbreaking work. After this paper, we are finally able to determine the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers within a predictable interval. - Professor Pierre Deligne]

The fact that Zhou's conjecture was proved soon began to spread through the Annals of Mathematics to institutions studying mathematics throughout China and even around the world.

Zhou's conjecture has been proven!

This is a big deal!

Who is Cheng Hao??

All mathematical institutions and some university institutions have asked?

This is Zhou’s conjecture!

Yan Da, Cheng Hao.

Everyone in the mathematics community is frantically searching for any information about Cheng Hao of Yan University.

But soon, everyone was shocked.

Because the news from Yan University proves that Cheng Hao from Yan University is just a freshman!

Moreover, this Cheng Hao was the most popular figure in this year's college entrance examination.

In so many years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, he is the first student to get a perfect score in the college entrance examination!

The leaders of all universities felt so regretful that their heads were numb.

In particular, Shuimu University and University of Science and Technology, the most famous universities in China, regretted their efforts to grab the ground!

"We have just received news that Cheng Hao, a student at Yan'an University, published a paper in the Annals of Mathematics, America's top mathematics magazine, which solved the top mathematical conjecture that has troubled the world's mathematics community for decades since 1997.

, Zhou's conjecture, the conjecture

Make this conjecture a theorem! Shock the world!

It is reported that classmate Cheng Hao is the classmate who got perfect scores in the college entrance examination. This classmate has just entered YSU for half a year! Congratulations to classmate Cheng Hao!"

China Channel's midday news directly reported Cheng Hao's solution to Zhou's conjecture.

Soon, not only the academic community, but also the Internet and many people who read the news knew about this matter.

The academic community is in an uproar!

A world-class mathematical problem was solved by a freshman!

This kind of thing has shocked many scholars.

Both his age and Professor Deligne's comments shocked many people.

Soon after the news report, the news about Cheng Hao’s solution to the world’s problems quickly reached the top of the Weibo hot list on the Internet!

#Chenghao shocked the world! Break a world-class problem again!#

#Shocking! Freshman Cheng Hao cracked a world-class problem! Amazing the world!#


Soon, countless netizens began to comment on this matter.

"Damn it! Haoshen is awesome! Zhou's guess! This thing can be solved by a freshman? Did I go to college in vain???"

"Damn! They solved Zhou's Conjecture in the freshman year, what was I doing in the freshman year? I skipped school and went to the Internet cafe in the freshman year. Is this the difference between people?"

"Woooooo, Haoshen, can you stop being so awesome... If you continue to be so awesome, can you help me finish my doctoral thesis? It's too difficult for me!"

"Haoshen is awesome!"

"Damn! Wang Ya came out and got beaten! @Genius Wang Yan, Ren Haoshen needs water papers??? Look, this is a world-class conjecture! Ren Haoshen is not on the same level as you!"

"The one upstairs, you@he has been useless for a long time! This guy is in a cell and has no way to access the Internet (laughing)!"

"Indeed! Hahaha! It's really satisfying! Such a guy really deserves it! I heard that he was arrested because he used the little girl to bribe others. Sure enough, this kind of person has a dark heart from the beginning!"

"It's so satisfying! Haoshen is awesome! I've always been your little fan!"

"Wow! Is this the difference between geniuses and mortals?"

"Sure enough! Some people score 748 in the college entrance examination because their ability is only 748, while Haoshen scores 750 because they only have a 750 in the college entrance examination! This level of awesomeness is simply outrageous!"

“Thumbs up for Chinese scientists!”


At this time, the discussion on Yanda's bbs was also very lively, but the enthusiasm was still more aggressive.

A bbs user forwarded the news about Cheng Hao's solution to Zhou's conjecture on the forum, and then @天之行者.

"Stop pretending to be dead! Come out and get beaten!"

"Come out and get beaten!"

A group of people behind also started @天之行者. The words this guy slandered Cheng Hao happened less than half a month ago. Even if you scroll further, you can directly find the words he said slandering Cheng Hao.

At this time, Tian Zhixingzhe turned on his phone and saw this comment. He glanced at the news and was stunned for a moment.

Without hesitation, he quickly opened Weibo. Soon, Tianzhi Xingzhe confirmed the accuracy of the news.

There was a hint of bitterness on his face.

I didn't expect that I would be slapped in the face so quickly. This slap in the face came so quickly!

Looking at the countless people @ him in the comment area, Tianzhi Xingzhe originally wanted to delete his account and log out directly, but there is no way. This is Yan University BBS, an internal forum. There are quite a few people who know him on this forum.

It's not a good idea to pretend to be dead...

Thinking of this, Tianzhi Xingzhe hesitated for a moment and posted a comment on the forum.

"Sorry for my question! Cheng Hao is indeed a very good mathematician. I apologize for my previous remarks!"

After posting this comment, Sky Traveler sighed slightly and closed the comment area.

"Hahaha! If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good!"

"Indeed! But this guy's previous comments were too extreme and a bit disgusting."

"Yes! Haoshen is still awesome! I haven't even been in my freshman year for half a year! I've already made such awesome achievements! I won't be able to go to heaven in the future!"

"I'm just afraid that he will immigrate!"

"Don't talk nonsense! It's very possible for Haoshen to study abroad, but I don't think Haoshen will immigrate!"

"It's hard to say. Over the years, how many of our big names who have made great achievements in basic science in China have immigrated? How many of them have stayed in the country?"

"Indeed! But I still think Haoshen will not immigrate!"

"Then let's wait and see! I also hope that he will not immigrate, but our country's tolerance for basic science and the tilt of resources are still too poor! If Haoshen wants a better life, better science

Environment, I still feel he will immigrate!"

There was a lot of discussion on the forum.

There were different opinions, and Cheng Hao did not find any peace at this time.

"Damn it! Brother Hao, there is a commotion downstairs and there seems to be a lot of reporters surrounding it. They are not here to find you, are they?"

Li Peng turned his head and said to Cheng Hao who was standing aside in surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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