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Chapter 160 International Conference on Number Theory! Best Young Speaker

There was a burst of laughter in the auditorium.

After Chairman Viana smiled, his expression became serious, and his eyes scanned the many mathematicians around him.

"Mr. Cheng Hao's words just now awakened me! Indeed! If there is still racial discrimination in the field of mathematics and academic field! Then the human race is really not worthy of developing technology! This sentence is true


Chairman Viana said with some emotion.

"Here, Mr. Pierre, I will discuss with the professors of the International Mathematical Union to cancel your status as a director!"

Chairman Viana said to Professor Pierre on the side.

Hearing Chairman Viana's words, Pierre suddenly turned pale and slumped down in his chair, feeling countless eyes around him falling on him...

Pierre understood that he was basically finished now, because Chairman Viana's words basically represented the attitude of the International Mathematical Union, and he was basically going to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

This is the end of his academic career, and I am afraid that New York University, where he previously taught, will also fire him.

Thinking of this, Pierre felt extremely painful.

Ignoring Pierre who looked ashen, the Chairman of Viana in front of him continued to speak to the people around him with a serious look on his face.

"Indeed, Mr. Cheng Hao is right. Discrimination should not exist in the academic circle at all! We academics should be more rational than normal people and should pay more attention to the academic itself rather than

It’s something other than academics!

If even we have to pay attention to these things, how can human beings develop? How will human beings develop in the long run? How does science progress? The reason why science is progressing and mathematics is progressing is because we have a large number of people who can devote themselves to studying mathematics.

A top mathematician and a scientist who devotes himself to research.

These mathematicians can study mathematics with peace of mind, and scientists can concentrate on scientific research, but they cannot do without a good academic environment! I don’t want anything other than mathematics to affect our mathematicians!

The International Union of Mathematicians strictly prohibits discrimination against any mathematician’s race! If you have discrimination in your heart, do not join the International Union of Mathematicians!"

As soon as Professor Viana finished speaking, the entire hall burst into thunderous applause.

After finishing speaking, Professor Viana said to everyone in front of him: "Please join me in maintaining the pure land of the entire academic circle!"

After finishing speaking, Chairman Viana smiled slightly and said to the people around him: "I can only appeal for this kind of thing here, and I won't say more! Let's talk about the closing ceremony of this meeting.


Chairman Viana said to the people around him.

With that said, the closing ceremony continued according to the previous process.

There was almost no discussion, and in the end the title of best youth spokesperson fell to Cheng Hao.

Whether it is the academic solution to the Polignac conjecture or the call to solve racial discrimination in the academic circle, it is highly praised.

When Chairman Viana handed a check for US$10,000 and a medal to Cheng Hao's hand.

Chairman Viana said to Cheng Hao with a smile on his face: "I hope you can bring more changes to the entire academic world and the entire mathematics world!"

Cheng Hao nodded and took the medal certificate and a check for US$10,000 from Professor Viana.

After saying a few more words.

Cheng Hao walked down from the podium.

He sat next to Professor Li and Professor Liu.

"You scared me to death!"

Professor Liu covered his heart that was still pounding and said to Cheng Hao who was standing aside: "If you arrive later, you will scare me out of my heart condition!"

Professor Liu smiled bitterly and said to Cheng Hao beside him.

Cheng Hao chuckled, and said to Professor Liu in front of him: "Professor, please don't accuse me wrongly! That problem is so difficult, it's already very rare that I can solve it before the meeting starts, right?"


Professor Liu Baoping nodded in agreement.

He looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with a smile of approval and said with emotion: "Although you came very late, you did a great job just now!"


Professor Li also had a smile in his eyes and said to Cheng Hao in front of him: "Awesome!"

When Cheng Hao heard the two professors praising him, the corners of Cheng Hao's mouth raised slightly.

This should be considered the best final battle!

At this time, Professor Viana on the podium was delivering a closing speech.

"Everyone, this International Number Theory Conference was successfully held. Thank you to Mercedes-Benz, thank you to Johnson & Johnson, and thank you... for your sponsorship!"

"Here, I declare that the International Conference on Number Theory has been successfully concluded!"

Professor Viana said with a smile.

Instantly, the entire auditorium was filled with joy.

Even Pierre was relieved, at least no one was paying attention to him for the time being, but the loss this time was really too great!

Thinking of this, Pierre felt extremely gloomy. What should he do this time?

Professor Deligne stood up next to Pierre.

At this time, Pierre wanted to say hello to Professor Deligne, but Professor Deligne seemed not to see him at all and passed by him.

Pierre's face became increasingly ugly.

Professor Deligne came to Cheng Hao's side at this time.

"Mr. Cheng Hao, could you please continue to publish your paper in the "Annals of Mathematics"?"

Professor Deligne looked at Cheng Hao in front of him seriously and said.


Since Professor Deligne personally came to request the manuscript, Cheng Hao readily agreed.


"When I get back, I'll sort it out and send this paper to your email!"

Cheng Hao said to Professor Deligne in front of him.

Professor Deligne nodded, took out a pen and paper from his body, wrote down his mailbox number, and handed it to Cheng Hao.

When people who were rushing nearby saw this scene in front of them, they immediately lowered their feet and patted their chests.

He is the editor of "New Advances in Mathematics", one of the four top journals in mathematics. He originally wanted to publish this Polignac conjecture, but unexpectedly he was preempted by Professor Deligne.

Ayres sighed slightly when he thought of this, but he still walked to Cheng Hao's side.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng Hao, I am the editor of "New Advances in Mathematics" and my name is Ayers."

"Hello, Mr. Ayers."

Hearing Ayers' words, Cheng Hao smiled slightly. He smiled and said to Ayers in front of him: "If Mr. Ayers comes here to ask for my paper, then it has been intercepted by Mr. Deligne."

What a fool!"

"I know, I saw it when I first came here."

Ayers smiled bitterly and said to Cheng Hao in front of him.

With that said, he handed Cheng Hao a business card.

"Mr. Cheng Hao, next time you have a paper, please be sure to consider "New Advances in Mathematics"!"

"Okay, I will consider it!"

Cheng Hao nodded.

Just before the two started chatting, there was a sudden crash around them, and a group of people began to rush towards Cheng Hao.


"Haoshen, I love you!"

With bursts of screams, a group of Chinese students rushed towards Cheng Hao...

[Traffic continues to plummet, and the number of people and money who invest in gifts continues to plummet... Oh, it’s so sad, please continue to ask for a wave of gifts, please, brothers! Thank you brothers!]

This chapter has been completed!
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