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Chapter 172 Haoshen wants to immigrate?

"Damn it! Brothers! I just received a very important news! Hao Shen won the Cole Prize in Number Theory!"

"???The Cole Prize in Number Theory?What is that??"

"You don't understand the previous one! The Cole Number Theory Award was established by the American Mathematical Society in memory of Professor Frank Nelson Cole, who served the society for 25 years. It is the highest award in the field of algebra and number theory in the world!"

"That's not right! I remember that this award is not completely international. It is only awarded to those who are members of the American Mathematical Society and have published outstanding articles in American journals. When did Haoshen join the American Mathematical Society?"

"I don't know!"

"?Haoshen joined the American Mathematical Society? Haoshen will not really immigrate, right? Damn it!"

"Damn it! Haoshen immigrated???"

"Yes! I heard it from my cousin abroad! He said that Cheng Hao did something to his face but did something behind his back. In fact, he had been contacted by Americans a long time ago! He has been naturalized!"

"?Making rumors?"

"???Really or not, Haoshen immigrated??"

"Stop talking nonsense! There is no evidence. What nonsense is Haoshen immigrating???"

"Don't spread rumors here!"

"Then why did Cheng Hao join the American Mathematical Society? We don't even know when he joined the American Mathematical Society. It seems that we don't even know that he was naturalized in the United States!"

"That's right! And Cheng Hao has only been back from the United States for a few days. As soon as he came back, the Americans gave him such a big award. If he hadn't become an American citizen, how could those Americans give him such a award??"

"Nonsense! It is not difficult to join the American Mathematical Society, and it has nothing to do with nationality. As far as I know, this society has a total of nearly 30,000 members around the world! Does this mean that Haoshen has become an American citizen? You guys

It’s too outrageous!”

"Hate, no matter what, wait until Haoshen comes out to refute the rumors, or the official comes out to refute the rumors! Although I emotionally feel that it is impossible for Haoshen to join the nationality of another country, there are always exceptions!"

"What the hell, what should we do if Haoshen becomes an American citizen?"

"If I become an American citizen, I will be black all my life! No explanation!"



Because bits of news coming across the ocean have caused an uproar on the entire Chinese Internet.

At this time, Cheng Hao was still discussing some mathematical problems with Terence Tao.

"Are you studying Goldbach's conjecture recently?"

Tao Zhexuan sent an email to Cheng Hao.

"Yes! But I don't have the slightest clue at the moment. I just read Mr. Chen's "12" article, but I don't have the slightest clue. This paper has reached its limit regarding the sieving method, but it still can't solve the problem.

Debach conjecture."

"Yes! The sieve method cannot solve Goldbach's conjecture! I have also studied Goldbach's conjecture before. Unfortunately, the difficulty of this problem is far beyond my imagination. I feel that this problem is not our current problem.

If it can be solved, we must wait for a new and better solution later.

Only then can we possibly solve this problem. In my opinion, these two methods, the circle method and the sieve method, are far from reaching the end of Goldbach’s conjecture!”

After the two exchanged some mathematical questions.

The conversation ended when Terence Tao had to go out for something.

Cheng Hao had just closed the mailbox page. He was going to open the arvix official website and refresh it to see if there were any interesting papers or ideas on it.

arvix is ​​the world's largest paper preprint platform. Preprint refers to the research results of scientific researchers that have not yet been published in formal publications, but for the purpose of communicating with peers, they voluntarily publish them at academic conferences or through the Internet.

Published scientific research papers, scientific reports and other articles.

Cheng Hao usually likes to look up there when he has nothing to do, and see if there are any latest ideas about mathematics that can stimulate his thinking.

But not yet waiting for Cheng Hao to open the web page.

"Master, are you going to immigrate?"

Cheng Hao: "??????"

He looked at the speaker in front of him in astonishment.

Holy shit, what the hell?

Cheng Hao looked at the speaker in front of him in confusion, and then he suddenly came to his senses.

"Xiao u, where did you get this news??"

Xiao u at this level is still in the initial stage of artificial intelligence and has not grown to the point where he can fully think for himself. It is impossible for him to ask such a question.

Then there is only one possibility. This little u saw this news somewhere else.

“People on Weibo are discussing it, saying that if you immigrate, master, they won’t support you!”

Cheng Hao: "???!!"

What the hell, who is this guy spreading rumors to harm me!?

Damn it, I won’t immigrate even if I jump from a building!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao opened Weibo angrily.

Sure enough, the news about Cheng Hao's suspected immigration has reached the top of Weibo's hot search list, and second on the hot search list is the news that Cheng Hao won the Cole Prize for Number Theory.

After taking a look, Cheng Hao laughed angrily when he saw these netizens reasoning about their own immigration logic.

Why the hell, just because I won a number theory award, you’re going to suspect me of immigrating?

What the hell kind of logic is this?

At this time, Cheng Hao couldn't help it anymore. He took out his ID card and passport, took a photo, and covered his ID number with a mosaic.

Opened my own Weibo and edited Weibo.

"This is my ID card, this is my passport. I am a native Chinese boy. I am Cheng Hao. I live in a very heroic country. Since ancient times, starting from my ancestors, we have been regarded as very heroic in this country.

A group of people who protect us very well.

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has had people who work hard, people who work hard, people who plead for the people, and people who sacrifice their lives to seek justice. They have supported the backbone of the entire China.

I don't think I am a very heroic person. Among these people, I am more like a hard-working person. I love this country very much. You can spread rumors about other things about me, but please don't spread rumors about a patriotic person who immigrated. That's fine.

?Thank you!”

After taking a look at the Weibo he wrote and the accompanying pictures, Cheng Hao hesitated for a moment and clicked send.

Like Cheng Hao’s previous Weibo post, it passed review in seconds.

Not long after, there were a few more comments.

"Front row!"


“Haoshen is awesome!!!!”

"Haoshen! Qiang! You are indeed the person I have always paid attention to!"

"Just because you said I love this country so much, I believe you! Pay attention! Come on, Haoshen!"

"Come on Haoshen!"

"I didn't expect that there were rumors about man-made gods!"

"Haoshen is awesome!"

[Brothers and sisters, thank you all for your gifts, thank you!]

This chapter has been completed!
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