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Chapter 190 The speed of progress is simply monstrous

At this time, Cheng Hao had already walked into the laboratory wearing a white coat.

"Cheng Hao, you came just in time!"

Academician Lin saw Cheng Hao walking into the laboratory at a glance.

"Zhang Ming, give Cheng Hao the data you just collected and ask him to build a function model!"

Academician Lin said to Zhang Ming who was standing aside.

Zhang Ming quickly exported all the data from B on the side and handed it to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao didn't talk nonsense. This was not the first time he had done this in the past three or four months. He immediately took the USB flash drive to another computer next to him and started exporting the data.

Open b, follow the data, and start using b. Many different properties of materials all appeared in b. Cheng Hao looked at the data in front of him intently.

His mind turned rapidly and he began to quickly process these data into an image function.

These contents are actually the contents of functional analysis, which can also be regarded as a part of computational materials science.

However, computational materials science is basically just a prototype at this time. It is far from forming a discipline. It is more of a small branch of functional analysis.

Cheng Hao processed it for a while and looked at the data in front of him attentively.

His brows furrowed tightly.

In fact, the function this time is simpler than the last time, but the optimal solution this time is more difficult to find than the last time because the materials are more diverse this time.

And it is more sensitive to the cost data. Last time, the main material was always graphene, and it was actually not that sensitive to cost.

But this time it is different. For batteries, cost has always been a huge problem.

Academician Lin frowned and looked at the laboratory next to him.

He walked to Cheng Hao and took a look at the functions on Cheng Hao's computer.

"How about it?"

Academician Lin asked Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao pondered for a moment, looked at Academician Lin in front of him and said: "Looking at the current situation, the data shows that the conductive film of copper-aluminum alloy has the highest efficiency, and the cost is relatively the lowest!"

"Copper aluminum alloy?"

Academician Lin was slightly startled.

"What's the specific ratio?"

"Fifty-one percent aluminum, 47 percent copper, and then two percent carbon."

After Cheng Hao took a look at the results of his calculations, he hesitated for a moment and said to Academician Lin.

"Asen, match it according to this ratio!"

Upon hearing Cheng Hao's words, Academician Lin immediately spoke to Zheng Sen who was working on the side.

Soon, according to Cheng Hao's instructions, the copper-aluminum alloy was prepared, and then with the help of the nearby instrument, he began to coat the lithium battery with a conductive coating.

Soon, the conductive coating was plated and the battery was taken over for discharge experiments.

Not long after, the experimental data came out.

"Professor, the data this time is very stable and the effect is very good!"

Zhang Ming on the side looked at Academician Lin with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

At this time, Zhou Ming also walked in from the outside holding a map.

"Professor, the data from the transmission electron microscope are out."

Zhou Ming said to Academician Lin in front of him.

Academician Lin glanced at the atlas and handed it to Cheng Hao in front of him.

"You can take this battery and illuminate it with a transmission electron microscope."

Academician Lin said to Zhou Ming.

"Yes! Professor!"

Zhou Ming nodded, and Academician Lin handed the transmission electron microscope data to Cheng Hao who was standing aside.

The experiment lasted for five or six hours and stopped when everyone was exhausted.

"Everyone has worked hard today!"

Academician Lin clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and said to Cheng Hao and others in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

"Our experiments have made great progress so far. Basically, we finally have a practical scope regarding the specific ratio of the conductive coating of lithium iron batteries. The final determination should be fed back to the factory.

Over there, determine which one is more cost-effective and cost-effective in the industrial field.

It can be said that the next thing is none of our business. During this period, although the conductive film for lithium iron batteries is a national subject, the experimental difficulty is not too high, but the repeatability is too strong, and it is also

On the one hand, actual costs must be taken into consideration.

However, we finally have a precise scope and have basically completed our task, and everyone is lucky!"

Academician Lin smiled and said to the people in front of him.

There were smiles on everyone's faces.

At this time, Academician Lin smiled slightly, looked at Cheng Hao in front of him and said: "Classmate Cheng Hao, you performed very well this time. This time about the special conductive coating of lithium iron batteries, it can be directly used as your master's thesis!


Hearing what Academician Lin said, Cheng Hao's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Professor, I..."

"Okay, there's no need to say so much."

Academician Lin looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with a hint of emotion in his eyes and said.

"Although you have only studied with me for half a year, you have already reached or even exceeded the standards for master's degree graduation, even though I am very reluctant to part with you as a graduate student.

But in front of you, there is a broader world waiting for you to explore. I just hope that you will understand where your heart is!"

Academician Lin said solemnly to Cheng Hao in front of him.

"I see!"

Cheng Hao nodded solemnly towards Academician Lin in front of him.

At this time, Academician Lin in front of him smiled and said to Cheng Hao in front of him: "Okay! Let's go and sort out the thesis! It's almost the end of the semester, so just use this thesis and all the masters who graduated this year to graduate! Wait.

In the second half of the year, I will go to Princeton to see more. As a scholar, your vision cannot be too narrow. You need broad thinking and vision! It is good to go to Princeton and see it!"

"Yes! Teacher!"

Cheng Hao nodded.

Zhang Ming and others around him looked at Cheng Hao in front of them with envy in their eyes.

But they didn't have any complaints. After all, they had seen the experimental process these days, including the learning process, and Cheng Hao's level had improved rapidly.

These days, let alone a master's degree student, even an average doctorate level student is probably not as good as my junior brother in the field of physics and materials!

Anyway, it's quite outrageous. This kind of speed of progress is simply monstrous.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy Cheng Hao is very good at computing materials. As long as he is given a string of data from material experiments, he can even calculate which step you are at, what materials you have added, and what results this material will bring.


Therefore, it is not surprising that Cheng Hao graduated early.

Academician Lin looked at Cheng Hao with a look of emotion in his eyes.

Cheng Hao is really the most worry-free graduate student he has ever taught. Even ordinary doctoral students are not as worry-free as Cheng Hao. His mathematical ability is extremely strong, even better than himself, and he is very smart.

He even knows how to deal with the world very well, and he can complete the tasks he assigns very well every time. When he lectures, he can draw inferences every time, and he learns very quickly.

Academician Lin was actually very reluctant to see Cheng Hao graduate with a master's degree under him, but he also knew very well that Cheng Hao had a broader world.

There is no way, in the field of basic science, there is really a huge gap between China and the West and the United States!

This kind of genius can have a higher platform abroad!

Although I don’t know if Cheng Hao will come back in the end, I think Cheng Hao will return to China!

Thinking of this, Academician Lin sighed slightly in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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