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Chapter 226 The Shock of the World Academia

Cheng Hao arranged it very carefully.

He was very confident in his calculation results. According to his calculation results, he could calculate under what circumstances the super-heavy antimatter particle could be observed.

But there was a problem, he didn't know exactly how long the particles could stay.

Because there is a lack of specific information about the superheavy antimatter particle in the calculation results, there is no specific data in the calculation results.

Cheng Hao could only say that the particles might be able to exist for one minute.

But the specific duration is not clear.

Cheng Hao also felt slightly uneasy.

Looking at Cheng Hao, who was constantly walking around everyone, arranging the progress of the collision experiment, a trace of emotion flashed in Academician Wang's eyes.

I have long known that Cheng Hao is a genius. Academician Wang has seen many geniuses over the years, and he has long since thought that although Cheng Hao is a genius, it will take at least more than ten years to develop into a genius.

a height.


Academician Wang smiled bitterly and looked at Cheng Hao, who was making arrangements in an orderly manner in front of his surroundings.

Is there really anyone in this world who knows everything from birth?

Cheng Hao has actually made so many achievements in one year, and his ability to deal with things is so strong that it is simply beyond the scope of normal people's understanding!


Academician Wang smiled bitterly and shook his head. He felt a little regretful in his heart that Cheng Hao almost became his student in the beginning.

Just a little bit closer!

Thinking of this, a hint of emotion flashed in Academician Wang's eyes.

The surrounding students of Yan University all looked at Cheng Hao standing aside with their mouths open.

Isn’t Cheng Hao studying mathematics?

Why was it Cheng Hao who arranged this collision experiment? When did this young boy become so awesome???

A nineteen-year-old boy actually arranged for various physicists and mathematicians to do things at CERN. The key is that these physicists and mathematicians simply obeyed what Cheng Hao said.

Simply magical!

Soon, Cheng Hao settled everything, and the particle collider also readjusted the collision values ​​according to Cheng Hao's calculation results.

Cheng Hao and many top scientists around him stood in the main control center of the particle collider.

In front of him was a huge screen, surrounded by small split screens, which showed scenes inside the particle collider.


As Ms. Fabiola finished speaking, the engineer next to her clicked the start button.

Four blue-purple rays of light were instantly lased from four points in the particle collider at an extremely high energy state of seven trillion electron volts.

Each of these four collision points is equipped with a detector, one of which is a cms (compact muon solenoid) detector.

After the particles accelerate over an extremely long distance.

A violent collision occurred, and a chaotic energy state emerged after the collision. This energy state is comparable to the state of the universe shortly after the Big Bang.

On the screen next to it, the detector quickly began to upload the observed energy phenomena to the screen according to the previously set energy zone.

Look at the energy collision situation returned by the detector on the screen.

Cheng Hao's eyes flickered quickly and he began to analyze the data.

"Look! Look!"

At this moment, a quantum change appeared on the detector's screen.

It is the change that Cheng Hao mentioned before, the signal change mentioned in Cheng Hao's calculation formula, really happened!

All the scientists showed excitement in their eyes.

At present, although it is not known whether the particle is an antimatter particle, at least based on the data of the current collision experiment.

This particle must exist!

It's just that we don't know its specific properties yet, nor do we know the specific situation of this particle.

But everyone has great expectations for this particle.

Because the Higgs particle has basically been discovered, now only some final identifications are left. It can be said that the 62 particles in the Standard Model have been completely completed after the Higgs particle was found.

For science and physics, this is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Because anything, once it solidifies, is not a good thing.

But now there is a superheavy particle outside the standard model, and it is very likely to be an antimatter particle. This has given high-energy physics and all physicists a lot of illusions.

Fabiola on the side looked at the data in front of him with a smile on his face.

"All the experimental data about this collision have been transmitted to everyone. We should sort out these particles as much as possible. Now we.

We don’t know anything about this particle. It may really be an antimatter particle, but we lack a theoretical foundation and knowledge about this particle!

It may represent the direction of the future!”

Fabiola said excitedly to the scientists around her.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay! Let's go back and sort out the data!"

With that said, everyone left.

With the emergence of experimental data from this particle collider, the news that Cheng Hao proposed that superheavy particles are antimatter particles instantly spread to the entire academic community!

Super heavy particles!

Antimatter particles!

Superheavy antimatter particles may be found!

The entire world of physics is in a state of sudden change.

"Nature" and "Science" magazines came to Geneva immediately to interview and report on this matter. At this time, Cheng Hao had already compiled his calculation process and theoretical research into a paper.

Published on arxiv official website.

After this paper was published, it was instantly mentioned on the homepage of the arxiv official website. Countless physicists downloaded the article and printed it out.

Many mathematicians even printed this article.

Because the mathematical problem-solving ideas used in this article are really amazing.

Everyone is studying this superheavy particle that appeared.

Judging from the data currently available, the future of this superheavy particle is simply unlimited, and it almost contains a completely new physics.

Many physicists, especially those who study high-energy physics, have almost begun to study this newly emerged superheavy particle.

And the name Cheng Hao once again began to ring throughout the world!

This name is resounding throughout the academic circle.

Cheng Hao's paper was jointly published by two magazines, Nature and Science, with almost no review.

This chapter has been completed!
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