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Chapter 239

"But I still feel that just by introducing the sieve method into group theory, there is no way to completely solve Goldbach's conjecture. The limit of the sieve method has been fully demonstrated by Mr. Chen, and he has basically used it to its limit.

Then just introducing the sieve method in group theory is not enough to solve this conjecture, I think. The circle method should occupy a big position in it!"

Cheng Hao said seriously to Tao Zhexuan in front of him.

After hearing Cheng Hao's words, Tao Zhexuan's expression changed for a while, and the two argued for a long time, but they still couldn't come up with a reason.

"Okay! Since we two have different ideas, then you can do it according to your ideas, and I can do it according to mine! Let's see who can finally solve this problem!"

Tao Zhexuan looked at Cheng Hao in front of him and said.


Cheng Hao also nodded.

In science, it is important to adhere to the truth, and it is also important to adhere to one's own thinking.

Especially when there is no clear path ahead.

After speaking, Tao Zhexuan took a deep look at Cheng Hao in front of him.

After Terence Tao left Princeton.

Princeton began to continue to study and improve his own solution alone. In fact, Tao Zhexuan and Cheng Hao's discussions these days have roughly discussed the solution to Goldbach's conjecture.

After eliminating many confusing options, only two paths were left that were most likely to solve this top mathematical problem, and here, the two people fell into disagreement.

Because these two choices are the most difficult choices, whether you choose to introduce the sieve method into the group theory or integrate the group theory and circle method into the sieve method, it will take a lot of time to solve.

Obviously, the two finally decided to follow their own methods to see who could finally solve this mathematical problem.

After Terence Tao left, Cheng Hao returned to his previous life.

It's just that I go out less than before, and I don't go to the library much. I spend most of my time alone in my dormitory thinking about Goldbach's conjecture.

However, no matter how to solve math problems, I still have to help Professor Wiles in class.

This in itself is also an important responsibility of his doctoral student.

Today is the first class he teaches to undergraduate students at Princeton.

Just came to class.

Cheng Hao saw an acquaintance sitting in the front row of the classroom.


Looking at the person in front of him, Cheng Hao was slightly stunned.


When Ye Qing saw Cheng Hao, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted to Cheng Hao in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Looking at Ye Qing in front of him, Cheng Hao searched for a while in his mind and remembered who she was.

She was the leader of the Princeton international student group when she first came to Princeton, and she organized a welcome party for herself at that time.

I didn’t expect that she was still an undergraduate student!

Princeton’s undergraduate enrollment in China is not large, and they are basically all master’s and doctoral students.


These thoughts flashed through Cheng Hao's mind, and he smiled at Ye Qing in front of him.

Ye Qing was a little excited, but he quickly calmed down.

Many of the Princeton students around also recognized Cheng Hao.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Cheng Hao?"

A bolder student next to him spoke to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I am Cheng Hao!"

"Whoa whoa!"

The students around them suddenly brightened up and looked at Cheng Hao in front of them, and at this moment, the class bell rang.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. The bell is ringing, class begins!"

Cheng Hao calmly spoke to the students around him.

After hearing Cheng Hao's words, the students around them also calmed down.

After all, they are all students from top universities. Although they are a little excited, they are still in class, so they can still prioritize.

"Today! I will tell you about several forms of group theory in number theory!"

Cheng Hao started writing on the blackboard next to him.

"...In number theory, Lagrange and Gauss studied the class of quadratic types with the same discriminant d, that is, f=ax^22bxycy^2, where a, b, с are integers, x, y

Taking integer values, and d=b^2-aс is a fixed value, for the "composite" multiplication of two types, a commutative group is formed."

Cheng Hao was casually talking about group theory. While teaching it to the students, he was also thinking about group theory in his mind. The content he taught to undergraduates was naturally not complicated, but he was not just talking about group theory itself.

Just when Cheng Hao was giving lectures to undergraduates, he was outside the classroom window.

"How about it? I, a doctoral student, give good lectures!"

Wiles looked at Professor Deligne next to him and said with a smile.

Professor Deligne nodded expressionlessly.

"I have never doubted Cheng Hao's level, but I have some doubts about whether you can become his mentor."

Looking at the expressionless Professor Deligne, Professor Wiles choked.

He angrily said to Professor Deligne in front of him: "You are jealous!"

Professor Deligne shrugged, looked at Professor Wiles in front of him and asked: "Hodge guess, how is your research going?"

"It's okay. Finally there is some new progress regarding..."

After watching Miles Hao's lecture in the classroom for a while, the two began to chat, and soon they left the classroom.

Not long after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

"Okay! That's all for today!"

Cheng Hao said calmly to everyone in the classroom.

With that said, he packed up the textbooks in front of him and left.

"Teacher, I want to treat you to a meal, but I don't know..."

Before Cheng Hao could leave, Ye Qing, who was next to him, suddenly called Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao was stunned for a moment, glanced at Ye Qing in front of him, shook his head and said, "No, I'm very busy recently!"

After saying that, Cheng Hao returned to the dormitory alone.

He is not kidding, he is indeed very busy. After all, he has made great progress recently regarding Goldbach's conjecture, but the solution to the final problem has not been completely solved, that's all.

Cheng Hao was in class and studying Goldbach's conjecture.

The other side.

After several months of preparations and efforts during the winter vacation and Spring Festival, SF Express Group has finally established a production line for intelligent sorting system equipment!

Of course, although such an equipment production line has been established, in fact, including the core chips of the intelligent sorting system and some core components, they actually need to be imported.

However, this is how factories are built. How many factories produce all parts?

The SF Express Group also held a press conference and directly photographed the equipment produced. The speed of the intelligent sorting equipment shocked countless logistics people.

This kind of efficiency is no less than launching a new technological revolution in the entire logistics industry! This kind of speed is simply a product that is ahead of its time!

Soon, countless orders began to be thrown at Wang Wei.

Not only domestically, but also abroad, there are many manufacturers who are interested in this kind of equipment, and many logistics people have also placed orders with Wang Wei's factory.

Soon, the factory was overloaded and had no time to produce.

When Wang Weile blossomed, it also attracted countless people's attention to Cheng Hao's laboratory.

"Brother Fei, our laboratory will definitely give you the best treatment! I promise, if you go to our place, your treatment will be three times that of here! I promise!"

A man sat in front of Fei Ming, looking at Fei Ming in front of him, he patted his chest and promised.

"Aren't we people here just for money? Although your salary in Cheng Hao's laboratory is not bad, it's only a few hundred thousand a year at most, right? I'll give you a basic salary of one million! And as soon as you make technology

Yes, I can also give you 10% of the shares!

What do you think, my conditions are okay! And I can give you any kind of laboratory environment you want!"

After hearing the words of the man in front of him, Fei Ming showed a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

This condition is considered good from any perspective.


With a faint smile in his eyes, Fei Ming looked at the person in front of him and said: "Although your conditions are indeed very good, I know what you want best! Without Brother Hao, how could I achieve results?

Come? Unless you can recruit Brother Hao here, I will not consider leaving!"

This chapter has been completed!
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