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Chapter 244: Professor Faltins' Admiration

Seeing Terence Tao, Cheng Hao's expression didn't change much.

He just looked at Terence Tao in front of him.

"Why did you make this statement about the set a1(n)={n(n-n),2≤n≤n-2}? How does it integrate with group theory? I haven't understood it yet."

Terence Tao looked at Cheng Hao and said.

Cheng Hao nodded.

"Okay! Then I'll just tell you about this place."

With that said, Cheng Hao gave everyone an overview of how his group theory was integrated into the sieve method and then introduced the circle method. Tao Zhexuan listened attentively.

"...Because this brand new problem-solving method incorporates the sieve method, group theory, and circle method at the same time, I named it: the circle theory group sieve method."

Not long after, Tao Zhexuan's eyes flashed with emotion, and he said to Cheng Hao in front of him: "What a genius idea! Only you can come up with such an ingenious idea! I have no doubts!"

After speaking, Terence Tao sat down.

The somewhat skeptical looks of Professor Deligne and others around him were mostly extinguished at this time, and most of the mathematicians around him basically had a look of astonishment on their faces because of Cheng Hao's words.

At this moment, Professor Faltings, who was sitting in the middle row, stood up.

Faltings was a skinny little old man. He took a deep look at Cheng Hao in front of him.

After taking a look at the series of calculations in front of Cheng Hao, he pointed out two problems in a very sharp tone.

"...If g is a group for the equation x, then for any g∈g, gg=gg=g. In this place, what is the meaning of using group theory?"

Hearing Faltings' words, Cheng Hao smiled.

He did not speak, but asked a doctoral student next to him to bring him a small blackboard, and he wrote a series of formulas on the blackboard with chalk.

"Professor Faltings, is this understandable?"

After finishing writing, Cheng Hao turned to look at Faltings aside and asked.

Professor Faltings glanced at the content on Cheng Hao's blackboard and nodded.

"I have no problem! Your proof is very rigorous."

After saying that, he sat down.

Seeing Professor Faltings's actions, some of the doctoral students around who didn't understand were immediately confused. What are these?

For problems like the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, even if you want to understand other people's proofs, you still need extremely deep mathematical skills, and it will be difficult for these doctoral students to understand them for a while.

Not to mention keeping up with Cheng Hao’s ideas!

But even though they couldn't understand what was on the blackboard, they saw that Professor Faltings, the most picky person in the entire mathematics world, had no doubts.

They know very well that the content on the blackboard in front of them is actually equivalent to being recognized!

Goldbach's conjecture solved!

Everyone looked at Cheng Hao on the podium with a dazed look in their eyes.

They all have the feeling of witnessing history. Goldbach's conjecture plays an important role in the history of number theory. Almost all students who have studied number theory-related courses have a certain understanding of this conjecture.

Very famous!

Although the difficulty of this conjecture may be slightly less than the seven Millennium Problems, its fame is not necessarily worse than those seven problems!

Cheng Hao explained it clearly to all mathematicians, and most mathematicians also recognized Cheng Hao's result.

Chairman Viana walked to the podium.

With a hint of emotion in his eyes, he looked at the many mathematicians in front of him.

"I am honored to stand here and announce to everyone that after everyone's unanimous discussion and identification, Goldbach's conjecture has been conquered by Dr. Cheng Hao!"

None of the mathematicians showed any surprise on their faces. After all, everyone had had the paper on Goldbach's conjecture for three days and had basically studied it.

I have basically asked all the questions I just asked. The mathematicians at Princeton now represent almost half of the mathematicians in the mathematics world.

Everyone has no problem. Basically, it can be concluded that Goldbach’s conjecture will be officially upgraded to Goldbach’s-Hao’s theorem from today!

After speaking, Chairman Viana announced that the press conference was over.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cheng Hao breathed out gently, with a smile on his face.

In fact, in addition to solving the conjecture is not easy, it is also not easy to be recognized by your peers for solving the conjecture, such as when Professor Wiles solved Fermat's conjecture.

It was also because of a small mistake that it took him seven or eight years to solve Fermat's conjecture before he was recognized by the International Union of Mathematicians!

Fortunately, Cheng Hao thinks that his logical thinking ability is pretty good, and he has gone through his proof process many times himself!

With his lv7 level mathematics, his mathematical thinking and ability to read numbers, as well as his mathematical logical thinking ability, they are all extremely rigorous, and basically there will be no problems!

The proof process was also extremely rigorous, and Cheng Hao noticed any small problems such as missing a number.

Therefore, these mathematicians were convinced and recognized Cheng Hao's proof so early!

As soon as the meeting ended, Cheng Hao was about to leave, but was quickly caught up by Professor Deligne.

"Dr. Cheng Hao, your paper will be published separately in the Annals of Mathematics in the form of a special issue!"

Professor Deligne looked at Cheng Hao in front of him and asked with a smile.

"You have no problem!"


Cheng Hao shrugged and said to Professor Deligne in front of him.

It’s understandable, after all, his thesis is dozens of pages long! It’s enough to be published in a single book!

At this time, Faltings on the side also walked up to Cheng Hao. He took a deep look at Cheng Hao in front of him: "Young man, I am surprised by your mathematical thinking and mathematical ability! So rigorous,

But it is so wild and unconstrained, I don’t understand why two completely opposite temperaments appear in your paper at the same time, which is so unpredictable!

Your rigor is like that of an old scholar who has been doing academic work for decades. You are so precise that no one can find anything to criticize. However, your proof ideas are so unconstrained that in the academic field, every

Each mathematical method is very unique, but you actually creatively integrated three problem-solving methods..."

As he spoke, Faltings looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with emotion in his eyes for a long time.

At this moment, Faltings suddenly thought of something. He suddenly said to Professor Deligne on the side: "Maybe you can take him to see your teacher Grothendieck. I think he will definitely be interested in this young man."


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