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Chapter 435 Quantum Computer Hengsha River x-1

"The Suiren nuclear fusion power station is an epoch-making project completed during an arduous two-year development process by a team led by Chief Designer and Chief Engineer Cheng. Its current installed daily power generation capacity is 100 million kilowatt-hours! It can supply the entire Beijing

All electricity consumption in Jintang Industrial Zone!”

"Now, please watch the video of the power station!"


Many Chinese people who didn't pay much attention to the news were now attracted by this news.

Everyone saw the scene when Cheng Hao pressed the ignition button.

Then there was the huge Suiren nuclear fusion power station in front of them, which let out a roar like that of a giant beast.

Then the ignition was successful and all the staff cheered.

Many parents do not understand the importance of this thing, and they have begun to ask their children who have read some books around them, what does this nuclear fusion power station mean?

After receiving the exact reply, almost the entire China fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Nuclear fusion!

Ignite the light of hope for mankind!

At this time, almost all social platforms and public opinion platforms on the Chinese Internet were discussing this matter, and the popularity instantly exploded to the point where all the hot lists were about nuclear fusion.

The number one hot spot on Weibo is nuclear fusion!

"Fuck! Haoshen is awesome!!! (broken sound!)"

"Fuck! I had probably guessed a long time ago that Haoshen should be going to study nuclear fusion, but I didn't expect that he really went to study nuclear fusion, and he succeeded so quickly! Awesome! So fucking awesome!

What did Haoshen eat to grow up? Are they the same creature as us?"

"Chief designer! Chief engineer! Cardboard!"

"When I was just watching the news, I saw the press release that was suddenly handed over to me. My heart skipped a beat because this kind of thing is rare. Unless it is an extremely important matter, it is unlikely to use this kind of news.

Way to break news!

Sure enough! Nuclear fusion! It’s awesome! Doesn’t this mean that we don’t need to spend money to use electricity in the future??? That’s awesome!”

"Hahaha! It's probably impossible to do the above without spending money, but the electricity bill should be greatly reduced. It's 60 cents now, and it may be reduced to 10 cents, but your electricity consumption may also increase! Hahahaha!"

"That's true! Anyway, Haoshen is awesome! Nuclear fusion means that we humans can move to the next level! It's really like a dream! I didn't expect that I would be able to witness this in my lifetime!

This is really a once-in-a-lifetime series! I originally thought I might never see it again in my lifetime! I didn’t expect it! I didn’t expect it! Haoshen is still awesome!”

“It’s really awesome!”


Many people who have been watching Huaxia News quickly translated the Huaxia News and moved it to foreign Internet places, such as Facebook.

In an instant, a huge frenzy was set off.

"Damn it! Haoshen is awesome! Let me just say, Chinese tradition is that scientists will remain anonymous when doing some large-scale projects! Isn't that what people like Qian Xuesen were like before?"

"Indeed! Nuclear fusion! China no longer has energy anxiety. I think the biggest headaches in the world now should be Saudi Arabia and the United States!"

A Russian netizen said gloatingly.

"Hahaha! That's true!"

A German netizen replied.

"Now the United States should be thinking about how to consolidate its dominance, and the oil-producing countries in the Persian Gulf must be thinking about how to transform. Otherwise, after the rapid transformation of electric trains, they will be consumed by

The volume will drop rapidly!”

French netizens replied.

"To the German netizen in front, don't forget that your German car manufacturing industry will also be affected!"

"It's none of my business. No one in my family is a car maker! It won't affect me!"

Public opinion on the Internet was boiling overnight.

It seemed that the whole world was boiling, and everyone was discussing the matter of controllable nuclear fusion.

The most unhappy person right now is naturally Ao Guanhai sitting in the White House.

His face was very ugly.

Controlled nuclear fusion!

Unexpectedly, Cheng Hao actually did it. At this time, he was extremely regretful. If he had known today, why would he have cared about international reputation and wanted to win over?

If we just kill that Cheng Hao, nothing will happen anymore?

But what I originally thought about was how to win over Cheng Hao, which led to what happened now.

Thinking of this, a hint of sigh flashed in Ao Guanhai's eyes.

Plan ahead!

Cheng Hao on the other side was still sitting in the command room of Suiren's nuclear fusion power station, observing the changes in various places. Everything was still running smoothly, as expected, and the output current was stable!

Then a smile appeared on Cheng Hao's face.


Cheng Hao took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and said silently in his heart.

"System, open my personal properties page."

[Host: Cheng Hao]

[System: God-level selection system]

[IQ: 265]



[Physique: 15]

[Mathematics: lv8 (15900/2000000)]

[Physics: lv6 (92900/500000)]





[Item: Number of uses of nitrogen shield*7]

[Skills: Writing level lv4, Bajiquan lv4, Speech lv2. Hacking lv6, Music proficiency lv3, Capturing proficiency lv3, Underwater breathing lv2.]

[Drawing: Curvature Engine Drawing]

[Item: Quantum Computer Hengshahe x-1 (to be extracted)]

(Among the four-dimensional attributes, the IQ of a normal person is between 90 and 109. Below 69 is a sign of intellectual disability. The standard value of other attributes for normal adults is 10.)

The data on the light screen in front of Cheng Hao has not changed for a long time. Regarding this level, Cheng Hao is not sure what it means.

Especially in the early stage, Cheng Hao could hardly feel the difference this level brought to him.

It was only after the later improvements that Cheng Hao's feelings became obvious.

But Cheng Hao always feels that his attribute light screen is not as simple as it seems. This level does not seem to be infinitely improved. It seems that the upper limit is level ten. If he can increase all the levels on the attribute light screen,

Reach the full level ten.

What will happen to this screen? What secrets does it contain?

There was a hint of curiosity in Cheng Hao's eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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