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Chapter 442 Proving the Riemann Hypothesis

"Tell me what your problem is, but let me state in advance that I don't guarantee that I will be able to give you inspiration. I can only say that I will try my best!"

Cheng Hao shrugged and said to Terence Tao on the side.

"That's enough!"

Upon hearing that Cheng Hao agreed to help him, Tao Zhexuan suddenly showed an excited look on his face.

"I seem to have found an indefinite solution on a non-smooth plane, but I feel there are still some problems here!"

As he spoke, Terence Tao quickly asked a bunch of questions to Cheng Hao in front of him.

Hearing Terence Tao's question, Cheng Hao frowned slightly.

There was a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Cheng Hao looked at Terence Tao in front of him and asked, "Do you think you are going in the right direction?"

"I'm just not sure, that's why I came to ask you!"

Tao Zhexuan showed a look of helplessness on his face.

"I always feel that there seems to be a problem at this point, but I don't know where the problem is!"

"To be honest, I don't know much about topology!"

Cheng Hao said to Terence Tao in front of him.

Hearing Cheng Hao's words, Tao Zhexuan showed a hint of disappointment on his face.

"But! I think there must be a problem with this!"

With that said, Cheng Hao roughly explained the issues here to Tao Zhexuan. Tao Zhexuan turned to Cheng Hao in front of him and asked some questions. The two of them went back and forth and discussed for a long time.

Li Yan, who was sitting aside, looked at the issue discussed by the two in front of him with a confused look on his face.

To be honest, he couldn't understand a word he said...

Soon, the two people finished their discussion.

"Okay! That's about it! Are you staying at my place tonight, or are you going to live outside?"

Cheng Hao looked at Terence Tao in front of him and asked.

"It would be too stressful if I didn't live here with you."

Tao Zhexuan shrugged and said helplessly to Cheng Hao in front of him.

Hearing Tao Zhexuan's words, Cheng Hao nodded, and he did not feel very good.

"Okay! Then I won't send it to you!"

After sending Terence Tao to the door, looking at Terence Tao's back, Cheng Hao's eyes flashed with light.

His eyes flickered for a while.


This Hodge conjecture is really interesting. It studies an important issue in the field of topology. It can be said to be very important, and the key is also very interesting.

It's a pity that I don't have time to solve this problem now.

I hope Terence Tao can solve this problem!

Cheng Hao smiled slightly. If science has no national boundaries, then the sciences that truly have no national boundaries should be these purely theoretical sciences.

Theoretical mathematics and the like must have no national boundaries, but applied sciences must have national boundaries. Otherwise, why don't you let the United States publish its own science and technology?

It's obviously impossible!

Non-application things can always be made public, and these things are of great benefit to the long-term development of mankind.

But for the improvement of national strength and short-term interests, it actually has no meaning!

All those who study theoretical science are actually adding to the foundation of mankind as a whole. These people are all worthy of admiration!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao turned around and returned to the house.

"If you have nothing to do, don't call me 1"

Cheng Hao said casually to Li Yan who was standing aside. After finishing speaking, he came directly to the study alone. Looking at Cheng Hao's back, Li Yan was slightly stunned.

He nodded subconsciously.

After Cheng Hao returned to the study, he continued to study the Riemann Hypothesis.

The Riemann zeta function takes the value zero at s = -2n (n is a positive integer) - because sin (πs/2) is zero. This point on the complex plane where the Riemann zeta function takes the value zero is called

The zero points of the Riemann zeta function.

Therefore, s=-2n (n is a positive integer) is the zero point of the Riemann zeta function.

These zero points are distributed in an orderly manner and have simple properties, and are called trivial zero points of the Riemann zeta function. In addition to these trivial zero points, the Riemann zeta function has many other zero points, and their properties are far more complicated than those trivial zero points, which are called

Non-trivial zero point.

All non-trivial zero points of the Riemann zeta function are located on the straight line re(s)=1/2 on the complex plane, that is, the real parts of the solutions to the equation ζ(s)=0 are all 1/2.

Cheng Hao stared at the mathematical symbols in front of him.

Keep writing.

Regarding the Riemann Hypothesis, he already has enough inspiration, and the next step is to solve it!

The outside world is talking about Cheng Hao's performance in the character column tonight. They started to speculate on what Cheng Hao said. Many people are talking about Cheng Hao on the Internet.

But Cheng Hao didn't listen to any of this. All his energy fell on the Riemann Hypothesis.

There is only mathematics left in my mind.

Until midnight, when Cheng Hao was feeling a little tired, he drank a bottle of energy potion.

After holding on for two hours, Cheng Hao drank another bottle.


Just a little bit closer!

I am about to find the key that can unlock the treasure of the Riemann Hypothesis!

Cheng Hao's eyes were red, staring at the formulas and theorems in front of him.

His mind was spinning rapidly.

The night is getting deeper!

Cheng Hao is still continuing.

During the day the next day.

Cheng Hao is still going on!

Right now, his eyes were red, and he seemed to have reached his limit.

But soon, Cheng Hao's rapidly turning mind suddenly became enlightened, and his pen, which had slowed down, quickly began to continue turning.

Around him, there are papers everywhere, all of which are filled with formulas and theorems. They are densely packed, and every piece of paper is filled with formulas and theorems.

This is Cheng Hao's achievement in one night.

Until ten o'clock in the evening the next day.

Cheng Hao finally wrote the answer to the Riemann Hypothesis.

[......According to the above theorem, it can be proved that all non-trivial zero points of the Riemann zeta function are located on the critical line.]

[It is inferred from this that Riemann’s theorem is established!]

After writing the last sentence, Cheng Hao sat in his seat in a daze, with a look of emotion on his face.

Is it proven???

Cheng Hao felt that a lot of his energy and energy had been drained away.

Just as he stood up, Cheng Hao stumbled and almost fell.

At this time, several robots came out and helped Cheng Hao to the bed beside him.

He carefully placed Cheng Hao on the bed.

Cheng Hao fell asleep directly.

"Why has Professor Cheng been like this in the past two days?? He hasn't gone out for three days again! And he hasn't said a word to us..."ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

Yan Min frowned and said to Li Yan standing aside.


Li Yan smiled slightly, looked at Yan Min in front of him and said: "Do you really think that the artificial intelligence in Professor Cheng's house is artificially retarded? If Professor Cheng is in danger, that artificial intelligence will definitely notify us as soon as possible!


This chapter has been completed!
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