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Chapter 453 Sorry Professor Faltins

The scientists around him began to look at what Cheng Hao had on the blackboard.

The entire lecture hall fell into silence for an instant.

Professor Faltings on the side nodded after reading.

"My doubts have been answered, I have no questions anymore!"

After speaking, Professor Faltings' eyes showed emotion, and he slowly sat down. His eyes looked at Cheng Hao in front of him. Cheng Hao's mathematical talent far exceeded Professor Faltings' expectations.

What a pity!

It's a pity that Cheng Hao in front of him did not put all his energy into mathematics!


Professor Faltings could hardly predict what kind of surprise Cheng Hao in front of him would bring to him and others.

Even the Riemann Hypothesis is a mathematical problem of this level, and he can solve it to this extent!

That’s right! Professor Faltings has basically confirmed that Professor Cheng has succeeded. This proof process is far more perfect than Professor Faltings imagined!

The logic is very self-consistent! Even a picky person like Professor Faltings can't find any faults at all!

It’s really…

Professor Faltings' eyes showed emotion.

"Do you have any questions?"

With a smile on his face, Cheng Hao said to the mathematicians around him.

All the mathematicians around him were silent.

Even Professor Faltings couldn't find any faults, and it was even more difficult for other mathematicians to find any problems!

"Genius! Real genius!"

Tao Zhexuan's eyes were a little fanatical. He looked at the other side and saw some additional explanations about the circular sieve method of group theory. At this time, he suddenly realized it.

Many results that were not obvious when reading Cheng Hao's paper are now suddenly clear!

The argumentation process of this paper is really...


There is only one thought in Tao Zhexuan's mind!

True perfection!

This argumentation process can be said to be completely unable to find any faults. If you insist on finding faults, Tao Zhexuan cannot find faults anyway.

“Can you tell us about your derivation process??”

A mathematics professor from New York University on the side hesitated for a moment and said sheepishly to Cheng Hao: "There are still a lot of things about your paper that I don't quite understand..."

Many mathematicians around him all looked at Cheng Hao in front of him.

Cheng Hao was slightly stunned.

Seeing so many expectant eyes around him, Cheng Hao hesitated for a moment. He felt that he had overestimated the acceptance ability of these mathematicians...

It seems...it seems that the angle I am standing on is too high??

"Then I will explain my idea to you in detail!"

Cheng Hao pondered for a moment. There were some things that he felt some people didn't understand, and he should explain them.

Of course, most mathematicians are actually somewhat disdainful of Cheng Hao's behavior.

For example, Professor Faltings has always felt that there is nothing to explain to these mediocre mathematicians. He feels that the subject of mathematics has always been promoted by top geniuses.

No matter how many mediocre mathematicians there are, they are not as useful as one genius mathematician.

These people can't even understand the paper, or they have difficulty reading it. It's obvious how talented they are. Even if they figure it out, what will happen?

It's just a waste of time.

Tao Zhexuan didn't have much idea, but he looked at Cheng Hao in front of him expectantly.

He wanted to know something simple and obvious.

Cheng Hao pondered for a moment and began to analyze his thoughts in a simple and in-depth manner. Cheng Hao explained some things that seemed difficult very thoroughly.

Starting from a relatively basic concept, the proof process is very clear. The mathematicians in the audience also listened clearly, and basically there was a look of astonishment in their eyes.

Even Professor Faltings, who was a little disdainful, showed strong surprise in his eyes after hearing Cheng Hao's explanation.

Although many of the things Cheng Hao said were obvious to Professor Faltings, Professor Faltings actually gained a lot from Cheng Hao's explanations!


Professor Faltings looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with emotion in his eyes.

Sure enough! When Professor Cheng solves any mathematical problem, there is basically no luck. He has a very deep understanding of the Riemann Hypothesis, or what should be called Riemann's theorem now.

It's not that he solved it by accidental inspiration, but he understood how to solve this problem from the root!

His talent...

Professor Faltings' eyes showed emotion.

Professor Cheng Hao in front of me is really amazing!

Professors Daniel and Terence Tao on the side, as well as Professor Deligne sitting in the corner, all looked thoughtful.

"Okay! I've already talked about this question very profoundly. If there's anything you still don't understand, you can ask it now!"

Cheng Hao said to the mathematicians in front of him.

The mathematicians around them all shook their heads, looking at Cheng Hao in front of them with emotion on their faces.

"Professor Cheng! Thank you for your explanation!"

At this time, Professor Tao Zhexuan on the side said to Cheng Hao in front of him: "I have benefited a lot!"


The mathematicians around them all said to Cheng Hao in front of them.

"You're welcome!"

With a smile on his face, Cheng Hao looked at the mathematicians in front of him and said with a smile.

"It should!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Hao smiled: "If there are no more doubts, then I will go down!"

"Thank you Professor Cheng for giving us a wonderful explanation. Regarding the research on the Riemann Hypothesis, it seems that there is not much controversy at present!"

At this time, President Viana of the International Mathematical Union, who was sitting in the front row, sat up, with a smile on his face, and spoke to the many mathematicians behind him.

The mathematicians behind him nodded one after another, with looks of recognition in their eyes.

The mathematicians around them were talking a lot as the meeting continued.

Cheng Hao just spoke and then left the venue.

The main reason why Cheng Hao is willing to attend such a report meeting is because he wants to do his small part for mathematics around the world.

This is why he is willing to take the trouble to explain some details to everyone and help everyone understand his proof.

In fact, he doesn't need to explain this at all, because people who really understand already understand it after Faltings just raised the question and Cheng Hao solved it.

I still don't understand it, so I can only say that either I am not studying this field, or my talent is not good enough.

But Cheng Hao still explained it!

This doesn't make sense to Cheng Hao, but it means a lot to those mathematicians who are slightly less talented and less skilled!

This chapter has been completed!
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