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Chapter 462 Humanity Will Win

Before Cheng Hao arrived, he had already transferred all the data to the factory here.

The purpose is of course to save time.

"Dear special-level authority holder, the twenty special-level laser guns you customized before are already in production, and the laser amplifier is also being manufactured. Because it is the first time to make it, the speed will be a bit slow, and it will take about seven hours.


Hearing the artificial intelligence's words, Cheng Hao's eyes showed a hint of anxiety.

The lower left corner of the light blue light screen in front of him was counting down all the time, showing that the countdown had gone from fifty-eight hours before to less than fifty hours now.

This means that the meteorite is getting closer and closer to the earth. The closer the meteorite is to the earth, the more difficult it will be to solve the meteorite!

A serious expression flashed in Cheng Hao's eyes.

But there is nothing we can do now.

He asked Li Yan to quickly contact several large trucks that could load and unload huge glass.

While Cheng Hao was busy, the world was already in chaos, and countless places expressed their despair on the Internet.

There is despair everywhere, deep despair everywhere.

There are various speculations as to why this meteorite traveled to the earth at such a fast speed. Many people believe that this meteorite itself is a divine punishment sent by God.

God felt that mankind did not follow his teachings, so he caused meteorites to exterminate mankind.

This statement has aroused the recognition of many believers.

Everyone is worshiping the gods.

But for most people, their eyes are more focused on the hydrogen bombs that are about to be launched by several superpowers.

In order to stabilize public sentiment, several major countries have even started live broadcasts.

Everyone is gathered in front of the computer or the TV, watching the hydrogen bomb being pushed onto the rocket launcher with countless times the efficiency before.

These hydrogen bombs are all two million tons in size.

There is no way, because the development of nuclear weapons was restricted in the past, so the largest tonnage nuclear bombs currently in the hands of the three superpowers are of this level.

But now it is obviously too late to produce hydrogen bombs with larger tonnage.

This is the only thing that can be done for now.

Everyone had nervous expressions on their faces, looking at the hydrogen bombs in the live broadcast. They hoped that this could solve the problem!

Many observatories, as well as many astronomy enthusiasts, all took out their high-powered astronomical telescopes to monitor the meteorite in space.

Getting closer to the earth!

The speed is getting faster and faster, which means that the probability of this meteorite hitting the earth has increased a lot.

Even if the probability of collision is not 100% right now, it is basically about the same!

All astronomy enthusiasts never dreamed that they would actually experience such a scene one day, and everyone was silent.

The end of the world?

Everyone was a little confused. No one could have predicted this kind of scene.

The entire social circle began to go viral, and everyone was discussing the meteorite that was about to hit the ground. Some people reassured themselves that the government would definitely find a way to solve the meteorite.

There is no end of the world at all.

Some people are very pessimistic. Human technology cannot solve such a huge meteorite. The size of this meteorite far exceeds everyone's expectations. This is definitely not an ordinary meteorite event!

It is very likely that this is the real end of mankind! It is the same end of the world as a global volcanic eruption.

Although many people do not believe it on the surface, the world is still shrouded in pessimism.

Stop work, stop production, stop school.

Everyone stayed at home, and many people chose to return to their homes to stay with their relatives. Those who really couldn't go back found computers and mobile phones to video chat with their relatives.

The couple in love hugged each other and watched the live broadcast on TV.

Everyone is praying, praying that everything can be resolved.

On the social platform, the screen has been rapidly refreshed at this time.

Cheng Hao didn't look at all this.

At this time the phone rang.

It belongs to Ye Zhou.

Cheng Hao stood in the factory's control room and took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"Brother Cheng Hao, that meteorite..."

Ye Zhou said to Cheng Hao with a hint of fear in his tone.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Cheng Hao smiled slightly and said to Ye Zhou: "Zhou Zhou, don't be afraid, the country is thinking of a way, and I am also thinking of a way! Don't worry, it will definitely be solved! Don't worry! It will definitely be solved! I will let it go.

We have a future! There is a future that must belong to us, definitely! Don’t be afraid! I will protect you!”


Ye Zhou's voice was as thin as a mosquito fly. Although her tone was still full of fear and reluctance, she still cheered up and said to Cheng Hao: "Brother! You will definitely be able to solve that meteorite! I believe it!"


Cheng Hao smiled and nodded.

After hanging up Ye Zhou's phone, the smile on Cheng Hao's face disappeared.

At this moment, his eyes were full of sighs.

He turned and walked towards the factory nearby, where the huge piece of laser glass was still being produced.

Cheng Hao felt a little emotional, wasn't he making a desperate move now?

This piece of glass can only theoretically reflect a strong enough force and be as powerful as a laser cannon.

But that’s also theoretical!

And what happens after the theory is over?

Even if the meteorite is shattered, if it is only broken into a few relatively small meteorites, it will still be like the end of the world for humans on earth.

It was definitely not a scene Cheng Hao wanted to see.

Looking at the piece of material in front of him, Cheng Hao pondered for a moment and began to calculate quickly.

The main component of laser amplifiers is silicate system glass.

Silicate system glass is the most widely used laser glass. Silicate system neodymium glass has long fluorescence lifetime, high quantum efficiency, good physical and chemical properties (low devitrification tendency, good chemical stability, high mechanical strength), production process

Simpler and more mature.

The effect is very good, and at this time, if this kind of glass is changed, it will be too late to produce it because there is not enough technology.

Since the material itself cannot be changed, is it possible to slightly increase the performance of the glass through some special coatings?

Cheng Hao pondered for a moment. There is really a lot of research in this area in China.

He pondered for a moment.

Cheng Hao briefly browsed the domestic content on laser amplified coating.

After pondering for a moment, Cheng Hao probably used mathematical calculations to roughly select the best coating.

After calculation, this coating method may be the best one.

Cheng Hao reluctantly sent the data to the artificial intelligence of the automatic factory.

This chapter has been completed!
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