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Chapter 498 Controllable Nuclear Fusion Super Mothership! Launch

Cheng Hao's ability is obvious to all!

And he is still such a young man. More importantly, the black technologies he has developed are simply ahead of his time.

He is so neither arrogant nor impetuous, and does not have the impetuousness of young people at all!

Such a scientist is simply...

The leaders around them looked at Cheng Hao with admiration on their faces.

At this time, Li Xing and Li Yu on the side had already walked out of the spacecraft after checking the spacecraft.

A group of aerospace experts on the side looked at the two siblings in front of them and hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

"How was it? Did you feel any discomfort during the flight?"

"How did you feel during the landing??"

"How does it feel to fly a spaceship??"


The surrounding aerospace experts couldn't wait to ask Li Xing and Li Yu in front of them.

At this time, Li Xing hesitated for a moment and replied slowly: "It doesn't feel very deep...in the spacecraft, the level of discomfort is not as good as the aerospace experiments we did on the ground before.

And when we were in the spaceship itself, apart from feeling some weightlessness, it was actually more like flying a plane...but there was no pressure as high as flying a plane! So, it was actually quite comfortable??

Moreover, the space of this spaceship is very large! It feels like ordinary people can fully adapt to it!"

so good???

Upon hearing Li Xing's answer, the surrounding aerospace experts suddenly looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

Such a good result really made them unbelievable.

"Of course, it's not completely without problems!"

At this time, Li Xing pondered for a moment.

“In terms of comfort, it’s definitely a bit worse, because the noise is still very obvious, but this is our first time driving, so this is normal!”

Is it really that good??

The aerospace experts around them all suddenly felt their hearts beating, and their eyes were shining brightly as they looked at the spacecraft beside them.

If you really want what Li Xing said, maybe ordinary people like them can go to space for once!

"By the way, what's the gravity like when the spacecraft ascends?"

An aerospace expert pondered for a moment and asked Li Xing in front of him.

"We haven't calculated it specifically, but even if we reach the highest speed, the pressure seems to be low. I haven't calculated it, but according to my body feeling, it is probably equivalent to five times the force of gravity!"

Five times the gravity!

This gravity value is actually acceptable to ordinary people, and there is no problem at all!

Because the highest human body in a fighter jet can feel nine times the gravity!

In comparison, five times is already a relatively small gravity value!

Cheng Hao on the side heard their conversation. At this time, he smiled slightly and said to Li Xing and several aerospace experts: "These can all be improved. We will talk to you later about the spacecraft."

Some flaws!

Although this spacecraft has undergone some improvements in artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is only artificial intelligence after all, not human beings, and there is no way to feel some human feelings. Therefore, I need your help in many areas where the spacecraft has been improved!"

"Okay, Haoshen!"

Li Xing nodded quickly and agreed.

Next, these aerospace experts and leaders asked Cheng Hao a lot of questions before leaving.

After the experts left, Cheng Hao began to input into Xiao u based on some of the issues mentioned by Li Xing and Li Yu, and asked Xiao u to start data simulation and make some other changes to the spacecraft.

In the next period of time, Cheng Hao was extremely busy.

During this period, Galaxy Technology Company also entered a period of strong expansion.

Galaxy Technology quickly began to acquire numerous foreign mines, and began to send its own employees to the mines. Galaxy Technology even began to set up a security company to be responsible for the safety of the mines.

During this time, Galaxy Technology also began to sell some artificial intelligence equipment.

U-2 type artificial intelligence robot goes on sale!

This thing quickly detonated the market, and then Galaxy Technology announced its cooperation with several large domestic car companies and began to manufacture electric cars together.

Moreover, trams soon began to be put into the market, setting off a new round of technological revolution!

Throughout China, everything is thriving.

The United States, on the other hand, kept making small moves during this period.

One year later.

"Your Excellency, the Strait of Malacca is a sensitive area. We deploy three motherships here... isn't it good?"

A US military general looked at Ao Guanhai in front of him with a trace of hesitation in his eyes and asked.

"not good??"

Ao Guanhai's eyes were cold, he looked at the American general in front of him and said.

"Have you seen the development of China over the past year? Have you seen how many means we have used?"

The American general was stunned for a moment and nodded silently.

"At this time, we can only stir up war! If we can't stir up war at this time! At best, next year! China's GDP will exceed ours!"

As he said this, Ao Guanhai's expression became extremely serious.

Once China's GDP exceeds that of the United States, America's world hegemony will be shaken!

This goes on like this...

Ao Guanhai doesn’t want to be America’s sinner!

The American general in front of him had a look of contemplation on his face, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, get on with it!"

In the next few days, three American motherships blocked the Strait of Malacca.

Moreover, a batch of special arms has begun to arrive from the Republic of Korea.

Then on the 4v side, the green camp also started to cause trouble.

For a time, the Chinese border was surrounded by dangers!

There are minefields everywhere that are ready to explode.

The heat of Chinese public opinion suddenly dropped to freezing point.

In the field of public opinion, there is all verbal and written criticism of the United States, but in such a crisis situation, it seems so insignificant...

Professor Cheng, whom everyone misses so much, has not been seen for a long time.

Just as the entire social platform was in despair.

China night news.

"Our reporter reported that the first domestically produced controllable nuclear fusion supercarrier has been launched today. It carries 300 A30 vertical take-off and landing fighter jets and has already formed combat effectiveness when it was launched!

It is reported that the carrier is 720 meters long and 225 meters wide. It is the largest carrier in the world so far. It is also the first and only aircraft carrier in the world to use nuclear fusion as power.

It is reported that the carrier can reach a speed of forty knots! It is also the fastest carrier in the world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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