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Chapter 5 A New Beginning

Cheng Hao read until twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Ding! Self-study for one and a half hours, math experience 5! Chemistry experience 15! Physics experience 15!"

Cheng Hao also began to have some understanding of this super academic system. At first, his mathematical experience improved rapidly because he just recalled the previous contents in his mind.

So I made rapid progress at that time, but when I had almost mined the old content in my mind, and when it came to new content that was unfamiliar to me, my progress slowed down.

And these systems are starting to gain experience slowly.

Cheng Hao was thoughtful.

At twelve o'clock, Cheng Hao went to bed.

The next day, at six o'clock in the morning, Cheng Hao was woken up from bed by his father. After washing and having breakfast, Cheng Hao ran back to school.

At six fifty, morning reading started on time.

Morning reading time is one hour and ten minutes.

Cheng Hao allocates a lot of content for morning reading. He spends half an hour reading Chinese and 40 minutes reading and recalling English words.

"Don't you see it, the water of the Yellow River is coming up from the sky!"

"The falling clouds and the solitary owl fly together, the autumn water is the same color as the sky..."


On top of the morning reading, the whole class was in chaos. Almost everyone was busy reading their own books, memorizing ancient Chinese poems and prose that they were not familiar with, memorizing English words, and even reciting chemical formulas and biology.


Therefore, the whole class seemed chaotic and everyone was working hard.

In the morning reading class of the third year of high school, only the head teacher would occasionally show up, but he would not pay too much attention to it because it was already a 100-day countdown and the swearing-in meeting for the college entrance examination had already been held.

The students in the classroom now should be responsible for themselves.

The classroom was messy, but it did not affect Cheng Hao at all. Cheng Hao started reciting Chinese and English according to his own plan.

These two subjects had the deepest impression on Cheng Hao's mind, because they were very practical. When Cheng Hao later started doing business, he did not succeed in these two subjects.

Therefore, one morning self-study session, Cheng Hao’s linguistics subject experience 30!

This was somewhat beyond Cheng Hao's expectation.

Next, there is a day of classes, and then there are test papers for each subject. After finishing, they are revised directly on the spot, and then the teacher starts to teach the test papers.

Talking about the test paper handed out yesterday, Cheng Hao was extremely serious during the process.

He didn't leave his seat after class, and was working on solving problems seriously. Seeing him solving problems so seriously, Ye Zhou couldn't bear to disturb him, and his deskmate next to Cheng Hao also looked at Cheng Hao sideways.

Many times, I even spoke actively, returned to the teacher's questions, and asked questions.

Throughout the morning, this time not only Cheng Hao's deskmate but also Ye Zhou, other students also noticed Cheng Hao's huge changes.

Everyone started to look at each other.

When did Cheng Hao change so much???

He had never taken classes so seriously before, right?

What stimulated this?

The teacher in the office also noticed the changes in Cheng Hao.

Everyone was curious as to whether Cheng Hao's change was temporary or a complete change. Everyone was guessing, and even a few students began to place bets.

But Cheng Hao turned a deaf ear to outside discussions.

Not only does he need to put on a learning attitude and let everyone see his efforts, he also needs to show strong ability to improve in every subsequent mock test.

In this way, no one will doubt his ability to get perfect marks in the final college entrance examination!

The reward from this task is extremely important to your future development!

With your own head, it is difficult to become a real scientist, even an extremely powerful scientist, just by relying on the system.

But with brain development, it will be much easier to become a top scientist!

He wants to become a scientist! A top scientist!

He wants everyone to envy his parents and make his parents the happiest parents in the world!

He wants to protect his family!

These thoughts flashed through Cheng Hao's mind, and soon he fell into a sea of ​​questions like an ocean, endless, and started to answer questions.

The various questions made him dizzy, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

If I really can't hold on anymore, I drink a cup of coffee.

In order to reduce the number of trips to the toilet, Cheng Hao even brewed coffee with extremely high concentration so that he could drink as little water as possible.

Cheng Hao's desperate look became extremely eye-catching even among all the desperate people in the entire college entrance examination class.

Because the number of times he leaves the table in a day can hardly exceed the number on one hand!

And almost never talk to others!

Even if I had to talk, it would usually be when I encountered difficulties in doing a question and I would start asking some top students in the class. Other than that, I would hardly chat.

Everyone looked at Cheng Hao's actions with side eyes.

Everyone is guessing how many days Cheng Hao can last like this.

Not only the students, but also the teachers in the office were talking about Cheng Hao's appearance. These teachers also began to discuss in private the issue of Cheng Hao's ability to hold on to the time.

But Cheng Hao turned a deaf ear to all this.

What he needs most now is to familiarize himself with all the knowledge points throughout high school.

After all, it was ten years ago that he took the college entrance examination and studied for the last time, and he had forgotten too many things!

In five days, with Cheng Hao's full dedication, he had passed all the knowledge points in the entire high school stage!

His knowledge level has finally returned to the peak period before the college entrance examination ten years ago, and even improved by one level based on that college entrance examination!

And his basic subjects have finally reached level lv2!

"Ding! The host's chemical level reaches lv1!"

[Host: Cheng Hao]







[Item: Energy Potion*3]

[Task: Let everyone recognize the host’s full score in the college entrance examination! (More than eight adults in the school will be considered complete)]

The system light screen in front of me showed that I had finally reached level one!

After reaching the first level of these subjects, Cheng Hao was able to keenly notice the difference. His sensitivity to these subjects was much higher than before. Although it did not directly improve his knowledge, it improved Cheng Hao's understanding of these subjects.


His intuition for knowledge in these subjects has also improved greatly!

The long march of thousands of miles has finally taken its first step!

But, this is just the beginning!

After all, although he studied crazily during this period, his progress was not that great. He mainly focused on recalling the knowledge points in high school. The real progress may not be as much as thirty points!

This chapter has been completed!
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