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Chapter 527 This Is Simply a Bug

Although Cheng Hao actually did not conduct in-depth research on biology.

But his own biology level has already reached level 4! And he is about to reach level 5. Therefore, his sensitivity to biology is still beyond ordinary people, even some geniuses.

All he needs is to add some knowledge!

During this time, Cheng Hao was observing the changes in the virus while studying biology. He began to read countless books. With his IQ, he could extract the important essence from these books at an extremely fast speed.


This ability is simply a bug!

During this period of time, academician Zhang's side has been receiving constant news that this bacterium seems to rely on some of its secretions to improve the human body.

Currently, Academician Zhang is responsible for extracting the extract from the germs in the researcher's body.

Cheng Hao, with the help of Xiao u, began to breed the bacteria in front of him.

There is no way, after all, these germs were extracted from aliens, and the number itself is too small.

If Cheng Hao wanted to better study these germs, he had to conduct some culture on them.

This combination is completely different from the cultivation of germs on earth.

Cheng Hao relied on Xiaou's powerful computing power to calculate many paths, and then experimented one by one to finally find the best training path.

The number of germs in front of me has increased tenfold.

Research requires observation and some biological experiments.

This is a long process.

When Cheng Hao was doing experiments.

"This question is too difficult!"

Fang Ting sat among the crowd, wailing for a while, looking at the topic in front of her with a wry smile on her face.

Although the tasks given by Cheng Hao have been broken down a lot, and everyone's scientific research tasks are only a small part of it.

But even so, this is also a small part of the ns equation!

This level of difficulty is difficult for normal people to imagine!

Several other people on the side nodded in agreement, and most of them had expressions of emotion in their eyes. Are they really worthy of being Professor Cheng?

I and others had just arrived and they were already trying to solve a problem of this level!

This is really...

At this time, Fang Ting saw Wei Dongyi who was still frowning and calculating.

Suddenly there was a slight movement in her heart, and with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, she asked Wei Dongyi in front of her curiously: "Wei Dongyi, how are you? Is this question difficult? Have you calculated anything?


Hearing Fang Ting's words, the people around them all looked at Wei Dongyi who was standing aside. Wei Dongyi had a hint of contemplation in his eyes, looked at the people around him and said, "Fortunately, this

Although the question is difficult, it’s not particularly difficult after a little searching!

After all, these are just scraps, and compared with the core of the NS equation, they are still far behind!"

Wei Dongyi honestly has no emotional intelligence.

Several people around him obviously had wry smiles on their faces.

Is the gap with first place really that big?

Several people around him had expressions of emotion in their eyes.

"It's actually not as difficult as you think!"

Wei Dongyi has a very straightforward personality and speaks directly. He said to several people around him: "You find it difficult because it is your first time to come into contact with this type of question.

This type of questions is different from the questions we do in books, because here, we most likely cannot use other theorems and formulas directly. We need to find out the core essence of this problem, and then

Start exploring slowly from inside.

This process is not very difficult, but we have to make full use of our own counterintuition."


Fang Ting was stunned for a moment, looking at Wei Dongyi in front of her with confusion in her eyes.

Others on the side also looked at Wei Dongyi in front of them with curious expressions in their eyes.


Wei Dongyi nodded.

"In this kind of mathematical exploration, in addition to our logical thinking, we also need to fully possess counter-intuition. When we encounter some things, we..."

Just when Wei Dongyi was explaining his ideas to the classmates next to him.

Cheng Hao didn't know when he had arrived at the office.

He hadn't come to the office for three or four days, and he felt a little guilty, so he wanted to come and see him first.

Unexpectedly, I saw Wei Dongyi explaining his ideas to the students around him.

Cheng Hao looked at the scene in front of him with a look of approval in his eyes. He didn't speak, but listened carefully.

After listening for a long time, Cheng Hao's eyes showed a hint of emotion.

Mathematics actually requires some ideas for solving problems. Especially when facing some very difficult conjectures, some ideas obviously become extremely important.

Although Cheng Hao solved some conjectures when he was at Yan University and seemed to have become a master of mathematics, to be honest, he was able to solve that conjecture with the help of the system.

After he went to Princeton, what he learned most from many mathematics masters was problem-solving ideas!

There is also what to do when faced with a difficult guess and have no idea where to start.

I have to say that at this point, Wei Dongyi has really done a good job!

Although he is not very good, his ability to do this has proved that he has enough talent in mathematics.

Cheng Hao looked at Wei Dongyi in front of him with admiration in his eyes.

Wei Dongyi talked about his problem-solving methods almost selflessly.

"...That's probably it!"

Wei Dongyi said to several classmates around him.

Several people around had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"Thank you!"

Fang Ting on the side said to Wei Dongyi in front of her with a smile in her eyes.

"You're welcome!"

Wei Dongyi smiled and said to Fang Ting in front of him: "We are all classmates, there is nothing to thank you for!"

"Well said!"

At this moment, Cheng Hao's voice suddenly came from the side, and everyone's eyes immediately looked aside.


Everyone around was shocked. Everyone looked at Cheng Hao and stood up quickly. At this time, Wei Dongyi looked at Cheng Hao with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Professor, I shared my experience..."

"Haha! It's okay! You said it very well!"

Cheng Hao looked at Wei Dongyi in front of him with a look of approval in his eyes and said.

"I will continue what you said and expand some content! Then, I hope you can learn more things from it! These things will help you solve subsequent problems!"

This chapter has been completed!
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