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Chapter 589 Five kilometers?

Researcher Wang looked at Major Li in front of him with a blank look in his eyes.

"It's a test! Let's run a lap first! Let's do five kilometers together!"

Major Li smiled slightly, looked at the special soldiers in front of him and said.

Running laps??

Researcher Wang nodded. He was not afraid of this thing at all.

With the super fungus in his body, he is not afraid of any level of resistance from his body.

The soldiers on the side also had sneers in their eyes, and they all looked at Researcher Wang with some contempt.

In their opinion, the person in front of them is just a weak scholar, but they are all the top soldiers selected in the army!

At their speed, they can basically run five kilometers in less than fourteen minutes!

Although they are not professional athletes, this speed is exaggerated enough, and what they are best at is endurance. They can run more than ten kilometers!

Although their hearts were filled with confidence, there was still no hint of underestimation in their eyes.

"bring it on!"

These soldier kings looked at Researcher Wang in front of them seriously and said.

Researcher Wang had a blank look in his eyes.


Major Li looked at the scene in front of him, smiled slightly, and didn't explain much.

Soon, everyone came to the starting line.

"There is a flag on the mountain over there. Let's see who among you can pick that flag back for me!!"

Major Li said calmly to the people in front of him.

"Ready - run!"

Dozens of soldiers rushed out instantly, but Researcher Wang was slightly dazed. He rarely participated in sports competitions, so he didn't react for a while.

But very quickly, with his reaction speed, he reacted quickly and rushed out in an instant.

The speed almost reached the speed of sprinting 100 meters.

It almost took a few seconds to pass by these soldiers.

These soldiers stared at Researcher Wang's back in stunned silence.

"No??? This guy is a fool from where did the commander find him? I've never seen anyone run five kilometers at a sprint speed of 100 meters!"

A soldier looked at Researcher Wang's back with some confusion and said.

"No, his speed is too fast. Even if it is a 100-meter sprint, this speed is really abnormal!"

Another soldier spoke slowly with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"Indeed! At this speed, even the fastest runner among us is not that fast! It can be seen that this guy has no experience in sports competitions! His speed will slow down soon!"

Qian Yi looked at Researcher Wang's back and said.

"However, this guy's physical strength and speed are really a monster!"

Qian couldn't help but continue.

The soldiers in front of them continued to rush forward.

Researcher Wang in front was also slightly stunned. He originally thought that he would run out of energy soon if he ran so fast!

But Researcher Wang was a little surprised to find that his physical strength had not been lost much???

Is there any limit to my physical strength?

Researcher Wang's eyes flashed with curiosity.

When I was in the laboratory before, because there was not enough time to check, regarding physical strength, I simply checked the data and did not ask Researcher Wang to test physical strength.

Now that he had this opportunity, Researcher Wang decided to test himself. Although the results of the self-test were not very reliable.

But if I can provide Professor Cheng with more data, I will learn more about this fungus in the future!

Thinking of this, Researcher Wang did not change his speed.

Instead, he ran forward at a faster speed.

At this time, Researcher Wang did not notice that there was a drone above his head, observing Researcher Wang's movements.

In a command room not far away.

Several commanders were all gathered around the display screen to check it.

"Is it really possible for him to be so fast???"

A major general had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"According to the calculation just now, his current pace is one kilometer and one minute and twenty seconds! This pace..."

The other commanders next to them had disbelief in their eyes.

"One kilometer per minute, is this really the speed that humans can achieve???"

General Zhao sighed slightly.

Somewhat emotional.

"Generals, this Researcher Wang is Professor Cheng's latest scientific research result, a super fungus!"

Major Li smiled slightly.

Regarding extraterrestrial technology, it is the top secret in China, and more people will not know about it. However, it is impossible not to use such researched things.

So the top management replaced this alien fungus with the results of Professor Cheng's research.

In this way, although everyone still can't believe it, but with Professor Cheng's past achievements, no one has much doubt in their hearts.

"It's amazing!"

A general had a look of emotion in his eyes.

"Professor Cheng is really a blessing to China!"


The other general nodded.

General Zhao, who was looking at the screen, pondered for a moment. He looked at Major Li and asked: "About this fungus, are there any sequelae? Can our other soldiers be injected with this fungus?"


After hearing General Zhao's words, the generals around him looked at Major Li with expectation in their eyes.

Major Li smiled slightly. He looked at the generals in front of him and said with a smile: "The sequelae of this fungus itself are unclear. Professor Cheng did not say that Researcher Wang in front of him is a researcher in a key laboratory.

The reason why this fungus was planted was because he accidentally broke the petri dish, so he was parasitized by this fungus. Current research results are that this fungus can strengthen and transform the human body, but it is not contagious.

to others.

There is no research yet on whether there are any side effects, so..."

After hearing what Major Li said, the generals around them nodded thoughtfully.

"It means that Researcher Wang is still a research sample at the moment?? It's just that he has been a research sample for a long time???"

General Zhao looked at Major Li in front of him with some curiosity.


Major Li smiled slightly. He looked at General Zhao in front of him and said: "The above meaning is to let this researcher Wang become the captain of a special force and perform some relatively special tasks. If the follow-up is mature, some special forces can be made

Troop members, inoculate against this fungus!"

"This is a good idea!"

After hearing what Major Li said, General Zhao showed excitement in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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