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Chapter 617 Relating to Education

"To put it bluntly, there is actually no difference at all in terms of children's IQ. The main difference is the difference in the degree of exposure to knowledge.

Urban children are often exposed to learning, either in tutoring classes or lectures by good teachers. However, what rural children are exposed to most is actually nature. They play outside in mud ponds and mountains every day, and no one can manage it.


Or they are just working in the farmland, and they don’t realize what education and knowledge are at all!”

Cheng Hao looked at Boss Wang Tian in front of him seriously.

Boss Wang Tian was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

“We have made great progress in science now, but our education methods and economic level are still somewhat stagnant. To put it bluntly, our superstructure has not actually been improved!

This is the real reason why I chose to be an artificial intelligence teacher! Human progress cannot be achieved overnight, but the progress of a country can be built with a lot of resources! We now have this ability! We also have this resource.

Why are we still clinging to the same old system and standing still???”

Cheng Hao looked at Boss Wang Tian in front of him seriously.

"Right now, we have enough technology to do this, and I have enough ability to do this. I feel that it is very necessary for me to do this.

The rise of China and the improvement of civilization level are not enough for me alone! What it requires is the joint efforts of all people in the entire civilization! It requires the improvement of the abilities of all human beings!

We need a large number of talented people from our descendants to prepare for the future! This is the future!"

Cheng Hao looked at Boss Wang Tian in front of him seriously.

"I see!"

Boss Wang Tian looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with emotion in his eyes.

"Professor Cheng, you still see far ahead!"

"well enough!"

Cheng Hao shrugged.

"Just because I am in this position now, I need to do something for my country, my nation and even the entire human race. Although human progress is driven by one person, if I want to maintain this progress,

and even accelerate the development of this progress.

Obviously, only one person is not enough. What is needed is a large number of talents in various disciplines, even geniuses! Only when there are enough talents, can mankind have room for development!"


Boss Wang Tian nodded in agreement.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Hao came to a small courtyard and had a thorough communication with the upper management about education reform. This kind of education reform is a deep-seated reform.

Even if we carry out fundamental reforms, the interests involved are too great.

Even with Cheng Hao's current identity and status, if he needs to promote this, he also needs to patiently convince other people.

The top few people are actually quite optimistic about Cheng Hao's plan, but it also involves the interests of various factions.

Everyone still looked hesitant.

"About this plan, it is for the future of China and the future of mankind! It is urgent to deepen the reform of education!"

"But, Professor Cheng, if artificial intelligence teachers enter the education system on such a large scale, will it have any impact on the level of human knowledge? After all, it is a comprehensive reform of the education level. I'm afraid..."

"Will there not be problems with the dissemination of human knowledge? In fact, artificial intelligence, like humans, needs to correct errors. This is normal. Compared with humans, artificial intelligence is actually less likely to make mistakes.


As he spoke, Cheng Hao paused and looked at the leaders around him with a solemn expression.

"I will only talk about this education reform once, because it is related to the transformation of the entire China and even the entire world civilization! It is a great progress in the level of education!

I know that this level of reform will definitely touch the interests of many people, but because of this, if the reform is not carried out, I feel..."

As he said this, a hint of sigh flashed in Cheng Hao's eyes.

"I agree to reforms!"

Soon, after thinking for a while, the leaders next to them all chose to raise their hands.

There is no way, Professor Cheng has said it for this reason. If you don't support it at this time, it is basically equivalent to not supporting the progress of human science.

Those who do not support China's progress will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Soon, everyone chose to support it.

"Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone for stepping into the future!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Hao began to discuss some details of education reform with the big guys around him.

Including some management rules and management methods for artificial intelligence teachers.

It is completely controlled by artificial intelligence, which obviously cannot reassure the big guys in front of us. Regarding artificial intelligence, certain engineers are still responsible for maintaining it.

And despite the issue of artificial intelligence spending, which is mainly supported by the national finance, Galaxy Technology will not make money on this kind of thing.

All state purchases of artificial intelligence teachers basically only charge cost prices, with only a slight increase on the cost basis.

That's all!

Therefore, the incredibly low price of a robot does not even exceed 10,000!

True cost price.

But in addition, there is also the education content in the education reform. These contents are completely controlled by Cheng Hao, and then he is responsible for promotion. Cheng Hao is responsible for controlling everything such as teaching materials.

There are many things involved.

Cheng Hao helps them solve many problems.

Of course, Cheng Hao also encountered many confusing things, but they were also solved quickly by him.

Cheng Hao spent nearly a month working on the entire education reform plan!

For this educational reform plan, Cheng Hao did not even do any research for more than a month, except supervising Xiao u every day.

Basically, it is all placed on this education plan.

Finally, after Cheng Hao had been grinding for so long.

This plan is finally launched!


"The 13th set of pilot plans for deepening education reform is about to be launched on a pilot basis. The person responsible for overall responsibility for this reform is the famous scientist, Academician Cheng!"

When this news came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet.

"What the hell??? Professor Cheng is planning to reform education??? No! Professor Cheng is not an educationist either. How come his business scope is so wide that he actually went to engage in education??"

"Professor Cheng, have you ever seen anything that he doesn't understand??"

"Haoshen Wudi! I just don't know what grade this reform started from, and whether it will really have any good effects!"

This chapter has been completed!
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