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Chapter 620 Dispute

"No, can a smart teacher at this price really be used???"

A large group of netizens began to question this price.

Soon, the education department issued a statement.

"This price is completely supplied by Professor Cheng at cost price, and the transportation cost is provided by the state. This kind of teacher robot is also subsidized by Professor Cheng! All these robots adopt the same standard!"

"The cost price, I'm afraid it's really the cost price..."

"Haha, Guixin! This is definitely not the cost price! I work in a factory. I only sell a small amount of iron for 8,000 yuan. At this price, I still have a profit of at least 6,000 yuan!"

"Ah, yes, yes, Nima, the cost of your robot is calculated based on the iron on the body. You are so awesome! According to your calculation, the actual cost of the computer is probably only dozens of yuan! Damn it!


"Indeed, I don't even know how some people calculate the cost. According to this algorithm, the cost of the earth is actually not high. It's ridiculous!"

"Yes! If you buy Professor Cheng's robot at this price, I'm afraid it will still lose money... It has to be Professor Cheng!"

"Furthermore, this price is expensive. Why don't you go to the market and hire someone to try it? The cost of hiring a human teacher is more than four or five thousand a month! This artificial intelligence only costs eight thousand! According to the current warranty period

Come and see.

There will definitely be no problem if you use it for at least three to five years. Damn it, this is simply too cheap!"

"Indeed! I think one hundred thousand yuan is a bargain!"

"But one hundred thousand yuan is indeed a huge burden on the national finance, and it has to be Professor Cheng!"


Discussions continue online.

The team led by Cheng Hao continues to overcome the challenges of textbooks and education models.

There has been considerable progress now.

Soon, the first set of textbooks and examination methods were released. In fact, the examination method has not changed much, but the questions were given by artificial intelligence instead of humans!

Mainly, there have been huge changes in the educational content.

Artificial intelligence has almost begun to fully intervene in education.

Soon, the pilot teaching materials and the pilot education model were quickly released and published online.

"What the hell??? This is to completely abolish the previous education model!"

"Yes! It's awesome! Professor Cheng is really awesome. I don't even know what to say. I used to doubt that Professor Cheng's education reform was for his own wallet. I didn't expect... It's really awesome."

Damn, there is no selfishness at all!"

"Yes! Just look at this education model and you will know that Professor Cheng is really exploring a model that combines humans and technology!"

"Speaking of which, many people say that Professor Cheng does not understand education, but in fact, Professor Cheng donated a large number of smart teachers to many primary and secondary schools in impoverished mountainous areas a long time ago. To be honest, Professor Cheng really does not understand education??


"Yes, I want to say this too. I think Professor Cheng definitely knows how to educate!"

"Just kidding, what would Professor Cheng do if he really didn't understand? Look at this drastic change. It feels like Professor Cheng's understanding of education far exceeds that of many so-called education experts!"


The trend on the Internet changed very quickly, and knowledge instantly gained the support of many people due to the emergence of some plans for education reform.

Because the new plan is very fair.

Although I don’t know how effective it will be, Professor Cheng’s move is obviously not a patchwork on the original education system, but a real start to tear it down and rebuild it.

Although no one knows whether Cheng Hao's move is good or bad, at least Cheng Hao's courage to rebuild from the top down has been praised by many people for this courage alone!

After all, the college entrance examination system has been suffering from abuses for a long time, and it is time for a comprehensive reform!

Many people think so!

Schools and districts for the pilot program were quickly identified.

Then many contents about the new educational reform began to be disclosed one after another.

"What the hell?? Really? The protection system is completely abolished?? That's awesome!"

“But what should we do about those provinces with poor college entrance examination standards??”

"Yes, although the original system cannot be said to be completely fair, it is at least very friendly to provinces with low educational resources. This way..."

"Haha, we deserve it that we can't go to undergraduate school with 530 points, but you can go to one with more than 400 points?? This is fair to you, but what about us??"

"But you have more adequate educational resources! We don't..."

"Educational resources? Haven't you seen that Professor Cheng has prepared so many artificial intelligence robots? Haha! I was a little confused at first.

But now I understand that Professor Cheng and these artificial intelligence teachers are to make up for the inequality of educational resources between regions. All students have a standard artificial intelligence teacher, so it doesn’t matter whether it is fair or not! Wonderful!


"Indeed, Professor Cheng's trick can be said to be a clever one. It has to be said that it can expose their lies. Let's see who is really powerful!"

"Awesome, that's all I can say!"

"Professor Cheng's move is for absolute fairness! It seems so! I have to say, it's beautiful!"

"I used to think that Professor Cheng was selling robots for money, and I was a little too ashamed. I really didn't expect that Professor Cheng was so good at it!"

"Hahaha! This time, no one has anything to say! But Professor Cheng seems to have changed the teaching materials. Let's go and take a look at the teaching materials!"

Over the next period of time, teaching materials slowly began to be released.

These textbooks have made all netizens confused, because the content in them is really... too weird, and it is completely different from the previous subjects.

It cannot be said that the knowledge learned before is completely different, but it is obvious that this knowledge is more flexible, which is a huge challenge to the students' brain ability and knowledge structure.

Not to mention students, many adults, adults with higher education, were a little confused when they saw this textbook.

Because a lot of the content in it is really...

It is too flexible. What is tested is entirely the student’s comprehensive ability or comprehensive knowledge level!

"Why do I feel like this textbook is very beneficial to children in big cities?"

"Yes! I also think that this kind of comprehensive knowledge test is too difficult for rural children...and urban children have a natural advantage in this regard!"

"No, why do you think so??? Have you forgotten Professor Cheng's artificial intelligence teacher??? Do urban children really have an advantage?"

This chapter has been completed!
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