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Chapter 624 Energy Shield

After hearing Xiao U's words, Cheng Hao's expression changed.

How is that possible???

Things appear out of thin air, but they don’t cause changes in space??

Cheng Hao's eyes flashed with intense doubts.

There was a slight hesitation.

Cheng Hao quickly began to check the whole process of getting the belt.


This belt appeared in his hand almost out of thin air. This scene was beyond the scope of what artificial intelligence could understand. For a moment, Xiao U's computing power almost crashed!

This has gone beyond the scope of what the material world can understand, because there is no space fluctuation, and matter appears out of thin air. This is not a scope that humans and machines can understand at all!

After checking the changes in the space for a while.

Cheng Hao still had to admit that there was indeed no change in space. This belt really appeared out of thin air!

There is no space vortex or dimensional space or anything like that happening.

Of course, it may be true, but the technology of this dimensional space is not something that Cheng Hao can research at the moment, nor can it be detected by the current human detection instruments.

This is what Cheng Hao believes more.

Maybe, this belongs to the technology of higher-dimensional creatures??

It’s simply not something that three-dimensional creatures like humans can understand??

Maybe, this is the real answer.

But it seems that this answer has gone back to the beginning. For humans, there is actually no difference between high-latitude creatures, gods, and immortals and Buddhas.

Even in many current sciences, all the immortals and Buddhas that humans believe in are basically considered to be the projection of high-latitude creatures on the earth.

Of course, none of this has any scientific basis, and many people are just making it up!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao sighed slightly.

There was a hint of loneliness in his eyes. In fact, he didn't want to push everything into the field of occultism. Cheng Hao might have liked the field of occultism very much in the past.

He even wants to cultivate immortality, but Cheng Hao, who has now become a scientist, hates the field of occultism the most.

Because for Cheng Hao right now, occultism means the unknown, and this kind of unknown is not something that can be detected by ordinary science at all.

Things that are not under control are the most troublesome. Cheng Hao hates this kind of trouble.

But there is no good solution now!

It can only be like this, take it one step at a time 1

Cheng Hao sighed slightly, but there wasn't much disappointment on his face.

If the foundation of this system can be detected by seeing it this way, then there is no way for this system to reverse time and space and send itself to the year when it was eighteen years old!

To be honest, Cheng Hao couldn't even calculate how much technology and human energy this kind of operation requires.

What is needed is energy beyond a cosmic energy level at the Planck scale to make it possible to create it!

Cheng Hao didn't even dare to think about this level of energy. I'm afraid the Big Bang was only this level of energy!

Why use such high energy to send yourself, a seemingly useless person, back to your high school days???

If you really want to train scientists, with this level of energy and this system, you can train several scientists who are even more awesome than yourself at any time!


Cheng Hao had a puzzled look in his eyes.

This is the real reason why he rarely uses the system. He always feels that the purpose of this system may not be that simple.

Many people have systems, but judging from the novels about systems that Cheng Hao has read before.

Everyone has a system, and it looks very powerful and awesome.

Many people have even relied on the system to become awesome beings that transcend this universe. Immortals are just the bottom line of the system. Many people have become saints and become all kinds of awesome beings.

But, do these people really have this achievement?

In Cheng Hao's view, they have just become slaves of the system for their entire lives!

No matter how awesome they are, they are still within the framework of the system.

Just like a drop of water in the ocean.

No matter how awesome they are, they are still part of the system. Many of them are not even willing to think about why the system exists and why the system will help them unconditionally!

Just need them to complete some trivial tasks??

Everything has a price.

If you want to gain something, you must lose something.

The system looks like it's free for you.

So what's the cost?

Cheng Hao doesn't believe that there are really things in this world that only need to be obtained without paying a price.

Therefore, Cheng Hao did not rely too much on the power of the system. Does he really not know the triggering conditions for god-level selection???

Of course he knows that maybe all he needs to do is fall into a choice, and the god-level choice will be triggered!

It's just that he doesn't want to do it!

The situation tested now is much more complicated than Cheng Hao imagined.

The background of this system is much more troublesome than Cheng Hao imagined.

"What on earth??"

Cheng Hao had a confused look in his eyes.

In my own memory of the future.

What is that giant door standing above the starry sky???

And the drawing of the starry sky inside the water drop!

These thoughts kept flashing in Cheng Hao's mind.

But soon, Cheng Hao took a deep breath and temporarily put these thoughts behind him.

Some things are not so simple, and they are not something that I can come into contact with at this time!

At least for now, I am still far behind!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

His eyes looked at the personal defense system in his hand.

“What is this thing??”

After pondering for a moment, Cheng Hao began to curiously study the belt in his hand.

After playing with it for a while, Cheng Hao gradually figured out the contents of the belt in his hand.

"It's actually a personal defense system!"

Cheng Hao's eyes showed a shocked look.

The belt in my hand can actually withstand direct bombardment from the highest-level energy cannon!

Its principle is that energy forms an energy shield around itself!

Energy shield!

At the moment, humans don’t even know what the principle of energy shield is, but this belt in front of them has actually begun to realize a personal energy shield!

This gap is really hard to imagine for Cheng Hao.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Hao asked Xiao U to scan the belt in his hand. It was obviously not that simple to study this level of technology.

Moreover, many human equipment have no effect on a belt of this level!

You can only take your time!

This chapter has been completed!
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