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Chapter 711 Entropy

The lifespan of carbon-based life mainly depends on the lifespan of cells.

The lifespan of cells depends on telomeres. In fact, there are similar studies on this even on earth, but they are basically only superficial and not thorough at all.

However, among the research results of Lucifer Empire, the research on carbon-based biological telomeres has been very in-depth, from increasing the length of telomeres to studying the regenerative ability of telomeres.

From more than 130,000 years in the Imperial Calendar, the lifespan of all citizens of the Lucifer Empire has been continuously improved.

Until 30,000 years ago, the lives of most citizens of the empire were approaching the theoretical limit of carbon-based life. The genetic limit had been broken before, but the existence limit of carbon-based life forms was no more than a thousand years!

Time will corrode the bodies of most carbon-based organisms.

Cheng Hao read through many studies on the Lucifer Empire, and his expression became more serious the more he looked at it.

According to hundreds of thousands of years of research by scientists from the Lucifer Empire.

The genes of carbon-based organisms have their own limits, and their own cell telomere regeneration also has limits. Once this limit is reached, no matter what you do, there is no way to maintain the normal lifespan of carbon-based organisms.

The theoretical limit of genes is one thousand years.

Once this limit is exceeded, no matter how telomeres are regenerated, no matter how genes are strengthened, the very existence of carbon-based organisms will decay.

This kind of decay is an irreversible and irreversible process, just like the entropy increase of the universe itself, the entropy increase is almost irreversible.

The genetic limits of carbon-based organisms are destined to die out very quickly.

Unless you fundamentally change the identity of carbon-based organisms and transform yourself into other types of life as a whole, only then can the lifespan of carbon-based organisms be further improved!

Of course, this is impossible, at least with the current technical level of the Lucifer Empire, unless it is to upload consciousness and then create a machine body for the consciousness uploaded to the computer.

This is not difficult for the technology of the Lucifer Empire civilization, and can even be said to be quite simple.

However, it is the same as what people on earth think about. If this is the case, can the consciousness loaded into data really be considered my own consciousness? Can I really be considered alive?

At least according to the laws of the Lucifer Empire, people who upload their consciousness in this way will be subject to special legal restrictions and are not treated the same as citizens of the empire.

After reading this information, Cheng Hao's eyes became hesitant. This is actually the case!

If this is the case, can the secretion of this super fungus really allow it to survive the thousand-year deadline???

Is it false to think that I can live for more than a thousand years?

Telomeres have the ability to regenerate for up to a thousand years before they quickly begin to decay?

If that's the case...

As for turning yourself into another race.

For example, silicon-based organisms, iron-based organisms, or energy organisms and other messy methods. Cheng Hao doesn't think these are solutions!

Thinking of this, he sighed slightly.

The only option is to go to other places and see other options!

In addition to the issue of lifespan, Cheng Hao also looked specifically at those weird creatures studied by the Lucifer Empire, all classifications of ancient star beasts, and some weird branches of ancient star beasts.

Cheng Hao even watched them all.

It was indeed an eye-opener for Cheng Hao.

Whether it is an ordinary silicon-based creature, a more advanced iron-based creature, or finally an extremely mysterious energy creature, Cheng Hao's eyes were opened. The universe is really mysterious!

Many things that were previously considered fantasy on Earth are not surprising at all in the vastness of the universe!

Things like energy creatures on earth only exist in the imagination of some novels, but the Lucifer Empire has actually recorded them!

Moreover, most of the ancient starry beasts are silicon-based creatures, and of course there are many iron-based creatures among them.

These life forms are very different from carbon-based organisms.

Cheng Hao looked at the results of the research, his eyes filled with emotion.

He was lamenting the mystery and magnificence of the Creator.

It has to be said that the mystery of the universe far exceeds the boundaries of human cognition on earth.

Just when Cheng Hao was studying biology seriously.

Farr has already received the black fog sample from the front.

"Dean Fall, we have already conducted basic detection of the black fog through the Allenz detector, and found that it contains one-third of the dark matter we know, and then one-sixth of the antimatter we know, and the remaining

The substances below do not exist at all in our database.

It seems to contain some special biological pheromones, but through comparison in our database, we can't find out what they are at all!"

A scientist looked at Farr and said.

Farr's brows frowned slightly.


Is it an unknown creature? According to this formation, it is basically an unknown ancient starry sky beast of level eight or above!

Big trouble!

The problem now is that we have no idea what is going on inside the black mist, and the information inside cannot be conveyed. If we send a spaceship into the black mist at this time, it is basically equivalent to beating a dog with a meat bun!

The top priority is to get in touch with the Star of Tomorrow inside the black fog, and then plan a path for them to leave the black fog quickly.

But...how to do it???

There was a hesitant look in Far's eyes.

After thinking about it, he felt a little irritated. This kind of thing was very troublesome.

"Publish the task! Let a large number of scientists from the Academy of Sciences join in the research on this matter. All scientists who find a solution can receive the highest level point reward!"

After thinking about it for a while, Far gave up on this idea!

Or publish scientific research projects!

Soon, Farr's words were implemented by the mastermind.

In the virtual network of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, this scientific research plan was placed at the top of the list!

Save General Chris and the Star of Tomorrow who are trapped in the unknown black fog! We urgently need a large number of scientists to join us!

This news spread like crazy in the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Save General Chris! And the Star of Tomorrow!

This is a huge proposition. Not to mention the reward from the Royal Academy of Sciences, even if there is no reward, if you successfully save this boss, you may very well be awarded a knighthood for your merits!

And General Chris will definitely protect himself!

Because of this idea, it attracted countless people to quickly join this topic.

At this time, Cheng Hao also happened to come to the library of the Royal Academy of Sciences to look for information, and happened to see the news...

This chapter has been completed!
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