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Chapter 714: Cheng Hao's Guess

Far quickly found some detailed information about the Cthulhu myth and legend in the empire.

The information does mention how to summon the god Cthulhu.

But soon Farr's brows furrowed tightly.

Because many of the rituals above were somewhat confusing to Farr.

He doesn't understand what these rituals are used for???

What is the significance of these things???

With confusion, Farr took all the information he had collected and came to Cheng Hao's side.

At this time, Cheng Hao was still studying the numerical values ​​of the Illithid beasts in front of him. According to Farr, these mutated Illithid beasts were completely different from before, but in terms of appearance, Cheng Hao felt that there was no difference.


It was this energy value that made Cheng Hao curious. According to the laboratory instruments, these spiritual beasts basically have high-energy reactions in their bodies. The high-energy reactions in their bodies have reached the level of tens of millions of kilojoules.

Of course, the energy units of the Lucifer Empire are different from those on Earth. This joule energy was translated by Cheng Hao himself to facilitate his understanding.

This is already an extremely high energy level.ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

This is only the energy radiated from the body of the Illithid beast when it is motionless. You can imagine what level the kinetic energy of this huge beast can reach if it starts to move.

And not only is its body constantly radiating energy to the outside world, although according to the analysis of the instrument, this spiritual beast is a carbon-based creature, it actually still has a lot of high-energy rays in its body!

There are even many records of energy rays that do not even exist in the Lucifer Empire database!

This made Cheng Hao even more curious about this Illithid beast.

Maybe, this Illithid beast is the so-called descendant of the evil god?

The one that raised up the black mist covering ten light-years was actually just a giant Illithid? Was it actually trying to find its own heir?

If you look at it from this perspective, it is actually quite reasonable!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao's eyes shone with excitement. Thinking further, in fact, the entire Styx galaxy is the home of the giant Illithid beast, and its descendants live on many planets in that galaxy.

In previous explorations of the Lucifer Empire, some Illithid beasts were captured, but they were all ordinary.

Therefore, the giant Illithid had no reaction, but it was different when Chris and the others caught it.

This Illithid is obviously a very well-qualified type, and may be a direct descendant of the giant Illithid!

Because he discovered that his offspring disappeared, the giant illithid awakened. In terms of causal logic, this all makes sense.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is.

The Illithid beast in front of me is a carbon-based creature. If it is the descendant of the ancient starry beast above level eight, this means that the ancient starry beast and the giant Illithid beast are also carbon-based creatures???

According to the Lucifer Empire's research on ancient star beasts.

It is basically difficult for carbon-based creatures to enter the universe in the physical body, and they are basically not even counted as ancient star beasts. Although there are huge individuals on many planets, they all have the strength of first-level or even second-level ancient star beasts.

But these beasts will not be classified into the category of ancient starry sky beasts.

Because the ultimate lifespan of carbon-based organisms is only one thousand years, even if they can absorb energy, after a thousand years, the energy will escape, and eventually dust will return to dust, soil will return to dust, and everything will be nothingness.

Therefore, the Lucifer Empire does not actually pay much attention to these ordinary carbon-based organisms, and at most only studies them.

They don't think carbon-based organisms will have any impact on the empire.

There is no threat.

It's just that the empiricism of the Lucifer Empire may not be effective, but the limitations of their research indicate that carbon-based organisms can only exist for a thousand years at most. This is only the research result of the Lucifer Empire.

But this can only be said to be effective under certain conditions, and it does not mean that this is the eternal truth of this universe.

If the relationship I just guessed that the Illithid beast in front of me was the giant Illithid beast was true, that would be interesting!

There was a thoughtful look in Cheng Hao's eyes.

But these are all my guesses, if...

Just when Cheng Hao was thinking about it.

"Count Cheng Hao?"

Far's voice suddenly sounded next to him.


Cheng Hao came back from his thoughts and turned to look at Farr.

"What's wrong? Dean Fall??"

"Following your instructions, I found some empire information about the Cthulhu myth and legend. According to the method of summoning evil gods in the information, take a look at these things. What might be useful??"

After speaking, Farr looked expectantly at Cheng Hao in front of him.

After hearing Far's words, Cheng Hao looked at the information in front of him.

"In these materials, there are people who claimed to have seen the evil god Cthulhu in the city, using some weird rituals, and they actually drew the appearance of the god Cthulhu!"

While listening to Farr's words, Cheng Hao looked at the information in front of him.

"Most of the information here was found from some planets on the edge of the empire near the Styx galaxy. The statues of gods drawn by them are also different. These..."

Just as Farr was talking, a picture caught Cheng Hao's attention.

"Who painted this picture?"

Cheng Hao turned to look at Farr and asked.

Farr glanced at the picture in Cheng Hao's hand and was slightly stunned.

The picture above shows an oversized Illithid. It looks very similar to an Illithid, but there are many differences. Looking at the picture in Cheng Hao's hand, Farr hesitated for a moment.

"This picture was also drawn by a person who claimed to have seen the Cthulhu God! But... Is there anything special about this? It's just a larger Illithid. The Illithid is even

Not even the ancient beasts of the stars, these carbon-based creatures have a lifespan of only a thousand years at their limit.

How is it possible to have such a majestic ability that is comparable to an eighth-level starry sky ancient beast??"

Far's eyes were full of confusion as he looked at Cheng Hao in front of him.

He didn't quite understand why Cheng Hao wanted to take out this picture alone. What's the point?

"Nothing, I just have some speculations in my mind. By the way, Dean Fall, can we contact the person who painted this painting now???"

Cheng Hao looked at Farr with a gleam in his eyes and asked.

"We can contact him, but it will take some time in reality. He lives on a planet very close to the Styx galaxy, but we can contact him through the virtual network. This is no problem!"

Far pondered for a moment and looked at Cheng Hao in front of him.

"Quick! Arrange for me immediately, I want to see this person!"

This chapter has been completed!
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