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Chapter 720 Entering the Black Mist

"Yes! The order is being executed."

Although the observation post in front of us is only a temporary forward observation post, it is also a standard observation post built in accordance with the Lucifer Empire's basic war regulations.

Observation posts like this are fully equipped with various facilities, with separate automated factories and custom production of various equipment, because in the course of the war.

It is very difficult to expect to resupply later. Things such as drones are themselves consumables. After these things are consumed, they have to be transported from other planets.

The cost is very high, so almost all motherships, frontline observation posts, or some military fortresses basically have completely independent military factories.

The current temporary observation post naturally has this kind of thing.

At this time, it was naturally put into use.

The main brain began to produce rapidly, according to the frequency of the spirit just now.

Although the matter of breaking the fog has been solved, there are still many problems. For example, the black fog in front of us covers too wide a range.

Although this frequency can indeed break through the fog, how to find the mothership in such a huge range is also a problem.

After all, the range of black mist that can be discharged from a place emitting this frequency is also limited.

According to the calculations of the master brain, the black fog broken at this frequency can probably maintain a range of several thousand meters. Of course, if the energy is large enough and the frequency is super strong, it can reach one light second.

But because the speed of light is limited in the black fog, even if it can reach a distance of one light minute or even one light year, it will take much longer than in the dark universe!

Since depth takes a long time, in order to increase the speed of searching, we can only start with breadth!

Countless high-frequency unmanned spacecraft were quickly manufactured, and many observation stations basically created unmanned spacecraft at the same time.

From all angles in the black mist, we began to quickly penetrate into the black mist.

The black fog really began to dissipate under the high-frequency unmanned spacecraft, simulating the previous frequency signal.

Countless spaceships began to enter the black mist one after another.

Cheng Hao looked at the monitoring screen in front of him in amazement.

"I didn't expect it to be really useful!"

Vice President Farr walked over. Of course he saw the picture provided to him by the mastermind, and there was a look of emotion in his eyes.

"Count Cheng Hao, thank you!"

Vice President Fall thanked Cheng Hao in front of him seriously.

"Don't thank me in a hurry. Although these spaceships entered the black fog, they may not be able to rescue Marquis Chris. What's more, I actually didn't do anything!"

Cheng Hao calmly said to Vice President Far in front of him.

"Don't say that. If you hadn't started from the Cthulhu Mythology, found the gods in this myth that might be seen, and then used the ritual to find the frequency to dispel the black mist, if it were me, it would have been impossible.

Find out these ways!"

As he said that, Vice President Farr's eyes showed emotion.

Cheng Hao shook his head and said nothing.

Without letting everyone wait for too long, the first batch of nearly 30 million unmanned spacecraft, all equipped with special frequency instruments, quickly began to enter the black mist.

As Cheng Hao expected, these spacecraft successfully entered the black fog and maintained communication with the outside world!

The mastermind saw the scene inside the black fog for the first time.

General Lille and Keyi looked at the scene in front of them, with excitement in their eyes. Success!

Vice President Farr also breathed a sigh of relief!

It is indeed useful!

But Vice President Farr did not completely relax, because although it seems to be useful now, it does not mean that it will be completely successful!

Because this piece of black mist covers a distance of ten light years!

If it is in the normal cosmic space, ten light years can be scanned very quickly with the help of some special instruments and the help of the dark universe.

But in this black mist, many things cannot be used. It is as difficult as finding a marble dropped in the dark sea water!

But fortunately, there are enough unmanned spacecraft!

All we can say is that with so many unmanned spacecraft entering these black fogs, even if they are lucky, they must at least be found!

Unmanned spacecraft are still being manufactured. For this level 4 civilization, in fact, many materials can be produced regardless of cost.

Ordinary unmanned spaceships actually consume very little energy and metal in large-scale factory production.

A resource-based mineral star can mass-produce countless unmanned spacecrafts.

Huge, endless amounts poured into the black mist, so many frequencies that could dispel the black mist that even the outermost layer of black mist became much thinner.

Cheng Hao was amazed by such powerful industrial capabilities.

Not only does it require industrial capabilities, the computing power of this mastermind is really beyond description in words.

Searching takes a long time.

"Let's take a short break!"

Cheng Hao let out a breath and said to Vice President Far on the side.

"Okay! I guess we won't be able to find it for a while!"

Vice Dean Fall's eyes were filled with emotion.

The two came to the lounge of the observation station.

At this time, in the dark mist.

Tomorrow Star Mothership.

"The density of these black fogs seems to be exactly the same, and we can't identify the direction at all!"

Rose had a look of helplessness in his eyes and said to Captain Chris in front of him.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Several pilots around him looked at Captain Chris with hesitant expressions on their faces.

“What’s the energy situation like?”

Chris looked at the drivers in front of him with calm eyes and asked.

"The energy situation is good, but the situation of our passports is not good... The erosion of the black fog is coming faster than we thought!"

"Yes! Captain, we have also analyzed this black fog in the laboratory. The dark matter and antimatter in it are okay, and we have ways to deal with it, but a special biological pheromone in it has a too erosive effect on our spacecraft's energy passport.


If the energy shield is eroded, the shell of our mothership will not last long!"


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