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Chapter 749 I came back to be an uncle, not to be beaten!


Now that you can't even protect yourself, how dare you take on a big job for Tianmiao Pavilion?

Hearing An Tai's words, An Leihong and the two ancestors were also stunned. They really didn't expect that An Tai would still have the mind to take over Tianmiao Pavilion!

"Something's wrong!"

"I have already warned the Young Pavilion Master about the situation here. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Young Pavilion Master to come back at this time!"

"But he still came back, and even showed a confident look!"

"Could it be said that the big job that the Young Pavilion Master mentioned can help him avoid punishment?"

Elder Wu, who was lying on a long wooden chair beside him, was thinking solemnly at this time. If his suspicion was true, wouldn't it mean that he received a beating in vain, but the real instigator was spared?

For punishment?


"The Image Divine Stone was proposed by the Young Pavilion Master!"

"The young pavilion master lit the millions of heavenly fire lotuses himself!"

"It can be said that these things have nothing to do with me, but I suffered a severe beating in vain!"

"If the Young Pavilion Master is exempted from punishment, then I cannot accept it. This kind of risk must be nipped in the cradle!"

Thinking of this, Elder Wu made a decision, and then stood up directly, enduring the pain on the two big meat pieces, and walked towards An Tai step by step.


"You can't even protect yourself now, but you still want to take a big job for Tianmiao Pavilion?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

At this time, An Leihong, who had regained consciousness, also looked at his useless son and cursed.


"Aren't you curious about what big job I will take?"

After hearing An Leihong's curse, An Tai said this without caring.


"Then tell me what big job you took!"

Seeing An Tai's confident look, An Leihong also asked curiously.


"The big job I took was..."

Just when An Tai was about to tell him about the big job he had taken, Elder Wu who walked over put his right hand directly on his shoulder and at the same time released his powerful divine power, instantly rendering An Tai speechless.

"Pavilion Master!"

"Two ancestors!"

"I feel that no matter what big job the Young Pavilion Master takes on, it can't cover up the fact that he lit a million heavenly fire lotuses!"

"So, I think we should teach the Young Pavilion Master a lesson first, and then we can talk about the big job that the Young Pavilion Master will take on!"

After controlling An Tai, Elder Wu expressed his thoughts with a serious face.

"Elder Wu!"

"What you said is absolutely true!"

"Now is really not the time to care about what job An Tai takes, but we should teach him how to behave first!"

After hearing Elder Wu's proposal, An Leihong and the two ancestors looked at each other and directly approved the proposal!


God, please teach me how to be a good person first?

I have taken on a big job, and the labor cost is as high as ten Heavenly Wonderful Fire Lotus Kings!

But now, you want to teach me how to behave?

If you do this, your conscience will be condemned!

Hearing Elder Wu's proposal and seeing his father and two ancestors agree with the proposal, An Tai went crazy. He came back to be a master, not to be beaten!

"Young Pavilion Master!"

"We should enjoy the blessings ourselves and bear the difficulties together!"

"Although I don't know what trump cards you came back with, I have been severely beaten, so you have to accompany me!"

"Don't worry, after you have been severely beaten, I will lift the restriction on your ability to speak!"

Hearing that An Leihong approved his proposal, Elder Wu also whispered to An Tai with a proud look on his face.


"You got beaten, it has nothing to do with me!"

"You had to run back early. If you hadn't run back early, wouldn't you have been able to come back with me and bring a big job?"

"This is all your own fault. Why did you drag me into this?"

Hearing what Elder Wu said, An Tai exploded instantly. Then he looked at Elder Wu and cursed loudly, but there was no sound.

"Elder Wu!"

"Take An Tai to the wooden bench!"

"Today, my two ancestors and I must teach him a lesson!"

"If I don't discipline him properly, how can I safely hand Tianmiao Pavilion into his hands in the future?"

At this time, An Leihong, who was not far away, looked at Elder Wu and issued an order.


"I don't want to take over Tianmiao Pavilion!"

"I want to go to Star Soul Palace to be a handyman!"

Hearing his father's words, An Tai almost burst into tears. If he could speak, he would really want to say something now: "How about we, father and son, each step back, I won't take over Tianmiao Pavilion, and you don't have to lecture me."



"Elder Wu, are you such a bitch?"

"Tie me to a bench and you just stand aside and watch the fun?"

"Why don't you lift the restraint on me so that I can scream a few times in a while!"

"If I don't even scream, they will definitely think that I am provoking them, and then they will really kill me!"

Seeing that Elder Wu did not lift his ban on speaking, but instead stood aside and watched the excitement, An Tai on the bench instantly panicked!

After a while!

"Tell me about it!"

"What kind of big job did you come back with?"

After An Leihong and the two ancestors gave An Tai a hard lesson, An Leihong then asked curiously.

At this time, Elder Wu also directly lifted the restrictions on An Tai!


“This beating I received was truly unjust!”

"You shouldn't have beaten me!"

"Let me tell you, the job I took on this time is definitely beyond your imagination. That is, I brought back one million nine-petal Tianmiao Fire Lotus. As long as we mobilize all the disciples and elders of Tianmiao Pavilion to work together,

If all these million Heavenly Wonderful Fire Lotuses are destroyed, then our Heavenly Wonderful Pavilion will take off!"

"Moreover, as long as we do this job well, our Tianmiao Pavilion can get ten heavens..."

Hearing An Leihong's inquiry, An Tai also endured the pain of the big meat movie and quickly told the situation. However, when he was about to tell the story of the extremely arrogant and hard work, An Leihong's expression changed.

The livid man yelled: "That's enough, you traitor. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know why the flowers are so red!"

So angry!

At this time, An Leihong was completely furious!ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

He never thought that letting many disciples and elders of Tianmiao Pavilion see it was not enough!

He actually wanted to let them defeat him himself!

This is simply an attempt to kill the many disciples and elders of Tianmiao Pavilion!


"Can you please let me finish what I'm saying?"

"Why do you always interrupt me!"

At this time, An Tai went crazy when he saw his father interrupting him directly!

This chapter has been completed!
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