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Chapter 1193 Robbing the rich and helping the poor

"Two...more than two million is still gold!"

When he first heard about such a number, Zuo Feng couldn't help but stutter a little given his temperament, and his speech seemed a little unclear.

In fact, before coming here, Amber had already told Zuo Feng clearly about the bets and odds. However, Zuo Feng had never participated in this kind of bet, and secondly, his cultivation at that time was firmly suppressed.

At the first level of the physical strength stage, how can I be in the mood to care about how much money I will make if I win the battle.

The reason why he invested the money on himself and mortgaged the materials provided to him by the three families was because this time he felt that his life might not be guaranteed.

The three families passively resolved the challenge, and Zuo Feng was somewhat dissatisfied. Although he knew that the decision-maker had also considered the possibility of him winning, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Zuo Feng chose to make a desperate move, mortgaging all the resources he could mobilize into gold coins and investing in this gamble.

If you die in the battle, all other possessions outside your body will be of no use. If you win the bet, you will not only gain your life, but also a large sum of money.

It's just that he didn't take this number seriously, so after hearing Amber's words, he just felt that there was something wrong with his ears. After all, this number was a bit too scary.

You must know that when I found the Jinyan Mountain bandit's decades of savings in the secret cave of Jinyan Mountain, it only amounted to tens of thousands of gold coins. I had already squandered the same amount all the way from Yelin to Xuanwu.

But all of a sudden, he had such a large sum of money, and Zuo Feng's character was confused for a while.

Shocked in his heart, Zuo Feng did not reach out to take the money card, but hesitated for a moment before saying: "Why are there four money cards here? I only gave you one at the beginning, and these other three...?"


Amber smiled and said: "The amount stored in this money storage card is limited. It can store up to 500,000 gold coins. When the storage is full, it will only be 500,000. Now the money in these four money storage cards is added to

Together, of course there are two million."

After understanding this, he smiled and took out three money cards from Amber's hand and put them into his arms.

Amber looked at Zuo Feng in confusion and said in confusion: "Brother Shen, what do you mean?"

"You yourself also participated in the betting, so naturally you have to let others make some money. You can't let me enjoy it alone."

"Haha" smiled, Amber waved his hand and said: "I said it was more than two million. Those fractions are enough for me to make a big fortune. These two million are all your money."

After saying that, Amber was about to force the money card in her hand into Zuo Feng's hand, but Zuo Feng pushed her back.

Shaking his head, Zuo Feng said: "Since we are making money, we all have to make it together. Besides, the things I mortgaged have to be redeemed, which is another sum of money. This money will come out of this savings card."

That’s fine.”

"Of course those items need to be redeemed, but the total amount is only more than 100,000 gold coins, and there is still more than half left."

Zuo Feng waved his hand to prevent him from finishing, and directly said: "This competition is a blessing among misfortunes. I never thought it would result like this before. It was just a quick show of all my efforts. Now I have got so much money.

, already satisfied.

You use the money in this money card to redeem items, and as for the remaining money, you just accept it. It would be bad if you and I talk too much."

Hearing what Zuo Feng said, Amber thought awkwardly and finally chose to put away the money card.

The two of them didn't say anything else, but walked quickly towards the stone gate. However, they saw countless fluttering confetti falling from the surrounding stands.

"What are these? Is it some kind of ceremony after the competition?"

Amber smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "What kind of 'ceremony' is this? Many people were pressed against the ghost hunter in this competition. Now that you have won, the credentials of those people's bets are no longer useful. Naturally, they have all been torn apart."

I broke it into pieces and threw it away, but I haven’t seen this kind of scenery for a long time.”

Zuo Feng watched those people tear up the notes in their hands angrily, and then threw them into the field. As he turned his eyes, he found someone standing still and crying. The crying was really sad.

"These people who are crying in pain seem to have made a lot of bets, and they are as if their parents are dead."

The two of them had already entered the stone door. Zuo Feng took one last glance and turned to face Amber and said teasingly.

Amber had a weird expression on his face, but he still held back a smile and said, "You're wrong. Those people who are crying and crying are not putting their money on the ghost hunter. All those people are putting their money on you."


Zuo Feng's eyes widened and he looked at Amber in disbelief and said, "They are still crying in pain even though they are pressing on me. Could it be that these people are so happy that they have gone crazy."

This passage leading into the arena is very long, and the surrounding torches are flashing, but it makes Kohaku's expression of dumbfounding at this moment even more obvious.

"Hey, I'm afraid these people are really going crazy, but they are not crazy with joy as you say, but they are really sad."

Seeing Zuo Feng's confused look, Amber stopped trying to make excuses and said directly: "To be more careful, you didn't do this to these people.

These people listened to the rumors from the ghost family and the painter, and believed that you were absolutely sure to win, so they put all their savings on you. But who would have thought that when you appeared in the competition arena, your cultivation level was only in the early stage of physical strength. They immediately

The result of the competition was determined.

Although you can't predict your life or death, losing the match is already an irreversible result. These people tore up the betting receipts in anger and yelled at you in the stands, shouting for the ghost to catch the general.

Kill him as soon as possible to vent your hatred.

Who knew that you had a backup plan? Not only did you regain your original strength at the last moment, but you also overpowered the ghost hunter. In the end, it was you who won the battle.

Do you think that if you were replaced by those people, would you behave similarly to them now?"

Zuo Feng and Amber are both strong-minded people. Of course, he also understands that Zuo Feng will not be like those people in the stands. Saying this just makes Zuo Feng understand better why those people are like this.

Listening to what Amber said, when I heard that these people tore up their credentials and shouted that they would be killed as soon as possible because they saw that they would definitely lose, I couldn't help but feel a little happy about what happened to these people.

But when Amber finished speaking, Zuo Feng gradually calmed down and his expression became serious.

"These people are pathetic, but they don't deserve sympathy. It's hard to predict whether a warrior will win or lose until the last moment of the battle. If Commander Ni hadn't appeared and Commander Gui had killed me, guess what the result would be now.

This competition has twists and turns. From a certain angle or a certain point in time, the outcome of the competition is so clear, but are things really that clear? Even Gui Zhan and I

Those who are involved, and those who have had a brief encounter with each other, cannot judge the outcome of the fight, let alone those who are watching from afar."

What Zuo Feng said was full of emotion in his heart, but he also had his own insights into the development of things. Zuo Feng was a person who had experienced many things with Zuo Feng. After thinking about it for a while, he roughly understood Zuo Feng's thinking.

"Yes, you and I encountered so many variables in Xinjun City. Who knew that they would end up messing up a huge plan. That Cheng Tianhao and Puppet Xiang joined forces to lay a dragnet in Tushan City. We seemed to be absolutely perfect.

There is no way to survive, but he still takes out the money and ascends to heaven.

There is also Linshan County City, there is also the elixir mountain range, and what happened between you and Yao Qiu'er in Jiabao City.

After all these experiences, none of them seem to be doomed. But if you are like these mediocre people and give up completely before the last moment, then before others kill you, you will send your neck to someone else's knife.


Zuo Feng looked at Amber with approval, nodded and said: "Yes, the journey of a warrior will never be smooth sailing. Only by fighting against the sky, the earth, and others, and facing various difficulties in practice, can we progress better than others.

Faster. Don’t give up in the face of all kinds of adversities, but don’t make judgments too early. Only then can you always keep faith in your heart and move forward bravely.”

This feeling makes Zuo Feng very comfortable, as if you have just spoken the beginning, and the people around you can understand what you are thinking. This is a tacit understanding.

While the two were talking to each other, they had already arrived at the gate of the Arena, where the Kang family's carriage that had arrived in the morning was already waiting outside.

At this time, it was a bit more chaotic than outside the arena, but there were Imperial soldiers maintaining order around the arena, so the location near the gate was better.

Zuo Feng followed Hu Hua into the carriage. The charioteer flicked his riding whip and made a crisp "pop", and the carriage slowly started and headed towards the outer city.

Driving through the wide and flat Xuanwu City, Zuo Feng hardly felt any big bumps. After observing the outside, Zuo Feng said subconsciously: "I saw that there were people celebrating outside. Could it be that most of the people were there?"

They all bet on me, so there aren’t many people who bet on ghost hunting.”

Amber glanced outside and then said: "You may not know that those who bet on ghost hunting are almost all big families and powerful forces. They learned from the 'inside' information they initially received that ghost hunting will attack you and can easily

Win. Only the low-level people outside who don’t know why choose to bet on you.

But things turned out to be so interesting, in the end it was those people who had exhausted all the agencies and lost everything, and these usually poor people suddenly had a large income."

Zuo Feng nodded silently. He now understood the meaning of Ni Tianju's words. This was the original origin of "rob the rich and give to the poor".

There were so many entanglements in a fight, and the outcome could completely change the entire imperial capital. Seeing those people celebrating, Zuo Feng's eyes gradually became deeper.

This chapter has been completed!
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