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Chapter 2659 The difference between the lines


It changed faster than the previous times, and the sound was much louder than the previous times. At the same time, the result was a larger hole in front of Zuo Feng.

I could see the pain and distortion on Zuo Feng's face, as if he had been holding it in for a long time and thought he could finally take a breath. Instead, he opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath, but ended up choking on water.

Zuo Feng's face became extremely ugly as he looked at the hole that was more than three times larger than the other holes. If Zuo Feng hadn't possessed powerful telepathy, the extreme cold power in the formation would have been completely released by now.


Especially the hole that was just opened is not like the previous ones that had extremely smooth cuts. It seems that because the fire attribute and the ice attribute repel each other, the moment the two energies come into contact, the hole becomes

There are countless jagged irregular cuts on the edge, and even some fine crack-like marks inward from the cuts.

This kind of irregular incision with serious damage around it requires a greater amount of mental energy to completely seal the gap. What makes Zuo Feng even more depressed is that the incision has been sealed now, but there are still cracks around the incision.

However, it will continue to extend, causing the incision to continue to expand.

In this way, if Zuo Feng wants to keep blocking the gap, he must continuously increase his mental power in this position, so as to always keep the extremely cold power in the formation from being released.

'This damn formation is purely used to play tricks on people. The outermost layer of the entire formation is completely a trap. I really can't imagine how twisted a pervert must be to construct such an formation.


While he couldn't help cursing fiercely in his heart, Zuo Feng's hands did not stop. He had to rebuild the formation and continue to try the "weird" formation in front of him.

At this time, even if Zuo Feng wanted to give up, he could no longer do it. There were too many damaged gaps. Even if he relaxed his telekinesis a little, a large amount of icy air would rush out in an instant.

'The fire attribute is purely for seeking death. I can never use it again. It seems I can only rely on the wind attribute formation!'

After the incident just now, Zuo Feng understood in his heart that the fire attribute formation would only add fuel to the fire and would not have any effect on the pòjiě formation at all.

This time Zuo Feng changed his strategy again. What Zuo Feng directly condensed was a defensive array. Since the outer skin of the array was broken, I didn’t care about creating another layer of defensive array and "replenishing" a layer of skin on the outside, even if

It doesn't matter if he ends up being a double-faced person.

The defensive formation is characterized by being thick and solid. It moves towards the front formation like a stone wall. The two are getting closer and closer, and soon there is contact.


He gritted his teeth fiercely, and a flash of ferocity and madness flashed in Zuo Feng's eyes. He looked like a gambler at the gambling table who had lost his sight. At this time, he had given up everything, in order to get back his money.

I can only put my chips in my hands bit by bit without hesitation.

The fifth way, the sixth way, the seventh way

Under Zuo Feng's control, arrays of formations were continuously condensed and formed, and then released to the formations in front. The sound of "呲呲,呲呲,chichi" that made him tremble at first gradually gradually became...

He became numb, and as soon as he thought of an idea in his mind, he immediately constructed a formation and headed forward to explore.

But at the end, Zuo Feng looked at the dozens of damaged holes in front of him and the mental power he had released to block those holes, and a trace of despair gradually rose in his heart.

Just like that crazy gambler, after desperately betting his chips out, he suddenly realizes that he has no chips in his hand anymore, and everything is over.

Zuo Feng did not expect and did not dare to imagine that with his ability in rune formations, there would be formations that he could not defeat. It was only then that he felt deep regret and realized that he had acted recklessly.

Relying on his extraordinary attainments in formations, he confidently believed that he could still handle it no matter how difficult it was.

Before taking action, Zuo Feng actually considered the worst case scenario, that is, the formation pòjiě failed, which might arouse the vigilance of the trading martial arts practitioners, but he could still do it by escaping unscathed and even brushing aside all suspicion.


But facing such a scene now, Zuo Feng knew very well that he was still too trusting after all and seriously underestimated the dangers of the formation.

Now he was directly trapped here, and he didn't even have the chance to try again. Although Zuo Feng knew in his heart that he had tried every method he could think of, and even if he tried to condense the formation, he would still fail.

And I must have made a mistake in some important link, but facing this formation with countless holes, I just couldn't find the important link that I had forgotten.

Almost all the mental power has been released to seal the holes outside the formation. This is like having a water bag in front of a person, and the water bag has been punctured with countless holes, and this person can only use

He uses his fingers to plug it, but there are ten holes. This person uses all ten fingers. If there is a new gap, then this person will not even be able to plug the hole.

Zuo Feng is the person who has used up all ten fingers. He has no extra strength to seal the new holes, and he himself is trapped here.

"what to do?"

These are the three words that echoed repeatedly in Zuo Feng's mind. He was already thinking about it when he suffered consecutive defeats, but at that time he had already made a desperate move and planned to fight to the end. Now that he has fought to the end, he also needs to face the challenge.

These three words, and the weight of these three words, are too heavy for Zuo Feng.

According to Zuo Feng's own estimation, even if he uses all his means now, the most he can do is to ensure that he escapes alive, and it is the kind of escape that is seriously injured and critically injured. Naturally, there is no need to consider rescuing people, and he and Nifeng may still be able to escape.

After leaving the trading house, Amber and Zuo Zai didn't know anything. The trading guild immediately sent people to arrest them. Zuo Feng didn't dare to think about what kind of torture and punishment they would receive if they fell into the hands of the other party.

As Zuo Feng was struggling with his inability to make a decision, time continued to pass, until at a certain moment, a strong feeling of sleepiness suddenly hit him, without even the slightest warning.

'No, my mental power has been consumed so much that I haven't even noticed it. Most of my mental power is now being released. Once the mental power is consumed beyond my tolerance, my mental power will be completely out of control, and it will even automatically retract towards me.

In the sea of ​​thoughts.'

The moment the tired feeling hit, Zuo Feng immediately noticed the situation in the sea of ​​thoughts. He had been thinking about how to choose and choose, but completely ignored that he was maintaining a process of fully operating his thoughts. And in

After noticing Nian Hai's weakness, he immediately understood the seriousness of the problem.

'I'm almost reaching my limit. I can't hold on anymore. It seems like I have to give up. Amber Zuozai, I can never give up. After escaping from here, Niufeng and I must try our best to find the two of them.

, the rest can only be left to fate.'

When he made this decision, Zuo Feng knew that his fate had been handed over to God again, and even if he was really lucky, the road ahead would be extremely difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Zuo Feng calmed down and wanted to adjust his state to the best, but the weakness of his mind made him feel the dizziness in his head getting stronger and stronger.

He knew that he could not delay any longer, otherwise his condition would get worse and worse, and even escaping with his life would be a big problem. The sea of ​​thoughts moved slightly, and the next moment all the thoughts released outside had been inspired, and then those thoughts

It will be completely absorbed into the sea of ​​thoughts.

But just when Zuo Feng was about to withdraw his telekinesis, there was a sound of opening the door not far away. That was when the bamboo door was pushed back, and it made a unique "squeaking" sound. Because bamboo is hollow, this sound was heard

It sounds a bit low and hollow.

The moment the door opened, Zuo Feng's hair stood up. Because of the formation, Zuo Feng was unable to extend his mind power into the bamboo building. He only relied on observation and intuition to judge where the bamboo building should be.

No one's.

As a result, a person appeared very suddenly, and Zuo Feng was unprepared for this. At this moment, Zuo Feng stopped his desperate escape, and the released telepathy was also frozen on the spot at this moment.


Thin footsteps sounded, as if someone was walking out of the bamboo building. Zuo Feng was currently at the side and rear of the bamboo building. From the direction of the sound, it could be judged that the unidentified person came from the side of the bamboo building.

He walked out of a bamboo house. Fortunately, after leaving the bamboo house, this person did not come towards the direction where Zuo Feng was hiding.

The man's footsteps were very gentle, and soon he was far away from the bamboo house, walking along the path towards the outside of the bamboo house. At a certain moment, Zuo Feng was surprised to find that the formation that he had been unable to see through


Although the damaged gaps are still there, the extremely cold power of the liquid in them seems to have solidified suddenly. At this time, even if Zuo Feng removes his telekinesis, there is no need to worry that the cold power will rush out.

With Zuo Feng's formation attainments, it was obvious immediately because the person who suddenly appeared had a token that affected the formation, so when he stepped into the range of the formation, it would stop the entire formation.

, that is, any force in the formation will not cause harm to it.

'Opportunity, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. While I was in the process of pòjiě formation, the other party actually solidified the formation, so that I can study it calmly.'

Thinking excitedly in his heart, Zuo Feng had already stepped forward and stood directly in front of the formation.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

"I'm hungry for wine. Let's get some wine."

When the second voice sounded, Zuo Feng subconsciously looked up, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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