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Chapter 3476 Nowhere to go

Seeing Han Bing and Blizzard escape from the formation, and after joining the battlefield, causing the entire battlefield to change in an instant, a look of ferocity and ruthlessness appeared on the face of the ghost powerhouse.

There was even more of a hint of madness in his eyes.

If before this, the powerful Ghost Dao might have had some scruples, but now he was desperate. He raised his hands high and made a series of actions in the air. When he made those actions,

The thought power all over his body also began to quickly converge towards his palm.

If you look carefully, you will see that in the palm of his hand, there is a small emerald-like object. It looks a bit like a jade, but if you look closely, it doesn't look like it.

Among the people who were evacuating quickly, Huan Kong was the first to notice it. He almost instantly captured the special fluctuating aura emanating from the hands of the strong ghost. Especially when the aura was released, it seemed that the whole place

Heaven and earth were stirred up.

It is precisely because Huan Kong has some understanding of the rules of this world that he can notice it faster than others. While noticing the change, Huan Kong's eyes are also firmly fixed on the opponent's hands.

On top of that section of emerald green "jade".

At first, Huan Kong thought that he might have seen it wrong. However, when his eyes focused on a point on the edge of his palm, especially when he saw clearly that there were many strange lines in the jade, Huan Kong's expression suddenly changed.

It became gloomy.

'Ancient jade, he actually has ancient jade in his hand. Even if there are only two pieces of this thing in our Duotian Mountain, why does he have it in his hand? Where did he get this thing from?


After understanding the origin of the ancient jade, Huan Kong's eyes suddenly lit up. If everyone entered the Arctic Icefield to hunt for treasure, then what the person in front of him was holding in his hands was undoubtedly the most important treasure among the treasures on this continent.


With such an ancient jade in hand, Huan Kong really couldn't think of what else he would look for here, or what other treasure would be worth more than the ancient jade in his hand. To know the value of ancient jade, it's not just other things.

As a rare existence among formation jade, it is also because the formation that can be stored in it can even exceed the defense formation of any capital city.

Just like now, Huan Kong clearly knows that there is an extremely terrifying formation in the sky, but he can't see the whole thing clearly. Only the person holding the ancient jade can clearly see the whole formation, and at the same time, he can use his hand to see the whole formation.

Use ancient jade to control this extremely powerful formation.

Therefore, the value of this ancient jade is also reflected in the formations injected into it. For example, the one in the hands of a strong ghost man now is probably injected by Ning Xiao, who created this world. Huan Kong really can't think of it.

, there is nothing more valuable than it.

Countless questions flashed through his mind, but Huan Kong did not forget the most important thing. The moment he stared at the ancient jade, he had already sent a message to everyone around him.

"Everyone, be careful, the other party has activated the formation!"

He used telekinesis, and everyone on their side heard the sound transmission clearly, and the moment they heard the sound transmission, they immediately paid full attention to any changes in their surroundings.

Just after Huan Kong reminded everyone, in less than half a breath, a vague wave suddenly flashed in front of everyone. This time the change was even more sudden than before, and the breath was even more obscure.

However, almost everyone present quickly stopped and retreated away the moment the fluctuation appeared.

When the ghost master saw this scene, he couldn't help but show a ferocious look on his face. He had tried his best to suppress the fluctuations of the formation to the minimum level. But he didn't expect that the guys in front of him still noticed it in advance.

And he dodged it accurately.

Everyone except Huan Kong did not notice the subtle formation fluctuation, but everyone trusted Huan Kong very much. Since it was him who warned everyone, of course everyone's first reaction was to evade first, and everyone

It is a habit of people to stop moving forward.

Everyone just stopped and saw clearly the subtle fluctuations of the formation in front of their eyes. The formation changed from completely transparent to blurry, and finally turned into a snot-like appearance.

Having seen the scene of being trapped by ice and snow, everyone frowned at this moment. If Huan Kong hadn't warned him in advance, at least three or four people in the crowd would have rushed into the formation.

While being frightened, everyone suddenly turned around and stared at the ghost master holding the ancient jade. Because everyone discovered that the glacier passage in front of them had been completely sealed.

If possible, everyone would like to rush over now and fight with the ghost powerhouse. However, when they look at the ghost powerhouse, everyone also sees clearly that the high-level ghost wolf beast that has absorbed the poisonous elixir is now.

The situation had become very bad.

In Zuo Feng's original plan, he was going to use the effect of the poison pill to make the high-level ghost wolf beast whose strength had skyrocketed rebel. Then he would use its attack on the puppets and ghosts to create a chance for everyone to escape smoothly.

Although this plan was good, Zuo Feng was not a god after all. He had already guessed the direction of the ghost powerhouse and guessed that the opponent would definitely be prepared. However, he never expected that the opponent's formation would be so powerful.

Directly trap blizzard and ice.

Although Han Bing and Blizzard escaped successfully, the situation has not improved, but has become worse. The high-level ghost wolf beast that absorbed the poison pill is about to use up the effect of the poison pill at this time, which also marks that

The life of this high-level ghost wolf beast has come to an end.

Not to mention that around him, there are seven or eight low-level ghost wolf beasts whose strength has been enhanced by the power of the formation, and they are constantly launching crazy attacks. Even if there is no attack now, this high-level ghost wolf beast acts as a poison pill.

After it is burned out, its own life will also be burned away.

Then Zuo Feng and others only have two choices. One is to fight head-on with Gui Ni, Gou Zhong and the powerful ghosts, and the other is to risk breaking into the formation behind them.

If it was just Gui Yan and Gouzhong who fought with all their strength, Zuo Feng and the others might not be defeated. But with the addition of the powerful ghosts and the ghost wolf beasts around them, the situation is completely different. Zuo Feng

They have almost no chance of winning. Even if they try their best, they will only end up losing their lives.

As for breaking into the formation behind everyone, it is really risky. Although Han Bing successfully escaped from the formation just now, even Han Bing himself did not dare to enter the formation again.

Once the effect of the formation changes, once the previous method of Han Bing fails, once..., there are too many variables, no one dares to take risks, no one can bear the price of failure. And no one

Will ask for ice and take the risk.

In this dilemma, Zuo Feng glanced at everyone helplessly, and everyone looked at him subconsciously at this time.

Among them was even Huan Kong, the great master of Tianshan Mountain, who felt a little helpless at this time. It’s just that he was a little calmer than everyone else. Just as his cultivation and realm were higher, he could also deal with life and death in the same way.

Look at it from a more detached perspective.

So even if he knew that no one would have a chance to survive, he still didn't have too many emotional fluctuations.

After scanning the crowd, Zuo Feng spoke in a low voice, "It's fate that we all met each other, and now we have to face death together. I believe this feeling will never be forgotten."

After a pause, Zuo Feng turned to Si Mantuo and Zhen You, cupped his fists and saluted, and said: "I promised you two that I would try my best to save Si Qi. It seems that I have no chance to fulfill my promise. I hope you two

do not blame me."

Si Mantuo and Zhen You's expressions dimmed slightly, but they both shook their heads with a wry smile. Of course they understood that request, which no longer made sense in this situation.

The ghostly master's eyes were spinning wildly at this moment. He did not order the low-level ghost wolf beasts under his command, but immediately killed the "dying" high-level ghost wolf beast. In fact, he was trying to delay time.

Before, he would have taken action without hesitation, cooperating with Ghost Mandrill Pavilion and Puppet Spirit Sect to capture their own targets. But the current situation is that everyone has the same goal, which is terrible for him.

This is by no means good news.

But while he was still hesitating, Gouzhong spoke first and said: "What? It doesn't matter if you don't want to take action. Just send your ghost wolf beasts out to help us involve half of the opponent's combat power.

We will do all the other dirty work for you."

‘Do it for me? You bastards just want to steal people from me. I’d rather do this “job” myself.’

Thinking bitterly in his heart, Gui Ni couldn't help but speak, and said calmly: "You two, please don't think too much. It takes too much to activate this formation. I also need to adjust my breathing a little to recover."

Seeing Gouzhong's greedy eyes falling on the ancient jade in his hand, he seemed to want to say something. The strong ghost man reacted and spoke first: "I have almost recovered, since you two are like this

If you're worried, let's all work together to capture these guys."

The strong ghost master knew that if he didn't speak first, then Puppet Zhong might have to let him hand over the ancient jade to him for use first.

Even though he was saying this, the ghost master was still making secret calculations, but the ghosts and puppets stood there staring at him with blazing eyes. He was so scared that the ghost master had no choice but to do so in the end.


Silently sending out orders with their own telekinesis, those ghost wolf beasts immediately launched a fatal attack on the already very weak high-level ghost wolf beast.

This high-level ghost wolf beast was already unable to hold up, but now faced with the full attack of seven low-level ghost wolf beasts whose strength had been improved, the body suddenly collapsed.

After dealing with the high-level ghost wolf beast, the Ghost Dao expert was about to issue a new attack order to the low-level ghost wolf beast under his command. However, he felt his hands loosen, and the ancient jade held in his palm was not at all.

It flew up without warning.

This chapter has been completed!
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