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Chapter 4301 traces in the grass

After falling into this space, in addition to witnessing numerous surprising scenes, Yin Wuliu was even more confused and doubtful.

This kind of confusion and doubt is because he doesn't know what he should do besides wanting to kill Zuo Feng. Maybe there are some very precious substances in this space, but Yin Wuliu doesn't want it at all.

The mind of exploration.

After all, in such a dangerous environment, he first thought of saving his life, then finding the target to kill him, and finally getting out of here safely.

Of course, the order is not completely fixed. You can find a way to escape first, wait until you kill your target, and then leave from here.

But no matter which target it is, for Yin Wuliu now, he feels like a dog biting a hedgehog with nowhere to bite. In the end, he can only try his best to save his own life first.

It wasn't until the ant, which was very huge compared to him, was killed that Yin Wuliu suddenly discovered that the rules here could actually improve his own strength by killing the ants.

Originally, the purpose of killing the ants was to save lives, but now the purpose is completely different. Especially after Yin Wuliu killed the ants, his own cultivation and strength have been significantly improved in a very short period of time.

The three questions that troubled Yin Wuliu finally had a vague answer. How to save his life and how to leave. Both of these problems seemed to be solved by improving his own strength first.

As long as your strength continues to improve, you will not only be able to save your life in this space, but at the same time, after reaching a certain height, you may also be able to escape from here with your own strength.

While thinking silently, Yin Wuliu was also feeling the changes in his body. After the crystal core shattered and brought him a level of improvement, the spiritual energy and physical strength in his body began to gradually stabilize.

, the promotion is finally almost over.

From the first level of the bone refining stage to the second level of the bone refining stage, if it were Yin Wuliu in the past, he wouldn't care at all, because this kind of improvement in cultivation level would not be taken seriously by him at all.

You must know that in the Yue Sect, the cultivation during the bone refining period is not even considered a true introduction. At best, it can only be considered as officially embarking on the path of cultivation. Only after reaching the tendon tempering period, the Yue Sect will really start to invest manpower and material resources in training.

But now in this unfamiliar environment, Yin Wuliu only has the strength of the early bone refining stage, and he extremely values ​​any improvement in his strength.

Because any improvement you get at this time will directly affect your chances of survival in the future.

Yin Wuliu has made up his mind. He will not only seize this method, but also try his best to improve his cultivation from now on, and the speed must be fast, that is, to improve his cultivation in the shortest time.

After making this decision, Yin Wuliu looked around first, and then he turned around and jumped towards the grass stem. Compared with Yin Wuliu's figure, the size of this grass was definitely comparable to a towering tree.


For Yin Wuliu, it was definitely not difficult for him to climb up. Especially when he jumped high, he could clearly feel the benefits of his improvement.

Not only was it much easier to climb, but the speed was also significantly improved. In less than half a breath, I had reached the grass blades and looked around.

In fact, this is what Yin Wuliu did when he really calmed down and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. He had just been hastily searching for a way to deal with the ants, but Yin Wuliu was searching without any purpose. After discovering the very suitable grass, he did not look for it again.

Go observe other situations around you.

As for when I climbed to the top of the grass, my attention was focused not only on the ants below, but also on the dewdrops lingering on the surrounding grass blades.

Now that there was no threat of ants for the time being, Yin Wuliu jumped and climbed continuously and finally reached the top of the grass. From here, he could also observe the surrounding environment.

As he observed, Yin Wuliu found that the environment here was very strange. Most of what he could see was a large patch of weeds. However, those weeds were very tall and blocked more than 80% of his field of vision.

The roughly 20% of the parts that were not covered up and exposed were almost the edges of some buildings. Because there were too few exposed parts, Yin Wuliu couldn't tell what those buildings looked like and what kind of structures they probably were.

There is no way to tell at the moment.

As the Moon Envoy of the Yue Sect, Yin Wuliu's knowledge is extraordinary. If he could see the entire building, he should be able to deduce a lot of useful information.

On the one hand, he can judge by the shape of the building which empire it belongs to, or which force in the ancient wasteland it is related to.

On the other hand, through the style of the building, he can also roughly judge the approximate age of the building.

But now that the surroundings were covered with weeds, Yin Wuliu couldn't see clearly, and naturally had no way to judge. However, he did not give up, but turned his eyes to look in several other directions.

Yin Wuliu soon noticed that there was a very special hill. Of course he knew that it should not be a "mountain". Because his body had shrunk so much, the normal judgment based on size would mislead him.


In Yin Wuliu's field of vision, among the weeds in the distance, there is a hill that is cylindrical in shape. The so-called cylindrical shape is because the details on it need to be ignored before it can be regarded as a cylindrical shape.

The surface is slightly rough, with potholes and pits everywhere, giving it a feeling of being cut with knives and axes, and it also seems to have been baptized by time.

And the mountain is a little strange. It feels like the mountain is at the "top of the mountain". The lower it goes down, the thinner it becomes, and the higher it goes upward, the thicker it gets.

The main reason why Yin Wuliu regarded the cylindrical boulder in front of him as a mountain was because it was difficult to see such a "strange mountain" in the outside world, but it was not uncommon in the ancient wilderness.

In other words, in the ancient wilderness, huge mountains similar to this were very common. So Yin Wuliu's first reaction when he saw the huge stone was to regard it as a high mountain.

But then he denied his speculation. After all, a small piece of grass was like a towering tree to him, so the boulder in front of him would definitely not be a mountain-like existence.

Seeing the strange boulder standing so lonely in his field of vision, Yin Wuliu made a decision in a very short time, and then he jumped directly.

Although it is just a piece of grass, according to Yin Wuliu's size and his own cultivation level, if he jumps directly like this, it is no different from seeking death. After all, he only has the strength of the second level of the bone refining stage.

Falling directly to the ground from such a height, being shattered into pieces is an inevitable result, and Yin Wuliu should be aware of this.

However, Yin Wuliu's face was calm. Only the glimmer of light in his eyes clearly showed that he was in a state of mental stress at the moment.

As he continued to fall, Yin Wuliu's falling speed became faster and faster. When he was about to lose control, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped lightly on the grass stem.

This kick was very clever. Yin Wuliu flew forward and sideways, and the grass stem twisted on the spot. As the grass stem twisted and rotated, a blade of grass appeared directly in front of Yin Wuliu.


The direction in which Yin Wuliu flew out happened to be the direction in which the blade of grass turned over. He reached out to grab the blade of grass without hesitation.

As a result, the falling trend was slightly slowed down, and at the same time, the body seemed to be swinging, swinging diagonally downward as the grass blades curved.

When the blade of grass was twisted to the extreme, Yin Wuliu let go and let himself fall freely. This time he quickly grabbed another blade of grass, almost using the same blade to move diagonally.

Swinging downwards, the speed is also controlled within a certain range, neither too slow nor too fast.

In this way, with the help of four blades of grass, Yin Wuliu fell down from the grass. After returning to the ground, Yin Wuliu immediately looked towards the position where he had killed the ants. There, except for a large area of ​​wet ground, there was another

There was no other presence, and it was as if the giant ant had never appeared before.

When the ants completely disappeared without a trace, Yin Wuliu acted quite calmly. He turned around silently and then accelerated towards the front.

When Yin Wuliu came to the ground, his field of vision was immediately restricted, but his own sense of direction was very strong. The environment he was in now was not like the previous Senluo space where he couldn't tell up, down, left, and right.

Even though his vision was severely affected, Yin Wuliu was able to roughly find the direction where the boulder was.

Yin Wuliu, who was running fast, kept scanning his surroundings. On the one hand, he needed to be wary of dangers that might arise at any time, such as ants that might jump out and attack him at any time.

In addition, he must always keep an eye on another target. He has been chasing him all the way from the outside world, which is to kill the mysterious man.

Although he has not found the other party so far, Yin Wuliu believes that he will be able to find the other party. Because the rules here are like this, he has no way to escape for the time being, and the same should be true for the other party.

Yin Wuliu, who was moving forward quickly, suddenly stopped. Then he turned his head sharply and looked behind him at a location he had just passed.

There was a sharp brilliance in those falcon-like eyes. Although he looked like a young man, his eyes were definitely that of a cunning old guy.

Yin Wuliu ran quickly and came to the spot where his eyes had been locked. There was a patch of grass buds about the height of a person. Originally there were a lot of these grass buds, so Yin Wuliu didn't pay too much attention.

But now he walked into a place with dense grass buds, and after gently pushing some of the grass buds aside, he saw that more than a dozen grass buds were broken off, which was obviously damaged.

Staring at the destroyed grass buds, a flash of excitement flashed across Yin Wuliu's face, which was a sign he was looking forward to seeing.

This chapter has been completed!
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