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Chapter 4348 Looking for medicinal herbs

Cloud grass itself is not considered a top-level medicinal material. Even if it is ranked among the mid-level medicinal materials, it is a bit reluctant. One of the important reasons is that there are too few parts of cloud grass that can really exert its medicinal properties, only a little bit of the inside.

The first step in refining medicine is to temper the medicinal materials and extract the required essence. Extracting the essence of cloud grass is actually a test for the alchemist, because the essence of cloud grass is concentrated in the stems

in the juice.

It usually takes three to four cloud grass plants to extract a very small drop of milky white liquid. This is where the real medicinal properties of cloud grass lie.

However, because the cloud herbal medicine is cold in nature and requires the use of flames when refining it, this is a big test for the alchemist.

Because the flame control is not meticulous and accurate enough, the liquid may be evaporated at high temperatures. In addition, the inflammatory power of the flame may invade the liquid of Yuncao, directly destroying its cold properties. This will also

This will cause the medicinal solution to lose its medicinal properties directly.

So even though the quality of cloud grass is not high, using it to make medicines definitely requires a lot of alchemists.

However, Zuo Feng is different from ordinary alchemists. He not only has a good grasp of the medicinal properties of cloud grass, but also has unique methods for extracting the essence of its medicinal liquid.

Zuo Feng's foundation of medicine refining was personally taught by his master's mother, Zhuang Yu, and was a unique medicine mixing technique unique to the Xuanwu Empire's pharmacists. Even among the pharmacists, this method was only understood by a very small number of core figures.

Compared with the ordinary method of making medicinal powder, the mixing method can better bring out the medicinal properties, and the refined medicinal powder can also preserve the medicinal properties for a longer period of time.

During the time when Zuo Feng was unable to practice, he and his master devoted themselves to learning the method of mixing medicine, starting from the very basics. The real difficulty in mixing medicine lies precisely in mastering the properties of medicines. Yuncao is to practice mixing medicine.

A lesson in medicinal techniques.

Ordinary alchemists refine it by quenching it bit by bit through the fire, but the mixing method involves steaming, boiling and exposing it to the sun, combined with a series of techniques to extract the medicinal liquid from the cloud grass.

In the past, Zuo Feng could only determine that the essence of the medicinal solution in the cloud grass was located in the grass stems near the roots. It was not until today when he faced the giant tree-like cloud grass that he used his last strength to tear open the surface layer. Zuo Feng did not know about the cloud grass.

What does it look like inside?

Inside the cloud grass, there are countless fine "pipes", which seem to provide nutrients for the growth of the cloud grass. As for the pipes inside the cloud grass, 99% of them are light green, and only one appears.

It produces a light yellow color.

Zuo Feng almost immediately confirmed after peeling off the outer wall of the cloud grass stem that this was the existence he was looking for.

Zhuang Yu once told Zuo Feng that almost all the juice in the cloud grass cannot be used, and it cannot be mixed with the essence of the cloud grass, otherwise the cloud grass will be useless.

With ordinary means, it is impossible to forcibly extract the essence of the medicinal liquid without mixing it with other grass juices. Therefore, in addition to using flame extraction, the only way to extract it is by mixing medicine.

Zuo Feng not only likes to use his brain, but he is also very willing to try. He once tried to extract the essence of the medicinal liquid from the cloud grass little by little, but he failed every time.

Zuo Feng originally thought that he had no way to extract the essence of the medicinal liquid from the cloud grass, but he did not expect that one day he would be able to face a cloud grass with such a huge difference in size.

Because Zuo Feng was too small and the cloud grass was too big, Zuo Feng easily destroyed the outer wall of the grass stem without damaging the inside. Then he broke the light yellow pipe, and only those

Milky white liquid flows out, which is the essence of cloud grass medicinal liquid.

How could Zuo Feng be so polite? He immediately lay down on it and sucked it hard. Originally, four to five cloud grass plants could barely extract a drop of the essence of the medicine, but now with just one plant, Zuo Feng almost had to drink it.


The streams of Yuncao liquid essence were swallowed by Zuo Feng. Before he could use his spiritual energy, the organs that came into contact with the liquid began to slowly squirm and repair.

Although this repair process is far inferior to the energy released after killing the bugs to repair the body, it is already very fast.

If it were in the outside world, Zuo Feng would have almost directly drank the essence of the medicinal liquid extracted from thirty or forty cloud grasses with just one breath.

After slowing down a little, he puffed up his cheeks and sucked hard. There was not much essence of medicinal liquid inside, but even if he took one sip like this, the amount sucked out would be equivalent to seven or eight cloud grasses in the outside world.

It's time to get up.

This is not only an astonishing quantity, at least Zuo Feng has never heard of anyone being able to directly obtain such fresh cloud herbal liquid essence.

Ordinary medicine refining methods, as long as they are tempered in a medicine furnace or medicine cauldron, no matter how superb the skills are, the amount of medicine liquid and the medicinal properties will be lost.

Even if the refining method is mild and the medicine is mixed, because the refining time is slightly longer, the medicinal properties will inevitably be lost, but it is stronger than using flames.

As for the essence of the medicinal liquid extracted by Zuo Feng and him, it was not processed by any means, and it was directly inhaled from the cloud grass into the mouth, without any link in the middle to allow the medicinal properties to be lost.

Even though Zuo Feng has been studying medicine refining for so long, this is the first time he has encountered a medicinal liquid essence with such well-preserved medicinal properties. This is also the first time that he has directly absorbed a large amount of medicinal liquid essence, and the effect shocked him.


After the medicinal liquid essence of cloud grass enters the body, it will gradually repair the organs in the body, and then the medicinal properties will slowly spread, and the repaired area will gradually expand.

At the same time, although the slightly cold medicinal properties may cause some discomfort, the icy cold medicinal properties have a good effect on analgesia.

While Zuo Feng was enjoying himself with his eyes closed, a burst of rustling sounds came from behind, pulling him directly back to reality. Zuo Feng almost forgot that he was still in danger, especially when those bugs were bent on killing him.

If you eat it yourself, you won't be able to stay here at all.

After looking back and confirming the number, distance and speed of the bugs, Zuo Feng took a step forward. Zuo Feng's brows furrowed unconsciously as he took a step forward, but soon his brows relaxed.

Come, because the pain at this time is much less than before.

With the second and third steps, Zuo Feng moved forward step by step, and Zuo Feng's speed became faster and faster. However, Zuo Feng found that the severe pain in his body was quickly weakening.

After a brief inspection of Zuo Feng's body, he discovered that the essence of the medicinal liquid in the cloud grass was gradually spreading towards his limbs and bones.

The more weak you are and running desperately, the more you can accelerate the spread of the medicinal properties. And the more the medicinal properties spread, not only will the pain in the body be reduced, but the injuries in the body will also be continuously repaired.

If it were anyone else, he would probably run all out at this time to spread the medicinal properties into the body as quickly as possible. But what Zuo Feng learned was not only the method of refining medicine, he also learned medical knowledge from a pharmacist.

He knew very well that with his current physical condition, although running with all his strength would allow the medicine to spread quickly, his body would soon be unable to bear it due to being too weak and injured before, and it might even be counterproductive.

Zuo Feng faced the pain that was relieving in his body and the injuries that were being repaired very calmly, and controlled the speed without any haste. As he moved forward, he would specifically measure the distance between the bugs behind him and himself.

And at the current speed, how long will it take for him to be caught up?

Although you can speed up, you still have to control the speed. This requires not only strong psychological quality, but also a huge amount of courage.

In addition, Zuo Feng did not forget to observe his surroundings as he moved forward. He had already tasted the "sweetness" of finding cloud grass, so he not only searched more carefully now, but also had a completely different perspective when observing.

In the past, Zuo Feng was looking for medicinal materials in the mountains. As long as they appeared in his field of vision, he would not miss them. But it was different now. He observed them from a completely "looking up" angle. The medicinal materials he was familiar with had become

completely different.

However, after having the experience of discovering cloud grass, Zuo Feng did find some tricks. Now in the process of escaping, he just wanted to try whether the method of finding medicinal materials was feasible.

After Zuo Feng had been walking forward for less than five breaths, a dry "weed" suddenly appeared in his field of vision. If he hadn't paid attention to it, it might have been ignored as a weed. However,

This time Zuo Feng observed more carefully and immediately noticed that this dry weed was also a medicinal plant.

The reason why I noticed this weed was because Zuo Feng could clearly see some sarcoma-like protrusions in the middle of the weed. They were not many in number and were widely distributed.

There was no pattern, but Zuo Feng suddenly became energetic precisely because he saw them.

"Tiexin grass! It turns out that from my current perspective, it looks so ugly. I have never seen it before."

It could be seen that Zuo Feng was in a good mood at this time, and even joked to himself. After seeing the iron heart grass in his mouth, Zuo Feng changed his direction without any hesitation and rushed towards the opponent.


Although the cloud grass we saw before is the main ingredient for refining the body-building powder, its effect on restoring oneself is still limited. Although the iron heart grass in front of us is an auxiliary medicinal material, it is indispensable for refining the body-building powder.

a part of.

In particular, the medicinal properties of Iron Heart Grass not only have the effect of repairing physical damage, but also partially restore spiritual energy.

These two effects are what Zuo Feng lacks the most right now. How could he not be excited after seeing them.

At this time, Zuo Feng no longer controlled his speed. He found that he had tripled his speed, but he only felt the pain slightly intensified, which showed that the cloud grass had fully exerted its effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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